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Everything posted by AstriaS

  1. THE BARROWLANDER’S FEAST Issued the 10th of the Grand Harvest, in the Year 162 of the Second Age BY THE WILL AND AUTHORITY OF THE WHITE THRONE It was one Saint’s Year ago, in the year 110 of this Second Age of the World, that the first foundations of our fair Kingdom were laid. In the shadow-stained, dreary plains which came to be known as the Barrow Marches, the Pendraic Expedition, led by our once King, Númenatâr Foronathor – known then simply as Ser Uther Pendraic – set down the first holdings of a realm that would come to be a Kingdom in its own right in just a few short years’ time. It was in the Barrowlands that our people, Adunian and otherwise, were remade, reforged in the flames of war against the Mori legions and the restless dead alike. And when at last that bastion was abandoned to the torch, from its ashes rose a new people; a new identity; a new Kingdom; Númendil. Now, half a century later, we yet stand as a stronghold of the Light in an ever-dimming world. Though the evils of the world have darkened our doorstep since first we set foot in these lands, from the minions of the Archdevil, to the Horror-Wraith Delgorthad, to even the conflicts of the recent years, Númendil has endured and remains resolute and unbroken – and GOD willing, we shall endure through many more. With those sentiments in mind, now therefore the following is decreed by the Will of Her Royal Majesty Tar-Caraneth Aryantë; I. In celebration of our Kingdom’s past, present, and future victories, and to honor our nation’s founders and those others who paved our way, the Barrowlander’s Feast shall be established as a national festival, to be held on a semicentennial basis. II. The first Barrowlander’s Feast shall be held in the Great Hall of Minas Aranath in the coming Saint’s Day. Personal invitations are directed to: The Royal House Arthalionath of Númendil His Highness, Leon of the House Barclay of Minitz and his House and citizenry His Excellency, Shugo Kato Oijin of Sakuragakure and his citizenry Formal invitations are directed to: All current allies of the Kingdom of Númendil OOC: Sunday January 7, @ 6:00 PM EST Minas Aranath, Númendil BY ORDER OF, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  2. Upon hearing the news, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë clipped an article on the topic from her favored broadsheet. Thereafter, she placed the clipping into a box, and then had it wrapped and delivered to her father as a holiday gift. @SimplySeo
  3. YOUR LIFE BELONGS TO GOD YOUR BLADE BELONGS TO THE QUEEN —♪♪♪— ATTEND WELL, MEN OF NÚMENOST HEREAFTER SCRIBED ARE THE WORDS OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN — Know well, o’ pious souls, that we are engaged in cruelest war against the greatest of darkness – the very hands of the Archdevil Iblees – but despair not for there is no defeat for the holiest warriors of the Lord GOD Almighty. The enemy may place you in chains, spill your blood, even feed you to the very Demons of Hell with whom they feast at eve. But never shall they take from you the love of our most beneficent Creator, for he watches us ever and always from His throne in the very pinnacle of Heaven. Though your body may break and your life’s blood stain the ground, know that you make the holiest of sacrifices and we shall forever revere you. To our enemies, know that we shall take no prisoners, nor shall we pay any ransom. Any Númenedan who has chosen life over honor has forsaken his oaths and his liege. — DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR THE LORD RESERVES THE HIGHEST ESTEEM FOR THOSE WHO DIE IN HIS NAME — MAY THE HOUSE ARTHALIONATH ENDURE TEN-THOUSAND YEARS – The Kingdom of Númendil extends its thanks to Shugo Kato of Sakuragakure for lending us his propagandists. – @Reckless Banzai Screamer
  4. A MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR FATHER TONITO Issued the 3rd of the Deep Cold, in the Year 157 of the Second Age BY THE WILL AND AUTHORITY OF THE WHITE THRONE As all ought by now be aware, it is with great sorrow that we have received the news of the passing of Cardinal Antonius, known better to us in Númendil as Father Tonito. Slain in battle at the Siege of Breakwater, the good Father was, for many decades, a guiding light for our Kingdom, and no small few among our people were bettered, spiritually and otherwise, for his friendship and wise counsel. All shall mourn his loss, but let us not forget his resolve and his spirit, for even as age took from him vitality and strength, he followed with us nonetheless in the name of his beliefs. Though already his mortal form has been committed to the pyre in the Owynist tradition, we nonetheless shall gather to honor our lost friend and to bid our farewells. This memorial service shall be hosted in the Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius, and open to all who wish to attend. Once the service has concluded, preparations shall be made to transfer his remains to Hyspia, per his own request. Mourn for our departed comrade, weep if you are so compelled, but surrender not to despair. Forevermore shall Father Tonito be with us, not in body but in spirit, for he watches us now and ever after from the Seven Skies. In Loving Memory Paco Antonius “Tonito” Temesch de las Palmas 1862 – 1953 “May the Creator protect us, and in turn we protect others. Let Him be our shield so that we may be His hammer, ridding this world of darkness. He who stands with me shall be my brother. Amen.” OOC: Wednesday December 6, @ 7:00 PM EST Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius, Númendil BY ORDER OF, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  5. The Queen of the Númenedain, armor muddied and blackened with soot, held aloft Caledfwlch, its adamant blade wreathed in a torrent of holy flame. Standing before the gathered Knights of the Tower, Templar and otherwise, she gave out a bellowing call, "Utúlie'n Aurë! Day has come!"
