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Everything posted by HIGH_FIRE

  1. The Laws of Helious ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ Article I: Citizen’s Rights MSL.1.1.1 - Right to Life: All citizens of the land have a right to life and to not have that life unjustly taken from them. MSL.1.1.2 - Right to Freedom: All citizens of the land have the right to freedom and not to be held unjustly. MSL.1.1.3 - Right to Voice: All citizens of the land may petition the Prince, Princess or Crown Prince(ss) on any matter they seek fit as long as it directly affects the lands, their own well-being or the well-being of the land. MSL.1.1.4 - Right to Self: All citizens of the land have the to live a life free of slavery and discrimination. Article II: Crimes Against the Person MSL.1.2.1 - Assault: The act of attacking another person without just cause to do such. MSL.1.2.2 - Mutilation: The act of causing bodily harm that severely alters one’s body or appearance. MSL.1.2.3 - Murder: The act of taking the life of another without just cause to do such. MSL.1.2.4 - Manslaughter: The act of unintentionally or accidentally ending another person’s life. MSL.1.2.5 - Kidnapping: The act of taking another person without their permission and keeping them with you. MSL.1.2.6 - Defamation: The act of spreading falsehoods about a person for personal gain or for retribution. MSL.1.2.7 - Impersonation: The act of pretending to be another person for personal gain or for retribution. MSL.1.2.8 - Torture: The act of cruel punishment upon another for retribution or to get information out of another. MSL.1.2.9 - Fraud: The act of selling false goods, or deceiving another in the interests of personal financial gain. Article III: Crimes Against Property MSL.1.3.1 - Theft: The act of taking another's property without permission or just cause to do such. MSL.1.3.2 - Destruction of property: The act of causing irreparable damage to another’s property, rendering it unusable. MSL.1.3.3 - Breaking and entering: The act of breaking your way into another’s property and entering said property. MSL.1.3.4 - Trespassing: The act of staying on another’s private property despite being banned from such or being asked to leave prior to such.the lands. MSL.1.3.5 - Destruction of Nature: The willing destruction of nature with no purpose or goal is forbidden within the lands. MSL.1.3.6 - Vandalism: The act of altering someone else's property in any way for retribution or personal amusement. Article IV: Crimes Against Morality MSL.1.4.1 - Forgery: The act of creating false documents without permission of the Prince(ss) Royarch, Crown Prince(ss) or Aoen’Jirech’it. MSL.1.4.2 - Debt: The act of amassing a deficit of money owed to a person, organisation or the crown that remains unpaid for two years or longer. MSL1..4.3 - Contraband: The act of selling or being in possession of items considered not permitted by the Crown. MSL.1.4.4 - Extortion: The act of obtaining items, money or property under acts of threat or force. MSL.1.4.5 - Duelling: The act of engaging in a mutually agreed fight with another that was not approved by the Prince(ss) Royarch, Crown Prince(ss) or Aoen-Jirech’it. MSL.1.4.6 - Consanguinity: The act of having any form of romantic or intimate relationship with a family member, up to the distance of Second cousin. This includes parents, siblings, grandparents, great grandparents, first cousins and second cousins. MSL.1.4.7 - Vigilantism: The act of taking the course of justice into one’s own hands and trying to act as law enforcement or a judge. Article V: Crimes Against Justice MSL.1.5.1 - Obstruction: The act of attempting to block or slow down the course of justice in or out of a court case. MSL.1.5.2 - Absconding: The act of avoiding or not attending one’s own court case when they are the defendant of such. MSL.1.5.3 - Bribery: The act of giving money, items or property to an official in order to purvey the course of justice or gain things from the government. MSL.1.5.4 - Perjury: The act of lying or misrepresenting the truth in a court setting during a trial. Article VI: Crimes Against the Crown MSL.1.6.1 - Treason: The act of betraying the Principality of Helious, whether through murder of the Princely Family, rebellion, revolution or other such acts considered unlawful betrayal of the Principality. MSL.1.6.2 - Harmed Majesty: The act of attacking the Prince(ss) Royarch, their consort or the Crown Prince(ss) MSL.1.6.3 - Sedition: The act of intentionally stirring up negative views and sentiment towards the Crown of Helious and trying to incite violence against the state. MSL.1.6.4 - Embezzlement: The act of misusing funds by an official of the state for their own financial gain. MSL.1.6.5 - Unauthorised military organisations: The act of forming or acting as part of a military organisation within the lands of Helious that is not recognised by the Crown. Article VII: Inceptive Crimes MSL.1.7.1 - Conspiring: The act of planning and preparing to commit a crime, treated in court as the crime itself. MSL.1.7.2 - Association: The act of being associated with a crime, in that one worked with those convicted, treated in court as the crime itself. MSL.1.7.3 - Incitement: The act of encouraging another person to commit a crime, treated in court as the crime itself. MSL.1.7.4 - Attempt: The act of trying to commit