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  1. Late in the night as the moon shone upon the Kingdom of Vikela, the silent darkness loomed upon the city. Whilst the citizens slept, the roar of flames could be heard from the Ministry of Magic as Field Marshal Cerrick continued to slam his hammer unto steel late into the night as the citizenry and guards alike tensely slept. Steel clanged in rhythmic vibrations, sending sound throughout the whole street as the Paladin heard the words of his Lord, friends, and foes alike around his form. “Descendants have become nothing but cowards” The Aengul of Order decreed “You truly promise to protect this home?” Medea cried “Paladins are a naught but liars and deceivers” Caius declared “You are your own greatest enemy." Amelia whispered “Have you seen the lies of Light?” Leoni hissed “So childish, Cerrick. You are an embarrassment.” Ryvel lamented “You are doomed to your own demise” The Drakaar screeched Cerrick looked to the sky, wisps of sapphire mists filling his vision as the hammering of steel on steel came to a sudden halt. As though he had a vision of what was to come, tears began to stroll down the man’s eyes. “Ordo Praevalet..” He cried out into the night, a few patrolling guards coming to his aid as his scar began to glow with distress. Yet, in the flash of the moment his entire demeanor shifted. He stopped sobbing, instead looking up at the guards. “Evacuate the city, the war is lost. They will not have our home.” The light once in his eyes was snuffed in an instant, instead becoming dark as the night sky. A Lion appeared in his scar looking upset, one could even say it even had the look of hatred as it soared across his skin and attacked the Dragon upon his flesh. The two began to fight around the now spiteful sun as Cerrick ordered his guards, “Get the torches, we burn it all.” To the Citizenry of Vikela, I am Cerrick Fenifaer, a former Paladin of Xan and the current dictator of the elven state of Vikela. I took executive control of the Kingdom following the declaration of war from Luraq, the successor state to the Iron Horde and an ally of Azdromoth, who opposed the heavens. I knew that with Queen Medea’s inexperience with conflict, the war would be a lost cause. Little did I know that our affairs were in a worse state than I had thought. Our only ally standing, Brabant, fought bravely, even without being a part of the CCC alliance that was supposed to help protect us. But, this is the price to pay for foolishness in believing words over actions. Thus, I decree the following. I. The Kingdom of Vikela is officially disbanded, many of its own unwilling to bear arms. All noble and government titles relating to the state are to be revoked and dissolved, with only Royal or Military titles being fair use. II. The Kingdom of Vikela’s remaining treasury, all half a mina of it, will go to the State of Luraq as war reparations. III. The land of the capital and surrounding it will be burnt and salted, so that no life may be borne from it to represent the struggles of our people and their slaughter. For if our lives mean nothing, then those who wish for the land will find it lifeless. IV. While the Jungle is rebuilt by the Shamans and their Lodge, any that settle the land will be subject to the full brutality of any willing insurgents. I will not control people who do not care for order. V. I will go into voluntary exile from the societies of descendant kind and live my days in isolation, given that it is uninterrupted. This is to comply with the demand that Vikelans leave the continent forever. Thus, I am Vikela. I extend a warm thank you to all who stood among us on the field of battle instead of trying to influence us from the shadows. Even though I hold disdain for them, the Urukim fought bravely on the fields of battle. Yet, to the elves who betray their own race and claim righteousness, may the Faux Sun shine upon the shadows of which you plot under. There will be no peace for you or your ilk in the world to come. Ordo Praevalet. MAY LIGHT GUIDE, Cerrick Fenifaer, Paladin of the Fallen Xan, Formerly of Khamees, Former Field Marshal of Vikela
