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Looking for New Family Members!



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HELLO! Lortime/Kingcaouette6666 here. I play Alaric Valkonen on the server, and we are currently looking for someone to play Alaric’s Nephew; Bjorn Valkonen. (and potentially other characters!) The personality traits and pretty much anything else is upto you. The characters parents are no longer in the picture, so they would be primarily raised by Alaric. We are a small noble family looking for someone who is fairly active and willing to contribute to the success of the family. Raising funds, working in civil offices to gain prestige; there is plenty of flexibility, as long as you're active and willing to help rebuild the family :)

In the near future, we hopefully will find more slots for family members aswell so feel free to contact me, I might be able to find something else for you if you would to join, but as a different character.

Please contact me if you are interested in helping grow this small haeseni family!

We have a skin here for you!

Look forward to hearing from yall!

Discord: therighthonlortime

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Family is full! Thank you for all who applied :) looking very forward to the renewed, valkonen house!

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