a crime but failing to do so, treated in court as the crime itself. Article VIII: Magic & the Supernatural MSL.1.8.1 - Paladin, Druid, and Templars: Magics and Arts of a holy nature are to be allowed without restrictions within the land of Helious. MSL.1.8.2 - Voidal Magics: The Teaching, Study and Use of Voidal Magics within Helious is permitted as long as they do not violate the following: MSL. - Experimentation that could harm or warp nature is forbidden. MSL1..8.2.2 - Experimentation that could cause damage to civilians and the property of Helious is forbidden MSL. - Experimentation that uses voidal corruptions is forbidden. MSL. - Using voidal magic to harm things such as Epiphytes is forbidden. MSL. - The creation of a voidal tear is forbidden. The creation or attempted creation of one will be considered treason. MSL.1.8.3 - Necromancy, and other Dark Arts: Magics of the Undead or Dark nation are forbidden within the lands of Helious. If caught possessing these magics the individual shall be detained for questioning then dealt with properly. MSL.1.8.4 - Shamanism, Housemagery and other neutral magics: Magics that do not fall into the other three categories shall be allowed so long as they are not used to cause unnecessary harm. Article IX: Darkspawn & Illegal Entities MSL.1.9.1 - The Undead: Those who are risen from their graves, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of. MSL. The only expectation of this law is harmless spirits wishing to fulfill their duties so they may pass on to the next life, or wishing to impart their knowledge onto the living, or wishing for aid. MSL.1.9.2 - Vampires: Those who suck the blood of the descendants in order to live, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of. MSL. - The only expectation of this law is the ones who wish to be cured and actively seek aid in order to do so. MSL.1.9.3 - Frost Witches: Heartless creatures that feast on the hearts of the descendants, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of. MSL.1.9.4 - Demons: These evil beings and their kin, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of. ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ CIVIL LAW Article I: Citizenship MSL.2.1.1- All descendant kind is allowed to live within Helious so long as they abide by the law of the land and the criminal law. MSL.2.1.2- Those considered foreign to Helious may take up citizenship within the lands of Helious, but the addition of a Lufline within the book of families is up to the discretion of the Prince Royarch. MSL.2.1.3- Nobles who swore Loyalty to the crown may not take up nobility in another land without severing ties to Helious prior. This will otherwise be seen as treason. Article II: Domestic Relations (marriage) MSL.2.2.1 - People may only get married when they reach the age of majority, the age of 18. Any marriage prior is illegal. MSL.2.2.2- Marriages of any kind must be consented to by both parties, without consent of the individuals, the ceremony is illegal. MSL.2.2.3 Those married to one another may declare themselves divorced. To do this they must simply inform a government official of this being the case. This is done simply to avoid any mishaps that may occur otherwise. Article III: Religion MSL.2.3.1- Citizens are free to pray to whatever Deific or spiritual or Aspectral being they wish. However, only the Spiritual Following of Oriasm can be publicly praised. MSL.2.3.2- The following are not permitted to participate in while within Helious: Xionist worship, Iblees worship, Anvil Cult and Daemonic worship. Article IV: Labor & Trade/Contracts MSL.2.4.1- To form a contract of service or trade all involved parties must complete the following criteria to ensure it legally binding: A clear verbal agreement must be made, an expression of consent must be made before a signature placed down and the first transaction must be made from either customer or supplier. Article V: Identity MSL.2.5.1- Living descendant kind, including Half-breeds, are considered persons. MSL.2.5.2- Non-descendants who are not considered darkspawn are considered persons. MSL.2.5.3- Any individual who falls under Article IX: Darkspawn and Illegal Entities, is not considered a person. MSL.2.5.4- An individual who is born within Helious or is granted citizenship by the law is considered a citizen. MSL.2.5.5- Foreigners are entitled to the same rights as normal citizens. Unless a provision is stated otherwise. MSL.2.5.6- A citizen may be revoked by the crown of their citizenship, with lawful provisions and evidence resulting to such. MSL.2.5.7- A mature citizen is considered at the age of 18, any crimes that are done by a lower age must be reconsidered and reviewed by the Judiciary and lessen by default. ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ Signed, His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Ac’Luxz Kni’ich of Helious, Taur, and Ruke of Alterk, and Lunderia, Magin of Vali’mae, Co’tr of Voclia, Cond’pos of Oblen, Vaton of Achyae & Sievis, Gin of Sen’nyor, Patriarch of Munnel, Ac’Luxz of the Mali’Solaril Her Serene Highness, Sorise Munnel, Ac’Luxzi Kni’ich of Helious, Tauria, and Ruchess of Alterk and Lunderia, Magine of Vali’mae, Co’trine of Voclia, Cond’pess of Oblen, Vatoness of Achyae, Floyya & Sievis, Gine of Sen’nyor Matriarch of Munnel Her Excellency, Celaena Elrie, Aoen-Jirech’it of Helious.