  2. littered around Vikela and sparsely Across the rest of Aevos was a missive written in a heavy hand, despite this it was in a neat, semi-posh handwriting and seemingly addressed to no one until one would read further. "To those who remain. It brings me great sorrow to watch what you have put so much love into building, The legacy you tried so hard to weave, being burnt to Ash and rubble. A place where I maybe once hoped to call home one day gone like a gentle breeze on a summer's day. Despite this, your willingness to stand against such Odds in defence of what was right, what was yours, was nothing less than inspiring, not just to me but to many across aevos. Though your last leaves have fallen, your last flower burnt away, there are still seeds to be sewn. Your seeds. Seeds of hope. Seeds of bravery. Seeds of love and togetherness. They are yours to hold, to plant, to love and cultivate. Do not let those who wish to hinder your growth trample on your seedlings, do not let them burn down your trees nor take the fruit you bare. Hold your branches strong, hold them proud, let your leaves and flowers flourish in the sun and dance in the rain. For I am proud. Proud to have seen you in your glory, proud to have stood by you in your time of need, proud to have called you my friends. But I ain't going nowhere, just like you. For vikela we soared. For togetherness we fought. Now, we must continue our flight to New lands." Signed: The halfling
  3. Vikela Delenda Est Lurak Triumphant ♪ ♫ ♬ " Yes it is ours, The Tree of the Five, The Fallen UBUNTU, The Hallowcliffe . . . and were you not warned of the impending demise? Did I not speak to you before any blood was spilt, were our offers not just? That you rend your castles which brought nothing but ruin upon the Jungle? And yet . . . You denied our peace offers, you spit in our face not once, not twice, but four times. And so it is done. Your people will know no peace. Ever. I will see to this. Do not take my threats as idle, do not believe that because you have not been struck upon by marauders that I will not find whatever hovel you cockroaches crawl into. Because, that is what you are. You will crawl and find another nation to occupy, another forest to destroy, another UBUNTU to build. It is why I have made example of you. Your propagandists may paint us as Imperialists, go ahead- for it will let the others like you know that what you have done is not, nor will ever be tolerated. And so we march upon you. We finally destroy Ba'lance. Not Ping-Heng the captive of your ilk, but the statue of the daemon you worshipped. Your people will be wiped from the earth for you have had no semblance of remorse for your actions. The Cannonist Pontiff, GOD rest his soul, taught me to believe in forgiveness; but I have learned too- you cannot forgive the un-remorseful. Off to the Nether with you then. If you somehow come to your senses and kneel before the Rex, deliver to us your capital with all its treasures, we might find it in our hearts to spare you. Until then, we march upon your shoddy creation. Thank whatever GOD you worship it is us to deliver you, and not the others who would see you crucified. You will have a good death, full of honor; or what little remains of it. " ~The Final Letter of Daahd'Lur to Vikela. With this announcement, the REXDOM and its allies march to siege VIKELA. The demands have changed. Any former allies of Vikela will remain neutral lest they provoke the wrath of Lurak and be forced to pay reparations among other concessions. Allies of Vikela be warned: you have made your own bed, you now will pay the price of war. The REXDOM makes these demands which will be ceded in full or any peace will be denied: The removal of all structures built by Vikela. The replacement of the Queendom with stewards of the forest. The destruction of the daemon statue (it floats upon the waters without voidal intercession!) The destruction of the so-called tree of “five.” Accomplished. War Reparations from nations who oppose the just action of Lurak and prevent it from being a quick endeavor. The Relinquishing of claims over the southern 'Forgotten Valley,' by Vikela and Brabant. War Reparations from Brabant. The Destruction of the DEMONIC EVILS that VIKELA is conjuring at HALLOWCLIFFE, as well as the structure of IBLEES. Accomplished. War Reparations from the Vikelan Government to pay for the cost of War. The exile of Vikelans from the continent for eternity effective one year after unconditional surrender. The Fall of Ubuntu. Accomplished. The Fall of Vikela. WARCLAIM: JUNGLE_PLATEU_8 (VIKELA_CAPITAL) WARGOAL: THE REMOVAL OF THE VIKELAN ENTITY HENCEFORTH. ]