  6. "I don't employ any wizards... That's at least fifty-percent illegal." Remarked Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. "Ah well."
  7. The Númenedain Queen, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë had been so consumed by the fever of battle, blade aflame with holy light, that she hadn't even noticed that she had lost track of her dear friend and spiritual guide... All too late it was by the time she heard of his fate. That night, she wept.
  8. IN THE CAUSE OF LIGHT Issued the 13th of The First Seed, in the Year 157 of the Second Age “For this I swear, ever shall I be a foe of His foes, be they Dragonspawn or Betrayer’s Brood, or things beyond the circles of this world. I shall broker no pact with them, and I shall accept no peace save their utter defeat. May Darkness consume my House should I falter in this oath.” — THE OATH OF TAR-NÚMENATÂR, VERSE III — It is with much concern that we have observed in recent months the continuing escalation of hostilities in the upper midlands and beyond. For years, the Númenedain have pursued the course of peace and neutrality, much to the displeasure of those middlemen who would selfishly see the Adunians spill their life’s blood as pawns in wars not of their making. This has long been standing policy, even in the years of the Barrowlands and Tar-Númenatâr’s reign. Yet as the course of fate has spun along, our position has become ever strained. With ever greater frequency, the men of Veletz pursue a course of action and, in so doing, compel us to act upon our oaths, ranging from threats against our people to outright collusion with the powers of ruin, and now, for a final slight, they join undead in the raising of an Owynist church. This cannot go unanswered. Thus, by my station as Queen of the Númenedain, I do decree the following: WHEREAS, the League of Veletz has knowingly and willfully harbored and colluded with the agents of the Archdrakaar, Azdromoth; WHEREAS, the League of Veletz and their allies have knowingly and willfully hired a band of undead to serve as mercenaries against their enemies; WHEREAS, the soldiers of Veletz have desecrated and razed to its foundations a House of GOD within the Petran capital, which as well housed an Owynist pyre; NOW THEREFORE, in the name of GOD Almighty, Exalted Owyn and the Archangel Michael, and with the support of the Knights and Subjects of the White Throne of the Númenaranyë, the Kingdom of Númendil shall align itself with the Covenant cause. Effective immediately upon the promulgation of this document, the Númenedain shall enter a state of war against the League of Veletz. Until such time as this slight against GOD is avenged, there shall be no peace. — UTÚLIE'N AURË — BY ORDER OF, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalion, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  9. Tar-Caraneth Aryantë frantically showed the invitation to her husband. "We have to go. I can't miss the gnome party." She stated, already beginning to prepare an outfit for the occasion. @HugoAntero
  10. IX On this day of THE 18TH OF THE FIRST SEED, IN THE YEAR 155 OF THE SECOND AGE, Rupurt of Nurthrazhaim swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. He was given the name Calador.