  2. The Courts of Helious ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ INDEX Section I: The Aeon-Jirech’it Section II: The Jirech’it Section III: Calling a trial Section IV: Court Procedure Section V: Court Sentencing Section VI: Sentencing Enforcement Section VII: Summery Judgement ★ Preface ★ After several decades of an old, more archaic court system, it has been decided that it needs a reworking to ensure that it is both up to date and also, brings a sense of both democracy and meritocracy, that will benefit true justice. It is with this rework of the Prince’s Court of Helious, that we hope shall bring about such a change for the best. ★ Section I: The Aoen-Jirech’it ★ The Aoen-Jirech’it is an appointed official who is responsible for the overseeing of the Royarch’s Judicial system. They also may make any changes to the running of the Judicial System that they deem fit, as long as the Royarch is willing to place their signature on such. They are appointed and dismissed at the will of the Royarch, if they are no longer deemed fit, they can be dismissed. The appointment process is also at the discretion of the Royarch and should they choose, the Privy Council. The Aoen-Jirech’it is the high judge of any court case. It is their job to ensure that the proceedings of the case run well and within the bounds of the legal system. They maintain the order and direct the course of the case. The Aoen-Jirech’it works with the Jirech’it during the court case, and at the end of the proceedings, they come up with the verdict of guilt with them, and are the ones tasked with announcing such. The Aoen-Jirech’it also has full right to choose the sentencing of anyone deemed guilty by the court case they are presiding over. ★ Section II: The Jirech’it ★ The Jirech’it are members of the public who are chosen via a lottery to join the Aoen-Jirech’it during a trial. The Jirech’it do not interfere with the court’s proceedings, they simply watch the case unfold on either side of the Aoen-Jirech’it as it takes place. Should they act as interference and cause problems during the court case, they may be dismissed by the Aoen-Jirech’it. The Jirech’it take place in deciding the verdict at the end of the court proceedings. They can judge for themselves whether guilty or not and equate for an equal amount of the decision as their fellow Jirech’it and the Aoen-Jirech’it. The Jirech’it may not decide the sentencing of the trial but can make suggestions or advise the Aoen-Jirech’it on what they believe is the best course of sentencing. Once completing their duty, the Jirech’it may not take upon the role for the next two trials unless otherwise stated by the Aoen-Jirech’it, Royarch, or Crown-Prince(ss) ★ Section III: Calling a trial ★ A trial may be called to order in two different circumstances: If a civilian wishes to bring another to court for a breach of criminal law or a matter of civil law, they can send a letter to the Aoen-Jirech’it or go directly to the Aoen-Jirech’it to arrange said trial and the arrest of the offender. They may also discuss this with the Royarch of Crown Prince(ss) The Military can also call for a trial, once they have arrested someone caught committing a crime. These trials occur far quicker, a letter is sent to the Aoen-Jirech’it to call the court to order. Upon the Aoen-Jirech’it receiving said information, it is their duty to read over the merits and evidence of the case. If they decide that there is enough evidence and merits to warrant a case taking place they will begin the final process of calling the trial to order, if not they simply throw the case out. The Aoen-Jirech’it, upon deciding it is time to call for trial, must put out a missive stating the trial that is coming to order, naming the accused, prosecutor, crimes committed and any other relevant information. Upon this being made, a date will be arranged for the trial, and depending on the crime, the guard will be called to arrest the accused. Once a date has been set, or the accused is arrested by the guard. The Aoen-Jirech’it is responsible for ensuring any necessary arrangements are made prior to the actual trial taking place. ★ Section IV: Court Procedure ★ Before the trial starts, the following must be assured: The Aoen-Jirech’it must be seated at the front of the court, with both Jirech’it on their side. In front of and to the right of the Aoen-Jirech’it would be prosecution’s desk, where the prosecutors will be seated. In front of and to the left of the Aoen-Jirech’it would be the defences' desk, where the defence will be seated. Behind them would be the public, who are all welcomed to watch. The Aoen-Jirech’it then announces the beginning of the trial and both sides make their opening statements, the prosecution first, then the defence once completed. Following this, the