  4. Another missive was posted by the anonymous man "When I stood on the field of battle at Hallowcliffe, I witnessed something profound. I saw an overwhelming horde of foes nearly defeated by a small group of defenders. If the forces of Lurak are so just, and the survival of Vikela seeming more and more impossible, why do the Vikelans continue to fight? There is no butting around the answer. It is because Vikelans are fighting for their homes. For their futures. For their lives. And Lurak is fighting for...what? Protecting the trees? No. Fighting the evil forces in the world that they claim are harbored by Vikela? No. It's because they want land. Because they want power. Because they want dominance. And they do not care how much blood is spilled for it. It is clear in their demands. They seek to dominate and colonize land that they have NO CLAIM to. Not morally, not spiritually, not historically, not anything. In many prior posts, i maintained a modicum of civility. No more. The many threats on my life are proof enough that Lurak seeks only to make the VIkelans suffer. And anyone who knows Vikela, who has seen the city for themselves, know its people, know its culture, knows that the claims by Lurak are LIES. There is no justification for this war that can be considered just. And it is clear. Lurak will not stop. But neither will Vikela. To those people of Lurak and those who fight for them, there are many words I could call you that would make me sick to my stomach to give you the honor of saying here. But what I can call you are CALLOUS. And to those who see the plight of Vikela, know the injustice of it all, yet choose to sit at the sideline and pretend it is not happening, there is only one word. COWARDS. They fight against overwhelming odds with honor and tenacity, and in this battle for every Vikelan felled, they left scars and bodies behind. They can win. AND WE CAN HELP THEM! Lurak has larger numbers, but they fight for shallow, ignorant ideals that will die with them. Vikela fights for its future, for their children, for their culture, for their legacy. Is that not worthy of support? ARE WE THE KIND TO LET INNOCENTS DIE WHILE WARMONGERS BURN THEIR LANDS AND TREES AND HOMES AND LIVES? To the people of Lurak, I have only one thing for you. A prediction, one that does not require the powers of a seer to witness. I SEE A CHILD SCREAMING IN RAGE AS YOU BURN THEIR HOME AND FAMILY TO ASH, AND IN THEIR EYES THEY CARRY THE HATE OF THEIR NATION. AND WHETHER IT TAKES 10 YEARS OR 100, THEY WILL RAZE YOUR NATION, YOUR PEOPLE, AND YOUR CULTURE AND HISTORY. YOU WILL SCREAM AND CRY AND BEG FOR MERCY, AND THEY WILL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU CRAVE. AND YOU WILL HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES." "To those nations that wish for peace in the Southeast in the future, cast aside your fear, and join the people of Vikela in casting off the threat of Lurak. Not for power, not for glory, but because it is the right thing to do, because it is the only path now for peace and stability in our region. And to those who will read this and continue to stand to the side, hope your children read their textbooks more than their scriptures. For only history could be conned into forgiving you."
  5. UBUNTU HAS FALLEN . . . THOUSANDS MUST SIEGE HALLOWCLIFFE. "To you who did not respect the Spirits Wishes for our battle to be a 'suit and tie' event, smell the blood in the air as we reave your fort of stone and mud, -whatever will it take for you to realize your follies? Will we have to muster upon your city or will you submit to the correct path. Yes, history will remember your fight. They will remember your armies and ours clashing, however only when they recall the reformations of the Uruk army and how our force disciplined and valiant slaughtered your men in castles of twisted collaboration with little casualty. Our armies will be more experienced, more driven, stronger than any on Aevos. Do not mistake this for a simple gloat, or an empty threat. It is a promise. Wherever the forces of the disparager march we will be behind, until we achieve full surrender. Look to the consequences of your resistance. Look how the demands heighten. Remember they only grow day by day, just as your forces resolve weakens. The Spirits are angry, they call for your desolation, they call for the return of the Jungles. 