  11. Deed of Enfeoffment for The Lordship of Caladras Issued the 10th of The Amber Cold, in the Year 154 of the Second Age This Royal Deed of Enfeoffment is entered into on this day, the 10th of The Amber Cold, in the year 154 of the Second Age, between the reigning Monarch of Númendil, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor," and the House Seregon, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee." WHEREAS, the Grantor holds rightful dominion over the land and territories of the Númenaranyë, and desires to establish a new vassal holding within said territory; WHEREAS, the Grantee has demonstrated loyalty deserving of recognition and reward, having served the Royal House Arthalion with honor since the fledgling days of the Barrow Marches; WHEREAS, both parties acknowledge and accept the principles and obligations of feudalism, including the duties and responsibilities inherent in vassalage; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants contained herein, the Grantor enfeoffs the Grantee with the following rights, privileges, and duties: ARTICLE I. Grant of Land and Title The Grantor hereby grants to the Grantee the Lordship of Caladras, encompassing the north and west bound of Aran-în-Eryn. The Grantee shall rule said holding in the name of the Grantor, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Deed. ARTICLE II. Rights and Privileges I. The Grantee shall have the right to govern the inhabitants of the fiefdom in the name of the Grantor, including the power to enforce royal laws and decrees within the fiefdom’s boundaries, the power to appoint a sheriff for enforcement of the law, and the power to enforce local ordinances, so long as they not be contrary to royal law or edict. II. The Grantee shall be entitled to the rents of any tenants dwelling within the bounds of their holdings. III. The Grantee shall have the right to arbitrate local disputes within the fiefdom that do not necessarily violate the law. IV. The Grantee shall have the right to evict unruly tenants at will without requiring authorization. ARTICLE III. Duties and Obligations I. The Grantee shall render homage and fealty to the Grantor, pledging loyalty, obedience, and military support in times of war or conflict. II. The Grantee shall pay the prescribed feudal dues and obligations to the Grantor, providing One Baich on a yearly basis. III. The Grantee shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the fiefdom, ensuring its prosperity, productivity, and the welfare of its inhabitants. IV. The Grantee shall attend the Grantor's court, council meetings, and other important gatherings, unless reasonably excused or otherwise instructed. ARTICLE IV. Inheritance and Succession I. The fiefdom and its associated rights shall pass to the lawful heirs of the Grantee, subject to the approval of the Grantor. II. In the event of the Grantee's demise, the appointed heir shall assume the rights, privileges, and duties associated with the fiefdom, upon the Grantor's approval. III. Should no successor be appointed by the Grantee, the Grantor reserves the right to appoint one themselves, or fully reabsorb the fiefdom and associated titles back into the personal holdings of the royal house. ARTICLE V. Reservation of Royal Rights I. The Grantor reserves the right to intervene in disputes within the fiefdom if necessary, intervene in matters of grave importance, and modify or revoke this Deed upon just cause. II. The Grantor may require the Grantee's military service outside the fiefdom in cases of national defense or emergencies. III. The Grantor retains ultimate sovereignty over the fiefdom and may demand the return of the fiefdom or alter its boundaries at their discretion. ARTICLE VI. Term and Termination This Deed shall remain in effect for an indefinite period unless terminated by mutual agreement, breach of obligations, or other lawful reasons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Royal Deed of Enfeoffment as of the day and year first above written. Signed, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalion, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael Lord Elerríon of House Seregon, Lord of Caladras, Seneschal and Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Huntmaster to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Captain for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm Witnessed, Ser Alwyn II of House Glennmaer, Royal Castellan of the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm
  12. Deed of Enfeoffment for the Lordship of Formindon Issued the 10th of The Amber Cold, in the Year 154 of the Second Age This Royal Deed of Enfeoffment is entered into on this day, the 10th of The Amber Cold, in the year 154 of the Second Age, between the reigning Monarch of Númendil, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor," and Ser Galadain of the House Glennmaer, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee." WHEREAS, the Grantor holds rightful dominion over the land and territories of the Númenaranyë, and desires to establish a new vassal holding within said territory; WHEREAS, the Grantee has demonstrated loyalty deserving of recognition and reward, having served many years as the Commander of the Guard of Númendil and the Barrowton Levy before that, and his house being among the eldest in our Kingdom; WHEREAS, both parties acknowledge and accept the principles and obligations of feudalism, including the duties and responsibilities inherent in vassalage; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants contained herein, the Grantor enfeoffs the Grantee with the following rights, privileges, and duties: ARTICLE I. Grant of