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Status Replies posted by creamynoteblock

  1. If anyone's confident with making orcs skins hit me up @ Evonpire#0044. Will pay usd.

  2. fun fact: 99% of the reserved posts never get  actually used

  3. why does a war discord have 600+ ppl in it

  4. Some versions of the 'Ferryclient' contained a Trojan virus, logging personal information. If you have installed versions of this client, I'd reach out to @Llirfor help. Good luck. 

  5. A week on the server and there already seems to be an awful lot of drama. Something new pokes it's head out every day.

  6. riddle me this batman. what do pvpers provide to the server?



  7. i wanted a longer war

  8. Anyone wanna go eat fish together sometime? 

    We can make it a date if you want.... ☺️

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