'Deliver this' they ask. Lo' I tell you of how we won upon Ubuntu. It was upon our first volley that a GREAT SPIRIT gave me premonition. The Spirit, one of memory showed me how the battle was to play out if we marched upon Ubuntu, a grand victory. It was the WATER SPIRIT who pointed me up your walls, it showed me how your armies would be slaughtered- at the moment of our victory my mind was made spectral and I could not thrust my blade into your bodies, nor slash your necks- then only did I know it was a premonition of things to come. TRANSPORTED back to my siege camp I decided alone to continue bombarding you until we relieved ourselves of ammunition. Why? Because it terrified your troops and slaughtered them, because it was RIGHTEOUS. This is how UBUNTU FELL. Remember this, the SPIRITS are upon our RIGHTEOUS side." -The second letter of Daahd'Lur to the Vikelan peoples. With this announcement, the REXDOM and its allies march to siege HALLOWCLIFFE. The demands have changed. Any former allies of Vikela will remain neutral lest they provoke the wrath of Lurak and be forced to pay reparations among other concessions. Allies of Vikela be warned- you have made your own bed, you now will pay the price of war and your lands are considered hostile. The REXDOM makes these demands which will be ceded in full or any peace will be denied: The removal of all structures built by Vikela. The replacement of the Queendom with stewards of the forest. The destruction of the daemon statue (it floats upon the waters without voidal intercession!) The destruction of the so-called tree of “five.” Accomplished. War Reparations from nations who oppose the just action of Lurak and prevent it from being a quick endeavor. The Relinquishing of claims over the southern 'Forgotten Valley,' by Vikela and Brabant. (Tile 1 Birch Forest) The Destruction of the DEMONIC EVILS that VIKELA is conjuring at HALLOWCLIFFE, as well as the structure of IBLEES. War Reparations from the Vikelan Government to pay for the cost of War. The exile of Vikelans from the southern half of the continent for eternity effective one year after unconditional surrender. The Fall of Ubuntu. Accomplished. WARCLAIM: JUNGLE_PLATEU_9 (HALLOWCLIFFE) WARGOAL: THE REMOVAL OF THE VIKELAN ENTITY HENCEFORTH.
  6. The same anonymous figure places a new missive. "This is a mere observation. Nothing more. But the camp of the forces of Lurak that are preparing to attack the fort of Ubuntu held by Vikela, appears to be a mud fort. Now, for those who do not know what this means, a mud fort is, as the name implies, a pit in the mud. However, in the jungle terrain surrounding Vikela and especially Ubuntu, it cannot be done without disrupting the local flora to rather significant degree. One of Lurak's stated reasons for war was that Vikela was disturbing the forest with the 'invasive' Tree of Five. Vikela, thus far, has not made any moves that require disrupting flora to the degree that a mud fort does. That is all."
  7. The following is an extended copy of a message responding to criticism of "On the Topic of War- A Vikelan Citizen": "War is rarely just, and always bloody. I write today to speak of the war, not to mourn for it. But I have a question to anyone asking. Does Lurak's claims match their response? Let me ask all those reading this with knowledge of the war. Who. Struck. First? Who were the aggressors who stirred up such instability in the first place? Who drenched the earth with blood first? I will not give my answer, for that would disrespect Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation. Let me ask you, what has Vikela done that other nations haven't that justifies this war? Was it the tree? Was it the statue? Was it simply existing? But I do not speak to bring shame to Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation. I have also taken notice, that many who have taken the side of Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation, have stated their desires here to be wishing for the dissolution and death of the Vikelan people, and any who dare to show sympathy to such a dangerous nation, for Lurak as you know, are an honorable nation, who surely must have good reason to go to war." "To those who know Vikelans, not the country, but the people in it, do you know anything those people have done to warrant such violent death and displacement? Were the reasons for conflict stated by Lurak, who as you know, is an honorable nation, so vile and inhuman that it warranted such a violent stir against the Vikelan citizenry? Other nations can surely be said to be guilty of far worse. But then, does that mean that Lurak, who as you know, is an honorable nation, will show restraint on such charges greater and more terrible than Vikela's? If so, then Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation, would not be so honorable as to let themselves stand still when there is war to be fought! And to those who fear the rising threat of the darkspawn in the north, who have already shown that they are not content to stay trapped in the cold, dark regions of