Land and Title The Grantor hereby grants to the Grantee the Lordship of Formindon, consisting of the lands, buildings, and resources within the boundaries of the northwestern crownlands. The Grantee shall rule said holding in the name of the Grantor, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Deed. ARTICLE II. Rights and Privileges I. The Grantee shall have the right to govern the inhabitants of the fiefdom in the name of the Grantor, including the power to enforce royal laws and decrees within the fiefdom’s boundaries, the power to appoint a sheriff for enforcement of the law, and the power to enforce local ordinances, so long as they not be contrary to royal law or edict. II. The Grantee shall be entitled to the rents of any tenants dwelling within the bounds of their holdings. III. The Grantee shall have the right to arbitrate local disputes within the fiefdom that do not necessarily violate the law. IV. The Grantee shall have the right to evict unruly tenants at will without requiring authorization. ARTICLE III. Duties and Obligations I. The Grantee shall render homage and fealty to the Grantor, pledging loyalty, obedience, and military support in times of war or conflict. II. The Grantee shall pay the prescribed feudal dues and obligations to the Grantor, providing One Baich on a yearly basis. III. The Grantee shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the fiefdom, ensuring its prosperity, productivity, and the welfare of its inhabitants. IV. The Grantee shall attend the Grantor's court, council meetings, and other important gatherings, unless reasonably excused or otherwise instructed. ARTICLE IV. Inheritance and Succession I. The fiefdom and its associated rights shall pass to the lawful heirs of the Grantee, subject to the approval of the Grantor. II. In the event of the Grantee's demise, the appointed heir shall assume the rights, privileges, and duties associated with the fiefdom, upon the Grantor's approval. III. Should no successor be appointed by the Grantee, the Grantor reserves the right to appoint one themselves, or fully reabsorb the fiefdom and associated titles back into the personal holdings of the royal house. ARTICLE V. Reservation of Royal Rights I. The Grantor reserves the right to intervene in disputes within the fiefdom if necessary, intervene in matters of grave importance, and modify or revoke this Deed upon just cause. II. The Grantor may require the Grantee's military service outside the fiefdom in cases of national defense or emergencies. III. The Grantor retains ultimate sovereignty over the fiefdom and may demand the return of the fiefdom or alter its boundaries at their discretion. ARTICLE VI. Term and Termination This Deed shall remain in effect for an indefinite period unless terminated by mutual agreement, breach of obligations, or other lawful reasons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Royal Deed of Enfeoffment as of the day and year first above written. Signed, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalion, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael Ser Galadain of House Glennmaer, Lord of Formindon, Captain of the Númendil Guard, Master-at-arms, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm Witnessed, Ser Alwyn II of House Glennmaer, Royal Castellan of the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm
  13. The Adunian Queen, having gotten a few ideas of her own from this, gave a thoughtful hum as she regarded Fëanor's note. A return letter was duly sent in short order: "While Templar are excluded from the Crown's decrees pertaining to magicians and sorcerers – because we use swords and all, you see – we will nonetheless ensure that this epithet is recorded for future reference. We thank you for your cooperation, unnecessary though it was."
  14. REGARDING THE WIZARD HATS Issued the 13th of Malin’s Welcome, in the Year 153 BY THE WILL AND AUTHORITY OF THE WHITE THRONE It has been impressed upon the Crown the folly undertaken in our decree pertaining to wizards and their hats. We acknowledge now that it was a decision made without properly considering the humanitarian cost of such a policy. For this we can express only remorse, and thus we shall commit to remedying this mistake. Pursuant to this goal, the following is hereby decreed: I The law requiring wizards and other magical individuals to wear a conical hat shall, hereafter, be repealed and declared null and void. II The Crown will make a donation to a charity of the Wizard Haus’ choosing to support unjustly persecuted magical folk. III Wizards, of all varieties mentioned in the original law, must instead choose an epithet which shall be appended to their name in all formal address. Ideally, this epithet will be a color or an adjective, such as ‘the White’ or ‘the Grey’ or ‘the Wise’. BY ORDER OF, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  15. VII On this day of THE 13TH OF MALIN'S WELCOME, IN THE YEAR 153 OF THE SECOND AGE, Caedyan O’Rourke swore the Oaths of Chivalry, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. VIII On this day of THE 13TH OF MALIN'S WELCOME, IN THE YEAR 153 OF THE SECOND AGE, Halbard of the House of Hadeth swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. He was given the epithet Edendil.
  16. V On this day of THE 17TH OF THE GRAND HARVEST, IN THE YEAR 152 OF THE SECOND AGE, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and Sir Peter Stroheim swore the Oaths of Matrimony. VI On this day of THE 11TH OF SUN'S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 152 OF THE SECOND AGE, Sir Peter Stroheim swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. He took the epithet Arasuil.
