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Status Replies posted by S1nnerVsSa1nts

  1. what was the most or least enjoyable CRP/pvp encounter you've ever had?

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      First day on the server. Walking to Vivic, Delf nation. Encounter Olog on road.

      They RP as injured. Newbie me helps.

      Gets head grabbed and reduced to mush. PK char.


      Idk why I even stuck around tbh.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  2. Cursed Child who looks perfectly normal but all their internal organs are swapped around

  3. What benefits (if any) do dwarves have on LOTC? Comment Below!

  4. keels over and dies

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      sapphic moment

  5. people making threats against trans people on the visibility post. what a lovely community lotc has.

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      Yeah.. disappointed, but not surprised

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. qotd: what's your character's favorite weather, and why? what kind of feelings does it inspire? nostalgia? memories? etc?

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      T. Not quite raining but still rainy, dreary, sleepy kind of weather. Because I need to project onto my characters :>

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. qotd: what's something that strikes true, raw fear into your character? it could be a person, a concept, a magic, etc. you could also talk about an RP interaction relating to a time they were afraid of something, somewhere

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      Death. True 'Ending'. She knows what waits for her in death, and facing it, or being in a situation that may cause it really pulls her out of the arrogant attitude she lives in

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  8. ct why u accepting apps of someone using my skin

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      Just saw an accepted app that describes the character with "Big ****" lol

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Make a panda CA pls, i wanna be Kung Fu panda irp

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      bribe an alchemist to make a panda homunculus. ez

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Anybody interested in having a purple elf-mage join their community? 👀

  11. I have a slot I'm not rlly using and can't commit to an idea of what to use it for.


    Any communities/groups/families have any interesting shit going on for 'em rn.

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      I might have a character needing to be played! Tossed you a FR on Discord :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. If I ask to pvp the olog bandits does that make me the pvp goon?

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