the world, does this war not interfere with our focus on such a dangerous threat to us all?" "To those who say they have no stake in this war, see it yourselves. Do not sit back and stay out without first truly knowing what is occurring in this war. There is rarely a war where the only people impacted are from the two nations fighting it, so let me ask the people of Aevos. Think of those who you know and care about who are impacted by this war. Think about what goods come from either nation involved, that make your days just a little bit better. Think about how such instability leads into further instability for far more people down the line. And now once again, think on the reasons given for launching this war." "IS. IT. JUST?" "Could there really have been no other response from Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation, than complete and total war to annihilate Vikela? For war, as you all know, is rarely just, and always bloody. To those who are unwilling to take a stance out of fear of being alienated, you are the ones who I shall not be afraid to shame here. It is one thing to not care, but to be unwilling to take a stance purely out of the fear of how others will react is cowardice of the most unconscionable degree. Those who stand while soil turns to sand will fall for anything of importance striking them from behind. Here lies the momentous issue of total war. Shall you stand still as its fires rage around you, so close to burning yet far away enough that you choose to ignore it as it spreads? IS THIS WAR SO JUST, YOU WOULD INVITE ANOTHER?" "But, of course, surely it would have to be, for it to be anything else would shame Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation. After all, the tree has been destroyed. Now their demands are only the simple ones of the destruction of all structures of Vikela, the banishment of all it's people from the southern region for one year's time, the destruction of a statue made in remembrance of a panda, reparations from Vikela and all other nations who oppose Lurak in any way, and the fall of Ubuntu. Surely these demands are not unreasonable in nature, for that would besmirch Lurak, which as you all know, are an honorable nation. After all, if they weren't, then it wouldn't matter what you think of Vikela. If they weren't an honorable nation, Lurak would be in the wrong here. They'd be the ones starting war over issues for which war is far too egregious and devastating a solution to want unless those issues weren't the real reason for war. But surely, this isn't the case, for Lurak is an honorable nation that has not done wrong to anyone yet...right?" (Posted this originally in the wrong topic. Reposted here)
  8. THE SIEGE OF UBUNTU "To the pitiful defenders of the siege at “The Tree of Five-Maehrnor”, your hallow walls have been brought asunder with but a few cannonballs and a singular ladder. This was your greatest fortress? How do you intend now to defend from our advance? Do you regret now spitting on the Sons of Krug? Hark, it is now in our grasp. Your Ubuntu… we only need to reach out and take it. From the ashes of your abominations will grow the largest flora in Aevos, your blood is only watering the ground of the returning Zag’hal of Zag’bal. Defend this Ubuntu for our warriors thirst for another battle, this siege did not sate desire; but know the longer you take to give in the more our demands will heighten." -Letter of Autarch Daahd’Lur to the defenders of the Castle Ubuntu. With this announcement, the REXDOM and its allies march to siege UBUNTU. The demands have changed. Any former allies of Vikela will remain neutral lest they provoke the wrath of Lurak and be forced to pay reparations. Remaining Allies of Vikela be warned- you will now pay the price of war. The REXDOM makes these demands which will be ceded in full or any peace will be denied: The removal of all structures built by Vikela. The replacement of the Queendom with stewards of the forest. The destruction of the daemon statue (it floats upon the waters without voidal intercession!) The destruction of the so-called tree of “five.” Accomplished. War Reparations from nations who oppose the just action of Lurak and prevent it from being a quick endeavor. War Reparations from the Vikelan Government to pay for the cost of War. The exile of Vikelans from the southern half of the continent for eternity effective one year after unconditional surrender. The Fall of Ubuntu. WARCLAIM: JUNGLE_PLATEU_10 (VASSAL_UBUNTU) WARGOAL: THE REMOVAL OF THE VIKELAN ENTITY IN SOUTHERN AEVOS.