  17. ON THE SUBJECT OF WIZARDS AND HATS Issued the 11th of Sun’s Smile, in the Year 152 of the Second Age BY THE WILL AND AUTHORITY OF THE WHITE THRONE In recent days, the crown has come to lament the difficulty of identifying wizards and other magi who travel through our realm and linger amongst the masses. Owing to the wizardly tendency to lure pious men and women away from virtuous avenues of thought, this is cause for no small amount of concern. Thus, the crown does declare that, for the purposes of ease of identification, all witches, wizards and otherwise magical individuals must hereafter wear a conical, wide-brimmed hat, as demonstrated in the illustration below. These hats must be worn at all times while in public so that the faithful and devout people of Númendil might easily spot those of a magical persuasion. These hats may be customized to the wearer’s desire, however as a rule they must be pointy. The following practices are subject to the terms of this decree: – Void Magi – Paladins – Druids – Shamans – Cultural and Self-Identifying Wizards BY ORDER OF, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  18. THE ROYAL WEDDING OF 152 SA Issued the 17th of the Sun’s Smile, in the Year 151 of the Second Age BY THE WILL AND AUTHORITY OF THE WHITE THRONE It is with great jubilation that the Crown does announce the engagement of Her Royal Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and Sir Peter Stroheim of Minitz. After some time of quiet courtship outside the public eye, they do now make known to all their intention to be wed. To be administered in the Owynist Rite by His Eminence, the good Cardinal Antonius, the ceremony itself shall be held in the blessed hall of the Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius. Thereafter attendees shall be led to the Great Hall of Minas Aranath to share in a feast in the newlyweds' honor, at which time Their Majesties shall receive any gifts that may be presented. Personal invitations are directed to: The Royal House Arthalionath of Númendil, including: His Royal Highness, Númenatâr Foronathor, Lord-Father of Númendil Her Royal Highness, Azrubel, Princess of Númenost His Royal Highness, Imrahil, Prince of Númenost Her Royal Highness, Briar Rethril, Princess of Númenost Her Royal Highness, Morrigan, Princess of Númenost His Lordship, Sir Robert Stroheim, Baron of Langenkirch The Honourable, Sir Rafael von Stroheim, Chieftain of Tribe Stroheim His Excellency, Sir Stanton Stroheim The Honourable, Colette Stroheim The Honourable, Lavette Stroheim The Honourable, Roland von Sturmweber, Chieftain of Tribe Sturmweber The Honourable, Sir Varik Sturmweber Her Excellency, Thérèse von Theonus, Heiress of Marignan General invitations are directed to: All Subjects of the Kingdom of Númendil All Citizens of the Principality of Minitz His Royal Majesty, Edmund II King of Aaun and his citizenry His Royal Majesty, Aleksandr II King of Hanseti-Ruska and his citizenry Her Royal Majesty, Renilde I Queen of the Petra and her citizenry. His Grace, Captain-General Gaspard van Aert of the League of Veletz and his citizenry His Majesty, Cyris King of Dúnfarthing and the Halflings (OOC) Date & Time: Saturday, October 28 at 5:00 PM EST Location: Temple of Saint King Caius, Númenost SIGNED, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm THE HONOURABLE, Peter Ritter Stroheim, Ritter of the Order of Saint Tylos, The Stallion of Reinmar, The Flame of Waldenia, Kastellan of Turm Langhof, Templar of the Archangel Michael
  19. ON THE BATTLE OF NÚMENOST Issued the 12th of the Sun’s Smile, in the Year 151 of the Second Age BY THE WILL AND AUTHORITY OF THE WHITE THRONE Let it be known to all that the valiant defense of our fair capital has been a stunning success; the spectral host has been DEFEATED. As before, the foul beings came with the storm’s wind, and scaled the precipitous cliff at Númenost’s western face. But this time, the Númenedain and our allies stood prepared. When first they reached the apex of their climb, the foul shades were met by the blades of the Hakeshites and Automata alike – and when their line was broken under the weight of the spectral flood, the defenders did hie to the prepared corridor where the greater bulk of the White City’s guardians waited. Nigh five-hundred in number the defenders were; Adunian, Veletzer, Reinmaren, Haeseni, Dwarf, Elf and Paladin alike stood together as comrades. When the flood came, they led a fighting retreat through the city’s barricades, slaying spectral harriers in scores as they went, until at last they reached the steps of the Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius, and there they made their stand. As the horde impaled itself on aurum-wrought spikes and barbed wire, they were assailed by a volley of aurum arrows, bolts and mighty spells which rent great swaths of specters asunder. At last, the Geistbeast itself – Delgorthad, the Horror-Wraith – did bring its own might to bear, tearing into the minds of the Templar and Paladins, and drowning the battlefield in contemptible dread. Yet it did not last, for under the fearsome barrage of the