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Letter to Queen Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of Numendil - On the Building of the Stone Chapel


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To Queen Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of Numendil,


This is the letter detailing the planning of the Stone Chapel that you requested. 


The Stone Chapel must be a humble building; thus, I do not intend for it to be overtly grand, perhaps eleven metres by seven - maybe more, though if so, not much more. Below are the key facts about it that must be true:


It must be made entirely out of stone, down to even the pews and the altar,


It must have no windows, though still have the space for them,


And it must be an Owynist Temple.


Beyond those three requirements, I expect it to be a relatively plain building - with the goal of humility, that is half the point. I intend to build it somewhere near the apple trees, though I will show you in person the exact location. At some point, too, I will begin, in tangention with other pious individuals, a project of journeying deep into the centre of the world from the Stone Chapel, though how this will come about is unclear - only that it will happen.


I have no other plans for formation of the building other than the above. No doubt others will propose ideas - I will consult you prior to implementation if they are major. In any case, you now know my plans, as you asked. Please do tell me if you take objection to anything.


- Serwa

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