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Betrayal (PK POST)

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To think I could love you so much and you could betray me so much more.




Emilia Morgryn had an average childhood, was never very close to her mother and grew up despising her father as well. The older she got, the more he tried to push her into marriages she wasn't accepting of, until eventually she made a pact with someone to get out of it. Enter, Patrick O'Rourke, a good for nothing playboy in Emilia's eyes. Their agreement was simple, they'd fool her father Desmond into believing they had intentions to get married so that he would call off the engagement between her and Jakob Castington. After all, Jakob was more than a dozen years her senior and they'd never met, yet she was soon to have to spend the rest of her life with him and the stubborn girl just couldn't allow that. She wanted freedom, to be an adult for a few more years before being forced into a loveless marriage, so the game began.


They did everything in their power to keep her father under the impression that Patrick loved her and that she loved him, that tearing them apart would be detrimental. Perhaps neither of them felt that way in the beginning, but as time passed and they spent more and more time together, the act they were putting up became more and more real. Emilia had so much she wanted to do with her life, but in Ricky's eyes she saw her future and when he asked her, genuinely, to marry him she couldn't find it in herself to say no. The truth of the matter is, however, that Emilia and Patrick O'Rourkes marriage was never legitimate as detailed in the letter below which was addressed to her sons, but also sent to the High Pontiff himself.


"To my dearest children, Liam and Desmond. 


 There is never going to be an easy way to say this, but it has to be said. The reason it was so very easy for your father and I to get a divorce after he cheated on me was because there was never any marriage to begin with, deeming the two of you illegitimate like your very own grandmother. I understand how selfish of me this is to write after the fact, but if anyone were to glance over the church records, registries, etc. They'd see my name was and always has been, Emilia Morgryn. I expected you to never have to face that reality, but it becomes glaringly obvious to anyone who looks at the once happy "marriage" Patrick and I had. I hope you'll find it in your heart not to resent me, but the moment your father took you away from me because he was a selfish manipulative bastard, I found that I no longer cared to keep his secret. I know this will affect your lives strongly, and I hope you can forgive me for it.


Love always, your mother. Emilia Morgryn."


 After the writing of this letter, Emilia found her heart so empty and cold that she couldn't find it in herself to continue life any longer and jumped off the bridge that lead to the steps of Providence. 



Emilia Morgryn

1782 - 1823


This is an ooc add-on. If you get pissed off at me for this, I'm sorry? I guess? It's RP, nothing to it but that. No this isn't me being petty oocly as Jameson and I are good friends out of character, this is Emilia as a character being scorn and deciding to admit the truth as she knew it. Much love to all the people I roleplayed with as Emilia, you guys will always be my friends!


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