prosecution may present its evidence followed by the defence.. In doing this they may bring up witnesses, character witnesses and physical evidence. The Aoen-Jirech’it may call this to an end when deemed fit, to ensure the case does not draw out too long. In addition, should the opposition wish to, they may bring up an objection, such is done by shouting an objection, followed by a type of objection. The types of objection are: Relevance: the point or evidence are irrelevant to the case. Leading: the question put to a witness is trying to guide them to a favourable answer. Argumentative: the question is attempting to cause arguments or get a reaction out of someone. Non-responsive: when a response is offered, but does not fulfil the question asked. Speculation: the statement is viewed as jumping to conclusions without any evidence proving such a conclusion. Opinion: the statement or questions is simply one of opinion and not fact. Hearsay: the statement is based on what someone has heard, but does not know. The Aoen-Jirech’it may make one of two responses. If they say ‘sustained’, they agree with the objector and the opposition must withdraw their question or statement. If they say overruled, they disagree with the objector and the case carries on. Once both sides have completed their arguments, or the Aoen-Jirech’it has called it to an end, the Aoen-Jirech’it and two Jirech’it will convene in a separate chamber for five elven minutes. V: Court sentencing When convened in their seperate chamber, the Aoen-Jirech’it and two Jirech’it will quickly discuss the merits of the case and then give their verdict on guilt, briefly followed by why. Should an issue arise during this, the Aoen-Jirech’it may push this time to fifteen elven minutes, if necessary. In addition, the two Jirech’it may also suggest a sentence, should such be necessary, but the Aoen-Jirech’it will be the once solely responsible for such. In the case of civil court cases, the sentence may be more free form, pertaining to reimbursement or other such settlements that fit the case at hand. Once this has been completed, the three will reconvene in court, where the Aoen-Jirech’it will make their verdict on guilt known to the public. Should the verdict be not guilty, then the court will adjourn then and there. If this is not the case and the defendant is found guilty, then the Aoen-Jirech’it will speak the sentence of the defence for it to then be enforced. ★ Section VI: Sentence enforcement ★ Once the sentence is passed, it will be enforced by the Aoen-Jirech’it and the guard force of Helious as well as any council member, should such be considered necessary by the Royarch. The guard force is expected to carry out any sentences of banishment by throwing the now guilty party out of the city and declaring them banished. They are also expected to carry out any executions or physical punishments the criminal may be sentenced to endure. The Aoen-Jirech’it and any other member of the Helious council may see to it that any sentences or settlements that pertain to fines or relocation of goods take place, though they can also request the involvement of the guard to help with such. Should the guilty party not be willing to pay their fine or act on the relocation of their goods, then the Aoen-Jirech’it will pass a quick summary judgement, enforcing a harsher punishment. ★ Section VII: Summary Judgement ★ Summary judgments are a rarer, but sometimes necessary form of trial and are often quicker than the regular trials. They may be conducted by the Royarch, Crown Prince(ss) or the Aoen-Jirech’it. Summary judgments are often called when a court case is subject to a time pressure, and must be completed quickly. Should this be the case then the summary judgement will occur. Quickly will the known facts be stated by a trusted official, such as an officer of the guard or member of the Helious Council. Once such is done, the person overseeing the summary judgment may ask the defendant questions pertaining to the case at hand. Once such is done, the person overseeing will offer their judgement on guilt and then pass a sentence, which is enforced in the same manner as any court sentencing would be. ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ Signed, His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Ac’Luxz Kni’ich of Helious, Taur, and Ruke of Alterk, and Lunderia, Magin of Vali’mae, Co’tr of Voclia, Cond’pos of Oblen, Vaton of Achyae & Sievis, Gin of Sen’nyor, Patriarch of Munnel, Ac’Luxz of the Mali’Solaril Her Serene Highness, Sorise Munnel, Ac’Luxzi Kni’ich of Helious, Tauria, and Ruchess of Alterk and Lunderia, Magine of Vali’mae, Co’trine of Voclia, Cond’pess of Oblen, Vatoness of Achyae, Floyya & Sievis, Gine of Sen’nyor Matriarch of Munnel Her Excellency, Celaena Elrie, Aoen-Jirech’it of Helious.
