A letter finds its way to the Balianese court, bearing an imperial courier's guild seal from Aeldin and the Crest of Cascadia
The Dragon’s Claim
To dogs of Novellen
I hold my court with great contempt for they have labored to hide this wicked truth from my eyes. That you and yours have dragged the name of our forefathers into the dirt and rendered it to the status of common petty kings. I damn your line and those who have kissed your boots. For countless centuries Horen’s kin have stood as masters of the earthly world. I am told you have forsaken this heritage to appease elves and orcs. The weasels that scurry beneath the boots of the warriors of Horen. While his knights rode atop dragons, yours have gone into hiding, resorting to petty schemes and elven collusion in order to achieve what meager goals you may have had. You have become content with a throne of mud, and so i shall grant you one. I know that no relic or blood-ties shall ever be enough to prove my claim in your eyes, and thus i will come and grant you the only thing that has ever truly made emperors. Fire And Blood.
To the Death
Romulus III
How odd.. The letter appeared to have been a great many years old by now. Here is hoping nothing comes of it..?