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A Petition To Owyn III


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"To the his holiness, and the esteemed cardinals of the Curia,


I write this petition in order to initiate a matter that should have been remedied centuries ago, which regards the sainthood of Vytenis of Visigia (Luciensport). Through my studies of the accounts of brother Polycarp during the procession of the fifth empire I stumbled upon the diaries of Leon of Amuray, a brother of the canonist faith who created Luciensport with Baldwin De Bar, and many assorted others. 


Under such research it is to my understanding that Vytenis is worthy of such nomination. The bastard son of the wicked Bishop Karol Andriukaitis and an unknown De Bar counterpart, Vytenis encountered brother Amuray during the Duke's War in Brelus, where he met his cousin Baldwin for the first time. Together the three of them created one of the most prominent Holy Sees in the history of the cannon. 


Among his holy achievements as a knight of the Black Sepluchers: 


-A prominent figure in the Tarchary crusade, defeating Tuhaj Bej in single combat.

-Brought to justice, Arsten Bedell who attempted to burn Sister Lorina Carrion.

-Brought to justice, Sergius De Bar, guilty of burning the cathedral during the sacking of Brelus.

-Part of the downfall of the Savoyard dynasty, and installment of Emperor John I, serving as the first Imperial Chamberlain of the fifth empire.

-Died defending his emperor from a harbinger in Eastcliffe, during a masked ball. 


I find these list of achievements rather large and worthy of such a nomination, 


May God bless us all,

Ademar of Owynsburg."

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His Holiness receives the petition with great curiosity, his eyes immediately recognizing the Kaedreni style of envelope & handwriting. "Ademar of Owynsburg.." he mutters as his eyes dart all around the short missive. Perhaps out of the enforced boredom from his bedridden state, perhaps just out of sheer enthusiasm: Owyn III would directly respond.


"To the esteemed Ademar of Owynsburg,


The Holy Mother Church smiles upon receiving petitions such as these. For young clergymen such as yourself to be well familiarized with the history of our Faith, carried by the many icons that are canonized or are ought to be, is a blessing that any High Pontiff could only dream of.


Upon my recovery I shall see to the process of these canonizations with my Curia. I will guarantee you that Vytenis of Visigia shall be on that list, and that you will be the first to hear of the eventual verdict. May you carry the strength of St. Peter & the wisdom of St. Adrian onwards.


Te Deum.




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"Peculiar however, are there any miracles attributed to Vytenis?" asked Basil.

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