  3. The matter is while it isn't hard to coordinate with ST to oversee them, they are often unable to actually do it within a quick time and people may often stuggle with arranging a good time. Blood Magic rituals are either ensorcellments, sealing or require an ST to watch it. There's a lot you will struggle to actually get done without actually being able to do it. Of course you can increase the damage you can receive for failing it, but at the end of the day, doing a gilding or engorging ritual is rarely ever going to pk anyone or seriously injure them at all. All this is doing is opening up Blood Magic so people can actively do more with it, without the hinderance of waiting for ST, as this has annoyed people who use blood magic as well as people who were interested but were turned away because of the reliance on ST.
  4. Original: Gilding - Noncombative Arms enchanted with the rune of draining in this rite make for weapons fit for gruesome, bloody deeds. Change: Original: Engorge - Noncombative Reaching for the powers of ancient blood magic, the application of the rune of power allows blood mages who are enfeebled by magic to temporarily cast off their yoke at the expense of their magic. Change: Reason for Change: Many players, even outside of Blood Magic, have expressed disappointment that a lot of the rituals have to have oversight from ST during the riual to complete. This amendment would allow Blood mages to do a few more rituals by themselves, but then also have ST check the RP after as with ensorcellments. Seeing as this rituals bear similarity to ensorcellments in that they are enchanting items, it makes sense they would be dealt with similarly- however as they are more advanced rituals, the fail rate should be higher so the tiers have higher rolls to succeed and production limit should be tighter.
  5. Ledicort Vuiller would nod his head as he afterwards took to stroking his beard pensively. "Gaius is very much a Trustworthy, hard Working, Involved man who works the Needed amount for the King's council." He utters with a wide smile
  6. Ledicort Vuiller, ever the closeted creative he was, picked up the Ballad and grinned softly as he read it. He would then take a limped stroll to the port in his priestly garbs as he held his axe tightly to maintain balance. "With writing like this Balian shall have a strong future in both scholarly and creative endeavours" he muses, thinking of what the future of the Kingdom shall be upon the ending of his long life.
  7. Sibyl begins wailing as often babies do as she begins experiencing the world for the first time!
  8. Farfolkia United Against Redcylff We the people of the united Hyspian and Qalashi settlement of Farfolkia, declare our support for a peaceful Failor. Our people have arrived here to settle in peace and free of conflict. However, as we attempt to live a quiet life in Failor, time and time again the Redclyffian bandits terrorized our innocent civilians, desecrated our lands and purged our farms. We the people of Farfolkia will not tolerate these injustices committed by the despicable bandits of Redclyf. We the people of Farfolkia shall fight alongside the Loyal, Good, Brave, Triumphant, and Qualified Peoples of Failor; for peace can only be achieved when these malicious bandits of Redclyff are driven away from Failor. Farfolkia shall support our Norlandic allies in laying siege to Redclyff from hereinafter. It is through the will of DIOs (ALLAH) that we see the destruction of these malicious outlaws. Signed, His Highness, Francisco I, Viceroy of Hyspia, Co-Viceroy of Farfolkia, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear His Royal Highness, Lujain Al-Jabir Emir of the Emirate of Al-Fahkri, Co-Emir of Farfolkia, Prince of all Farfolk alike
