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A Pact Of Moonlit Silence


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[Oti, spirit of eternal moonlight, wisdom, and guider of lost souls, lesser of Luara]


In the ancient land of Rah'tuma, there dwelled a deity known as Oti, the god of the night and moonlight.

Oti was born to Ka'tau and became the younger brother of Ra. He inherited the gift of radiance, yet he chose to wander the heavens under the cover of darkness, for he found solace in the silent embrace of the night.


As the guardian of the nocturnal realm, Oti watched over the land with eyes that shimmered like pools of liquid silver. He wove his ethereal light through the tapestry of the sky, guiding lost souls and illuminating the path of travelers who ventured forth under the cloak of darkness.


The people of Rah’tuma revered Oti as a symbol of protection and guidance. They built shrines in his honor, where they offered prayers and sacrifices to ensure his favor and blessings upon their nocturnal endeavors.


Following Oti, the god of the night and moonlight, offered believers a connection to the mysteries of the night, protection in darkness, and access to hidden knowledge and intuition. However, Oti was a selfish, jealous, and demanding god.

Kyro accepted these facts long ago when the god of moonlight not only guided him for decades but also saved his life. After being guided back to his people, he devoted himself to being Oti’s high priest. Now, he found himself atop a mountain, awaiting the moonlight god to speak.




"Kyro, child of the moonlit path," Oti began, his voice like a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves, "you have served faithfully in my name, yet I sense turmoil within you—a tempest that threatens to cloud your devotion."


Kyro bowed his head, his hands clasped before him. "Great Oti, I am troubled, indeed. My spirit is restless, and I fear I am failing in my duties to you."


Oti's gaze was penetrating yet not without compassion. "In the quiet of the night, when all the world lies sleeping, the heart speaks its truest language. It is time for you to embark on a journey not of the body, but of the spirit. You must learn the discipline of silence, to listen deeply to the whispers of the night and the wisdom it holds. From this moment forth, you shall not speak; you must communicate only through your actions and your intentions. However, you are allowed to speak in ritual speech when it is needed. This silence will be your sanctuary and your challenge. In this, you shall hold your devotion to me; you shall not devote yourself to any other, and should you utter the name of my fellow deities, you must come before me and repeat the oath you have sworn to me."

Kyro nodded, understanding the weight of the task bestowed upon him. Speaking no words, he felt the immediate effect of his new vow of silence.


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