  9. ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY FIELD MARSHAL CERRICK FENIFAER VALLLO TOUJOU COURI VALLHIUW Declaration of Mobilization DECLARATION OF THE JUNTA In the next month, we shall experience the horrors of war. Many in the State of Vikela have not experienced war first hand, hearing stories of what occurred in the Coalition War of Braevos and the Southern Occupation of Nevaehlen. Thus, emergency measures must be taken in order to secure the stability of the State. THE TWO FOLLOWING ORDERS WILL GO INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. MARTIAL LAW In the interest of that state and her security, the military will take control of the government and temporarily suspend certain rights in order to maintain stability throughout the realm. The rights suspended include freedom of speech against the State and her policies, This measure is enforced to maintain stability and prevent the spread of misinformation that may jeopardize national security and public order. Also the freedom of gathering without informing the local authority, and protests against the State. The freedom of gathering in groups larger than 4 without informing the military is limited in order to develop an emergency response. However, family meetings are exempt from this restriction, provided that a guard is called to ensure their safe return if they venture out.During this state of emergency, all public protests against the state are strictly prohibited due to their potential to incite civil unrest and Uncertainty. Offenders will face immediate and severe consequences. CONSCRIPTION As the State of Vikela prepares for its first war in modern history, it has become evident that our regiments suffer from inadequacies due to the reliance on untrained volunteers, akin to a common militia. To rectify this, it is imperative to enlist all able-bodied citizens in defense of our homeland. All able-bodied citizens are hereby obligated to register for military service in the upcoming Census. This draft is essential for bolstering our defenses and ensuring the safety of our realm. Citizens who wish to opt out of active military service may do so by paying an additional annual tax of 20 minas or participating in weekly monitored gathering trips for select materials, as decided by the militia. This contribution will aid in the provisioning and support of our new army. Upon enlistment, all recruits and current military personnel will undergo rigorous retraining under the guidance of Field Marshal Cerrick. The Field Marshal will evaluate each individual based on combat and leadership experience to determine new ranks and responsibilities. This decree shall be enforced immediately following the upcoming Census. Failure to comply with draft registration or tax obligations will result in penalties as determined by law. By implementing these measures, we aim to strengthen our military capabilities and ensure the defense of our State in these challenging times. MAY LIGHT GUIDE, Cerrick Fenifaer, Paladin of the Fallen Xan, Formerly of Khamees, Field Marshal of Vikela, Head of the Military Junta of Vikela
  10. Three years had passed since the initial declaration of Wahg. Three years of strife for the Concord of Coastal Companions. It began with the forging of the signature of the Lubba, and verbal abuse which caused the Serene State to withdraw. This act was followed shortly by the declaration of neutrality by Dunfarthing. It was the denial of peace which saw Vortice remove themselves from conflict. Call them cowards, call them 'backstabbers' but would you defend a so called 'ally' who neglects to defend themselves? Throw men and mina down the drain for a lost cause? Whatever the case, the Vikelans had ample time to prepare... The Orcish March waited. To the astonishment and wonder of the world who said: "Why do the Orcs not march upon them! Why do they not belittle them with savagery! Why?!" And the answer was simple. The Red Spirits. It was as with the declaration. The Great Shamans of Lurak went to the Lieutenants of the Four Great Red Spirits, the Blue Spirits, and asked them: "Shall we march, oh friends? The Green Spirits are with us! Oh Blue Spirits, wise in your opinion- why do we hold off on Wahg?" They replied. “DO NOT MARCH O' REX AND AUTARCH OF LURAK, DO MOT MARCH FOR YOU MUST WAIT. FOR IF YOU MARCH NOW YOU FACE THE CURSE OF THE SIXTY.” It was then the Shamans cried: "Oh the CURSE OF THE SIXTY! The Sickness of the Evil Spirits! Allies of Iblees they are! How can it be so that the Sixty (even after exile from the Spirit World) still vex us!" So they waited, and despite not knowing what this curse was they listened to the venerable BLUE SPIRITS, servants of the RED SPIRITS. And they were rewarded, a clear path was laid through what remained of the jungle and unassailed they began their siege. Even while freedoms were repressed in Vikela as was the way of the failed order of heretics. Wahg was upon the world once more.