fair city’s defenders, the beast was mightily wounded, and it FLED IN COWARDICE. In our victory, the Crown does see fit to commend the following brave souls: FROM OUR OWN KINGDOM, we commend Ser Alwyn Glennmaer, Ser Elerrion Seregon, Ser Calienë Seregon, Ser Elissar Angrenor, Lord Caedryan O’Rourke, Lady Maerîl O’Rourke, Squire Barandir, and others who rallied to our fair capital’s defense. You are, one and all, a credit to our realm. FROM THE GRAND PRINCIPALITY OF MINITZ, we commend Sir Peter Stroheim, friend of the Kingdom, and the Knights who accompanied him. Long have the Reinmaren been friends and allies to the Númenedain, and long may they remain. FROM THE LEAGUE OF VELETZ, we commend once more the brave Sir Godric Easworth, longtime friend of our people, and his band of warriors that accompanied him. They shall be remembered as a testament of the mettle of our neighbors to the north. FROM THE KINGDOM OF HANSETI-RUSKA, we commend those knights whose names were unknown to us, but who fought bravely nonetheless. May the might of the northmen be remembered now and ever after. FROM THE LANDS OF THE DWARVES, we commend Sigrun ‘Dragonslayer’, Belekar Starbreaker, and their dwarven compatriots, stout representatives of the Valor of Urguan as they were. FROM THE LANDS OF THE SILVER ELVES, we commend the Sillumiran who drew blades alongside us and the Magi whose spellcraft proved instrumental in our victory. FROM THE PALADIN ORDER, we commend Aeolus of Khamees and Amelia of Ahad, alongside their comrades. Without their aid, the Horror-Wraith could not have been wounded so. We commend as well those defenders whose names we have forgotten or did not know. Without your swords at our side, fair Númenost may well have fallen. Celebrate our victory, Men of Númendil, but know that the war is not yet won. Our grand victory shall not be complete until the Horror-Wraith lies dead and the last of its minions are expunged in holy light. But, this I swear to you, on my Honor as the Queen of the Númenedain and the daughter of Tar-Númenatar Foronathor: DELGORTHAD SHALL BE SLAIN. — AURË ENTULUVA — BY ORDER OF, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  20. Tar-Caraneth took a break from slaying the ghosts that beleaguered her fair city to read her mail. She was contented to learn of the Halflings' dedication to public works projects! "GOD bless the hobbits in their endeavors - we shall surely aid them with this... When the ghost issue is sorted, anyway."
  21. At the simple mention of Svarlanders, Alara Camian began fuss and bother, poring over old tomes and burning through incense at record rates. Yet again, the shadows of the old days loomed... [!] A brief letter was delivered in short order. To the Lord Henrik Amador, It has been brought to my attention that you have encountered a Svarl. This, on its own, would be concerning had you not as well found it to be passed into undeath. If you would know more of the Svarlanders, seek me out. Few yet remain among the living who remember that people's last appearance, but I am among them. I have seen them, and I have fought them, and I know more than I care to admit of their ways and deeds. If information you need, allow me to provide it. It is the very least I can do. Best regards, Alara Camian
  22. ROYAL ADVISORY, 151 SA Issued the 11th of the First Seed, in the Year 151 of the Second Age BY THE WILL AND AUTHORITY OF THE WHITE THRONE As so many already are recently become mournfully aware, our fair Númenost has come under attack and now is beleaguered by the undead. Not once but twice in as many Saint’s Days have the unliving wrought havoc upon our capital, and already has the toll been great, for even the ivory walls of Minas Aranath have become stained with Númenedain blood. However, know this: although this enemy does not bleed, they can indeed be slain and for that we must give thanks to GOD Almighty. While the first of their attacks caught us at surprise, we are at the least pleased to report that the second was intercepted and repelled, with aid from both good-willed comrades from abroad and a party of Hakeshite raptor-riders. In this matter, we do extend a personal commendation to the valiant Sir Peter Stroheim and Sir Godric Easworth, as well as to our other brothers-in-arms whose names we do not know. However, in spite of this victory, danger yet remains, and thus the Crown therefore sees fit to issue the following warnings to all who dwell in the Númenaranyë and those beyond. REGARDING THE ENEMIES WE FACE, The enemy at hand consists, without exception, of undead beings. Thus far, two distinct orders of beast have been encountered in the city. Firstly are the spectral footsoldiers which we shall disparagingly title as GRUBS, for their masters do indeed appear to be made of maggots. Secondly, there are the creatures known as GEISTLINGS, so named for their apparent connection to the Geistbeast which haunts Aran-în-Eryn. GRUBS are not menacing creatures, but they are numerous. They may be slain easily with aurum weaponry, or weaponry treated with auric oil. However, due to their numbers, it is advised that