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Codes of Krug (Updated)


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Codes of Krug

The will by which the orcish people follow. To go against the ancient codes is to spit upon KRUG and his people. 




Here follows the ancient code of the Krug-Hai, Krug’s most loyal warriors. All warriors are expected to hold to these as their own honor.


Code Azh; To go against the will of the Rex is to spit on Krugs name. Below the word of the Rex is the Dominus and Targoth, who may only be defied by words directly from the Rex.


Code Dub; One may not overthrow the Rex without previous approval of all the goths followed by a klomp.


Code Gakh; One may not kill the defenseless or unarmed. They may be captured, but not slain. 


Code Futh; To raid or attack the allies of Krugmar is to violate the will of KRUG


Code H’; Using one’s military rank to influence the decision of their superiors is to dishonor one’sself and demerit their worth.


Here follows the laws of the spirits, which govern religion and mojo within the Uzg. All Uruk-hai are expected to hold these as their own honor.


Code Azh; Faith in the Spirits must be absolute; The gods of outsiders may not hold higher in one's heart than the spirits do.


Code Dub; Greater than any other weakness of faith, practicing bûrz’mojo such as Dark Shamanism, Necromancy or Naztherak disgusts the Spirits and violates the will of KRUG.


Code Gakh; To use the gift of Shamanism to further one’s personal agenda, rather than as a tool to guide and worship, is to abuse the Spirits themselves.


Code Futh; Injuring or killing a shaman outside of an agreed-upon klomp violates the will of KRUG, the Spirits, and weakens the Uruk-hai.


Code H’; To conspire with, shelter, or conceal a Dark Shaman is to be an accessory to their abuse of the Spirits.


Here follows the laws of honor, the cornerstone of Orcish culture; It is they that keep us on the path of Krug. All Uruk-hai are expected to hold these as their own honor.


Code Azh; To klomp one who is unarmed, one must cast off their weapons as well. To ignore this command weakens one’s honor.


Code Dub; To slay one who is outnumbered or vastly weaker than you is to shame the name of KRUG. They may be captured, but not killed.


Code Gakh; To kill someone who isn’t expecting it, such as during an honor klomp where death is not agreed upon or when they believe they are one's friend, spits upon the name of KRUG.


Code Futh; Slaying a brudda outside of an honor klomp where such was agreed upon weakens the Uruk-hai.


Code H’; Knowingly evading the consequences for one's actions, whether defeat or violation of the codes, is cowardice; One should accept their punishment.


Code H’Azh; To form an oath or give one's word but fail to uphold it violates the will of KRUG and weakens one's honor. One’s word should never be questioned; It is one's law.


Code H’Dub; Intentionally sewing rebellion and strife is not the uruk way; It is Krug’s will that his people openly state their dissatisfaction, not whisper of it in the shadows.


Code H’Gakh; Refusing to honor the terms of a klomp spits on KRUG’s name and weakens one’s honor. Krug favors those who fight the hardest for what they believe.


Code H’Futh; A klomp without reason is a klomp worth no honor; This includes klomps with outsiders who have done nothing to slight the Uruk-hai.


Code Azhty; To intentionally harm a kub of any race disgraces KRUG as well as oneself. Injury during training, trials, or klomps challenged by the kub themselves are the only exceptions.


Code Azhty-Azh; Stealing from one’s bruddas, whether through stealth or honorless klomping, weakens one’s honor.



Code Azhty-Dub; Kneeling to any-ONE or any-THING violates the will of KRUG and weakens one’s honor.


Code Azhty-Gakh; To force another to kneel disgusts KRUG; The dishonor of the act falls to the one who forced it to happen.




Truth be told the Snagas of old were an outdated act to abuse the powers Krug has granted us. It was to give into the spirits demands and forgo a true sense of HONOR above all else. The honorable alone are  strong enough to conquer any task at hand and require no aid of those who are not driven by a sense of honor. Finally, many times has Snagadom led to the abuse of those forced into it and resulted in half-breed children left to suffer a cursed life. 


On Punishments


Should an honorable stray away from the written codes, their punishment will be decided by the Rex, Dominus, or Targoth. It may also be delivered by their clan’s Wargoth. 


PAINTING: A period of atonement served by painting an orc’s body with symbols, words and pigments to shame them. They may not wash the painting off until their atonement has been served.


DISARMING: A period of punishment delivered by the confiscation of an orc’s weapons and barring from obtaining more until the punishment has been served. They may not participate in raids or challenge others to klomp during this time.


PUGGING: A period of penance served by painting an orc’s tusks and face and encouraging the community to flog and shame them without retaliation. During this time, their klomps are invalid and they are considered honorless.


CURSING: A period of penance served by an orc submitting themselves to being cursed by the shamans for their crimes, directly inflicting the spirits’ ire upon them for a period of time.

BRANDING: Atonement served by the permanent branding of a sigil representing the offender’s crime.


MUTILATION: Crippling or maiming an offender in such a way that in the future they are unable to perform their crime again; The severing of a thief’s hand, the removal of a liar’s tongue, etc.


WHITEWASHING: Atonement served by banishment from orcish society and allowing them to be hunted with impunity. Those who are Whitewashed must undergo trials to lift their status.


SACRIFICE: Execution carried out in the name of the spirit or spirits that an orc has wronged, optionally delivered through klomping until they are slain.


EXECUTION: Execution delivered without the right to klomp or done in the name of the spirits, considered the harshest possible punishment, as it is a death denied of any honor.


DISCIPLINE: Exclusive to znagas; Corporal punishment delivered at the discretion of the znagagoth that may not result in death or permanent mutilation. This should be done with a goal in mind; Abusing a znaga is, itself, against the codes.



Major Credits to Gallic. Most of this is from their already present Codes of Krug. I simply reformatted the post and changed a few of the codes to be modern.


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