  11. [!] This missive is posted within the Eastern and Southern regions of Aevos! [!] Artist rendering of a sunset in Vikela To the good soldier, Bon’Ox I am Field Marshal Cerrick, Formerly Cerrick of Khamees as a knight of the Aengul Xan (Janus in the worlds of Man.) There are a few facts regarding the matter of Lurin that I find important to disclose in order to clear this sticky situation we all find ourselves in. I will go over the accusations one by one in order to further make clear the predicament that has been created. On the matter of Darkspawn within Lurin, I can attest to this. I have multiple witnesses that claim that Lumia, former Silver Lubba of the Serene State of Lurin, was conspiring with Inferi to secure her state after losing the will of her people. If needs be, I will bring forth the witnesses as long as their protection can be assured. On the matter of Ferrymen within Lurin, I cannot attest one way or another to this. Rumors of their presence have always floated, though no true evidence has been brought forth to my knowledge or to the knowledge of those around my state. On the matter of the Horde’s participation, there is no threat to the Heartlands. The Orcish Hordes are busy indulging in conflict with my own, now allyless, state. The Oathbreaker Lumia Uialben ensured that no state with honorable rulers would ally themselves with the Serene State of Lurin after their disastrous diplomatic blunder. On the matter of Ser Gundanat, he is quite an honorable man. He seems to have the intelligence needed to restore Lurin’s honor, alongside the will to enact such. I will not speak ill of him as he has been nothing but kind, moreso willing to fight against the Long Dark that reaches across the continent than most others. He will be a fine Silver Lubba. Thus it is my recommendation to the Heartlands to press further investigation rather than war, as war brings nothing but destruction upon all that it touches. Glory is seen in the history books, but the impacts of war on the commonfolk oftentimes are not. Please, take this into consideration. MAY LIGHT GUIDE, Cerrick Fenifaer, Paladin of the Fallen Xan, Formerly of Khamees, Field Marshal of Vikela, Head of the Military Junta of Vikela
  12. A missive is silently spread about ISSUED ON 10th of Malin’s Welcome, 186 S.A. BY THE ⋆˙˳ ───────────────⊱༺⠀𓊝⠀༻⊰─────────────── ˳˙⋆ With the war looming over the Southern East Coast of Aevos and the violence that comes with it, The Queendom of Vikela has offered The Unified Domain of Vortice the option to withdraw from conflict with no repercussions, and with this option, the council has deliberated for many months, and has decided to withdraw from combat and take a stance of neutrality between The Rexdom of Lurak and The Queendom of Vikela. We shall offer a home to any displaced, as well as offer aid to the restoration of the Jungles regardless of the outcome of the war with our withdrawal. Vortice wishes to become a state of refuge and allow civilians of either realm to find safety within our walls. It is our hope that the two parties will soon come to terms with one another and allow harmony to return to Aevos. Until then, however, Vortice will welcome citizens from both realms so long as neither party disturbs our peace. ⋆˙˳ ───────────────⊱༺⠀𓊝⠀༻⊰─────────────── ˳˙⋆ The 10th Sovereign of the Depths, Monarch of the United Domain of Vortice, Lenora Jusmia Monarch-Consort of Vortice, Gusiam Jusmia Department Head of Internal and Foreign Affairs, Aerith Maelstorm Minister of Defense, John O’Riley ⋆˙˳ ───────────────⊱༺⠀𓊝⠀༻⊰─────────────── ˳˙⋆
  13. [!] This was address to all of Lurin. Quill to paper. Nothing fancy expect for a signature. We stand united. We stood united. Yet there is a chance to stay united. A treaty signed by peace, and to keep each other safe that was the promise that was made. A promise Is like the illusions one tries to glamour themselves with. At the end of the day the mask has to fall and true colors must be shown. It greatly disappoints Vikela the actions that have shown such. But with such actions truth shall be shed to light. It is with much displeasure I bring to the world what actually happened that night since you do not have the dignity to tell your own people. That night before the notice was posted, you were made of aware of what was going on. All the coastal leaders were made aware of the turmoil in the south. There was much to discuss and time to do it. Amongst those that were told whether through letter or Chatter, The golden Lubba, Mika was told, for if not all those we trusted wouldn’t have been told. Mikas has always been a friend and will always stay a friend to Vikela, for many reasons. How it happened I do not know fully , I can only speculate what happened within your own council chambers. But I must picture that it came down with Mika holding the quill out to you. To honour your word to the people you