one does not engage them without comrades at your side. GEISTLINGS are hideous and deadly creatures and should, at all costs, be avoided. Unlike their Grub minions, the Geistling is fully corporeal, yet most attacks will do them little harm. Thus far, the only battle-proven method for slaying a geistling is to snap its spine. Be warned that upon death, these creatures explode in a torrent of acidic, maggot-filled ichor. Moreover, the weapons wielded by these beings are imbued with fell sorcery, and are capable of cutting gouges in steel and will disable limbs if blood is drawn. TO THOSE LIVING IN NÚMENOST, With all haste, arm yourself with weapons of slayersteel or aurum if you have not already done so, and secure, to the best of your ability, all entrances to your homes and businesses. If you witness the gathering of stormclouds, or hear the whispers of the departed, DO NOT linger, and DO NOT engage the enemy alone, for you will surely be slain. For the safety of all in the city, raise the alarum, for these are the heralds of a coming attack. TO VISITORS TO OUR REALM, Be cognizant of the risks of your journey. You travel to a city under siege by the dead. If you come unprepared, you may very well perish. Should you wish to aid us, then by all means do so, but do not walk headlong to your death. TO THE KNIGHTS OF THE NÚMENARANYË, In preparation for the attacks that shall all-but-certainly follow in the days ahead, all knights sworn to the service of the White Throne are hereby summoned to an emergency conclave this Saint’s Day to discuss this matter and to make ready for the war that is to come. “May the Creator protect us, and in turn we protect others Let Him be our shield, so that we may be His hammer ridding this world of darkness. He who stands with me shall be my brother.” — AURË ENTULUVA — BY ORDER OF, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  23. THE GREAT BOOK OF OATHS Begun in this One-hundred and Fiftieth Year of the Second Age, the record hereafter shall serve to mark and enumerate those oaths faithfully undertaken by the Númenedain, be they Adunian by blood, or Middleman or of the kin of Malin. Even should our Kingdom fail to endure, may our people and our oaths be everlasting, and so therefore may this record, by GOD’s Grace, endure for a thousand years and more. – Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalion, Queen of the Númenedain OATHS OF RECORD Listed here are those oaths which followed the First Swearing of the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, but predate this chronicle. May they be remembered always. IN THE YEAR 131 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 14th day of the Grand Harvest, Uriel Pendraic and Caraneth Aryantë Pendraic swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Cardinal Antonius. The former took the name Númenatâr, and the House Pendraic was newly styled as House Arthalion. IN THE YEAR 132 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 8th of Malin’s Welcome, Emigliana O’Rourke and Edwyn Stafyr swore the Oaths of Matrimony. IN THE YEAR 135 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 20th day of Malin’s Welcome, Eldacar Marsyr, Dele Seregon and Saoren Seregon swore the Oaths of Chivalry. IN THE YEAR 135 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 20th day of Malin’s Welcome, Nicholas Aetos swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor and the White Court. He took the name Amarthurin. IN THE YEAR 137 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 16th day of Malin’s Welcome, Dele Seregon and Saoren Seregon swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor and Belekar Starbreaker. Dele took the name Calienë. Saoren took the name Elerrîon. IN THE YEAR 137 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 5th day of The Grand Harvest, Eredain Glennmaer and Kamilla Stafyr swore the Oaths of Matrimony. IN THE YEAR 142 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 6th day of Sun’s Smile, Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion swore the Oaths of Chivalry. IN THE YEAR 142 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 16th day of The Amber Cold, Matianak Helvig swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. He took the name Barandir. IN THE YEAR 144 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 14th day of Malin’s Welcome, Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr anew in the witness of High Pontiff Sixtus V. Thereafter, she was crowned Queen of the Númenedain. IN THE YEAR 145 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 17th day of The Amber Cold, Ser Adrielle Thassion and Ser Alwyn Glennmaer swore the Oaths of Matrimony. ON UNCERTAIN DATES, the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr was sworn by: Emigliana O’Rourke, in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor. She took the name Maerîl. Valandil, in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor. He took the epithet Beriaeglir. Vesta, in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor. She took the name Cireth. OATHS OF THE NÚMENEDAIN Hereafter are listed all oaths undertaken by the Númenedain, after the day of THE 15TH OF THE SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 150 OF THE SECOND AGE, upon which the first ink was placed upon the pages of this document. I On this day of THE 16TH OF SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 150 OF THE SECOND AGE, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë swore in witness of Mother Frinna Glennmaer and Bishop Callahan to uphold the dutiful, timely and truthful attendance of this chronicle. Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion II On this day of THE 23RD OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 151 OF THE SECOND AGE, Ellisar Aevaris swore the Oaths of Chivalry, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. Ellisar Aevaris III On this day of THE 23RD OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 151 OF THE SECOND AGE, Ellisar Aevaris swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. He took the Epithet Angrenor. IV On this day of THE 23RD OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 151 OF THE SECOND AGE, Edwyn O’Rourke swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. He took the name Caedryn. Caedryn O’Rourke
  24. THE LÓRIVANDA DICTUM Issued the 22nd of Snow’s Maiden, in the Year 151 of the Second Age BY THE WILL AND AUTHORITY OF THE WHITE THRONE Many well know of the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr and its place and purpose among our people. It is the Oath which defines one as Númenedain, for one can be an Adunian, or even live within the white walls of Númenost, and yet be not counted amongst the number of the Númenedain. Likewise, we have named as Númenedain those of the blood of the Middlemen and even of the blood of Malin's kin, for we are defined not by blood, but by our deeds and by our oaths. And yet still there exists neither law nor decree which rightly notes the distinction between the oathed and unoathed. As of this moment, that is to be amended. NOW THEREFORE SHALL THIS PROCLAMATION STAND HENCEFORTH AS THE LAW OF THE NÚMENARANYË, I – The Oaths of the Númenedain Hereafter are enumerated and defined the oaths that shall be upheld as matters of law. The Oath of Tar-Númenatâr Sworn first atop the great mountain Alkayaban by Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor, following the victory over the Sharadûn, this oath marked the founding of the Kingdom of Númendil. Ever after shall it serve as the guiding precept of our law and our people. The Oaths of Chivalry These are the oaths taken upon a squire's ascension to Knighthood, and serve as the foundation of Númendil's law and custom, just as they served in the Barrowlands and in the times before. The Oaths of GOD These shall include any and all oaths made to the Lord's Church, be it the oath of matrimony, an oath made in penance or otherwise. II – The Law of Oaths Hereafter are listed those laws and amendments which shall, in line with this edict, be added to the Royal Laws of the Númenaranyë. Regarding the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr Only those who have sworn the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr shall be known as Númenedain. Only Númenedain shall be eligible for elevation to the peerage of the Kingdom, and likewise to be granted a deed of enfeoffment. No title or holding held by an oathed Númenedan shall be inherited by nor bequeathed to one of the unoathed. To falsely claim the name of the Númenedain shall carry the sentence of banishment. To break the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr shall carry the sentence of death, for to fail it would be to align oneself with the Archdevil. Should the reigning monarch break the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, nominate as his successor one who refuses the Oath, or refuse the Oath himself, all oathed Númenedain are obligated to put him to death. Regarding the Oaths of Chivalry To break the Oaths of Chivalry shall see the offending Knight stripped of his station and branded as an oathbreaker. Depending on the severity of the offense incurred, disgraced Knights shall be sent to the church for penance, banished, or put to death. Regarding Oaths Generally To break a minor oath shall carry the punishment of branding and a fine. Should one break an oath to GOD, authority on the matter shall be deferred to the authority of the Church. III – The Great Book of Oaths In the effort to better enforce our oaths as a matter of law, the Crown shall establish a Great Book of Oaths to record all oaths, great or small, that are undertaken by the Númenedain. In accordance with this, the following shall be established as a matter of law: Any swearing of the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, the Oaths of Chivalry, or an Oath of GOD, shall be recorded, alongside the date upon which the oath was sworn. Any subject of the White Throne, Númenedain or otherwise, shall hold the right to have a minor oath recorded. BY ORDER OF, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
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