  9. PK Mata to ghost Duncan on god Favourite ISA memory? Favourite place you've rp'd in?
  10. Devotion at it’s finest https://gyazo.com/1e4c49faae94ab0e117836f469728891 A crazed ageing man would watch in the distance as the capital of the Iron Horde was abandoned, he slowly took a look at his shrine and began uttering a prayer of devotion to Enrohk, such was a quiet prayer, unlike many he had spoken. Following this his mind would begin to form a vision- red mist image of Enrohk behind him As he turned he wouldn’t look shocked, simply calm and even happy for the sight, for his deteriorating and damaged brain had done this several times to him throughout his life, tricking him with images of the one he held most. She would then begin bellowing a message to him in a gravelled, loud voice in the only language the shaman could fluently understand anymore. “Ghung lat adh’izish, lat ahm nar zhomo’izub” (If you abandon, you are not my shaman) The man would open his mouth as if to say something but the mists would dissipate into a complete nothingness, whatever this hallucination needed had been spoken simply and in a way Sigurd would understand. He would reach for the Ulvefolkk helmet he hadn’t worn in many years, memories of his old clan came over him, the various times they had been displaced, the home they found in the Iron Horde and their attempts to bring back their culture. Once more he would begin thinking back to the raids on the old Empire with the orcs, burning down Ebonwood and pillaging Arichsdorf. The final thoughts were of Borok, the one friend he truly felt he had after his clan was lost, a man who had taught him and taken him, a dead man now. Quickly after these memories flooded him, the man would throw the old, yet well kept helm away. Hours passed before he eventually saw an approaching legion of mori, far more than man could even anticipate handling let alone surviving, but this wasn’t his land to protect, it was the land of the one he had devoted his life to and that was not something he would abandon ever. He would once more speak a prayer, this time he was far louder, almost roaring it, for he had asked for a blessing. In what would be the final moments before the attack on Enrohk’s shrine was imminent, he would take a bottle and drink it before picking up his axes. The man would for the last time be indulging in pure bloodlust and rage that came with giving your soul to Enrohk. Sigurd would then rush towards the mori with his axes with the energy of a wolf hunting deer. How the battle went, most definitely not well for the man but he went out a man who had kept his devotion to Enrohk, with nothing else on his mind.
  11. Purge RP time on god
  12. Once more I strongly disagree
  13. Controversial most likely but it was the MRA fights, it was my introduction to CRP events and I loved it, that and the Dobrov investigation Hanrahan gave me
  14. Some things I haven't done that I would like to do is perhaps dwarvern rp down the line, some Palace rp as well, those are things I've never had the chance to do, both fairly broad catergories but I would like to them Future milestones- starting another war would be rather funny, but maybe being an NL down the line and perhaps creating my own settlement, rather big aspirations. I think I've learnt that everyone will have a different opinion, and often times it's excrutiatingly hard to find a compromise even if it is something you are actively trying to compromise on. I would love to see the implementation of a renaissance period based on in world ancient cultures. Next year homie Yes. Honestly it's probably when we went to save Duncan's son from his kidnapper, that was fun as ****
  15. Sigurd would find an orc to translate this for him, he had long lost the ability to read or write in anything but old blah. Upon finding out what it said he would utter only “Nub wae… mi popo…”
  16. Both you and sapphire h2o are great, I would not be able to choose between you both He is indeed, and he has his armour now Gay attracts gay, simple as Two things, the death of cloudbreaker was pretty monumental for my own efforts, and a time when I saw a bunch of people chilling and rping in Balian, that was very rewarding as the early days were a struggle
  17. You're chill UHHHHHH would have to be Drako looking after his cousin when he was struggling A based magic
  18. Not ideal but these things happen really Mostly the ability to create a story and have a good time with friends. Fellside by M.R Carey, very gripping psychological thriller I was looking for servers to play on, not necessarily an RP one, just any server Predominantly a good group of friends, being able to feel a part of a community and boredom Because you got demoted for bad conduct
  19. Probably watching the cloudbreaker dragon die after a good two months of planning and diplo rp constantly in prep I mean I can't do that but there's tons of people i love on this srver cos they chill Nobody, shooting is far too impersonal and I'm not american Yes... mostly insane rp but the plan i had for before i can't do at least for now
  20. Minecraft tree I'm going jungle, Elm tree for IRL According to @X3N0Iblees
  21. I've been here two years, I've done some cool stuff, cringe stuff and some other stuff. Ask me stuff if you want
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