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Musings on War


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Musings on War

12th of Tobias’s Bounty, 1837


Francis Cardinal Brown, Archbishop of Albarosa


I have experienced a few conflicts in my life. The ones that affected me most were the Sedan Rebellion, the Tenth Nordling War, and our current struggle against the Azdrazi fiends. I have seen the cost of war: the death, the debt, the pain, the strife, the shame, the fire. After a while it becomes toxic. It rots the very soul of a proud nation, turning it’s citizens cold and bitter. War is a poison for the soul and mind. 


Of course, I do not deny the necessity of some wars; Heathenistic despots must be dealt with, Daemon-spawn must be purged, the Faith must be defended. War is a solution that must be carefully considered only when other solutions are impossible or greatly impractical. War is never an easy way out. It causes too much pain and suffering to be an easy way out.


I learned much from the previous Metropolitan of Providentia, a man who at the time went by Cardinal Gawain. Though my views on many things differed from the late Cardinal, he was very wise. One thing I remember him saying is “the job of a soldier is to fight for the day when he is no longer needed.” This I believe with all my heart. The job of a soldier should be to strive for a time when he is not needed in that job anymore. I think it is wonderful that the final battle paves the way for Paradise, a time when war is no longer needed.


I will end this short paper with a warning, and a suggestion. My warning is this: Soldiers, do not let war poison your soul and squeeze the joy out of you. Sing and be merry, even in the darkest of times. Love your comrades as your brothers, and show your Descendant enemies the mercy that GOD shows you. My suggestion is this: Statesmen, do not be so eager to throw your nations into war. Search for alternatives to conflict. Let your nations live in peace, joy, and reverence for the Lord GOD.


Yours truly,

 Francis Cardinal Brown, Archbishop of Albarosa


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