signed a pact with. To honour your word, but what is a word but just the weight of ink on paper? I have to wonder if you valued the meanings from the beginnings? Yet did you even have honour in your heart? I must ask these questions to myself to understand how it all went wrong. Logically it makes no sense. Trade is your biggest asset. You, make deals and pacts and trade. But a merchant who can’t keep his word is nothing but a swindler, no better than a bandit giving false promises and abandoning the deal. I personally thought you were better than that, Lumia. We, Vikela, forged an agreement together, and you know you signed that parchment. The letter couldn't have come back to us without that signature. If there was forgery, it was with in your chamber, not our actions. I simply lay bare what you pointed at us. Forgery? Your jests of are from anything but funny. Forgery of lies, perhaps. I can’t fault you for running from danger—that is basic instinct. But it takes those cut from a different cloth to stand taller. I will no longer address you directly, I much would no longer even wish to know who you were , are and will be, because it will not go down in history. Instead, I speak to your people, whom I have come to know these past months. They are cut from that different cloth. To the people of Lurin, the fighters, the dreamers, those who keep their word, I do not believe you wish to end this fight, not where it’s been left. Many of you followed your leaders into battle for peace of mind. If you wish to depart now, then perhaps all my words and thoughts were in vain, but I can understand the value of one’s life, to protect all that holds dear.But I believe there is more here than meets the eye. There are still fighters among you who wish to uphold the alliance forged in companionship. To you, I say stay. Continue to fight. Keep the resistance alive and give Vikela one final stand. At the end of this era, it is companionship that brought Vikela together, and it is companionship that will keep it. I implore you, join the fight, as friends as companions. Will you stand and fight as you did in the beginning, or will you run back in the city? For those who wish to continue to fight, there will be a place within vikela for you take shelter in. Either choice is yours to make and there will be no further judgement on your actions , as they are your own. But I shall warn you only what I know to be true, from dealing with Krugmar and Orc diplomancy as a whole for the past three hundred years. The orcs know you fear them now. The orcs knows you just betrayed an ally, and know at least Lumia is an oathbreaker, and if we, Vikela falls, who’s to say they will stop at us? The choice is yours. Sincerely, Andria Rosalis
  14. UBUNTU MUST FALL THE DEMANDS OF LURAK “You admonish the land, you tear down the ancient trees, you annihilate all life and replace it with its twisted contort. The Shamans say the Spirit Freygoth and Zagbal are angered by the ruination of the jungle, the destruction.” The demands were set for the “Queendom of Vikela,” demands that many saw as too light a sentence for the desolation. "Remove your castles surrounding the capital and attempt to reforest the ancient land which lay scarred and barren; desolated." These demands were denied in council where it was brought to them upon the dissolution of the Confederation. With these demands denied there lay no pathway open to saving the jungle but through war and the replacement of old stewards with new. So it is that with confirmation of the REX and the AUTARCH, LURAK DECLARES AN OPEN STATE OF WAR UPON THE FALSE QUEENDOM OF VIKELA, VIKELA IS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE JUNGLES BY FORCE AND EXILED HENCEFORTH FOREVER. With this announcement, the REXDOM and its allies place themselves in opposition to Vikela and its allies and marches upon them. If Vikela’s allies abandon them to their desolation in their daemon worship, no harm will come to those who lay down arms. The REXDOM makes these demands which will be ceded in full or peace will be denied: The removal of all structures built by Vikela. The replacement of the Queendom with stewards of the forest. The destruction of the daemon statue (it floats upon the waters without voidal intercession!) The destruction of the so-called tree of “five.” Stipends from nations who oppose the just action and prevent it from being a quick endeavor. The permanent exile of the Vikelans from the jungle they destroyed. The Fall of Ubuntu. WARCLAIM: JUNGLE PLATEU 3: THE TREE OF FIVE. WARGOAL: THE REPLACEMENT OF THE DAEMON WORSHIPPERS WITH STEWARDS OF THE FOREST, THE ANNHILATION OF THE VIKELAN DESOLATION. IE: CONQUEST AND SUBSEQUENT TRANSFER FROM LURAK.
  15. The Codex on Vikela Law · · ───────༺ ·୨୧· ༻─────── · · Foreword, The Kingdom of Vikela in all of its various appendages and holdings are bound by this codex of law. These laws are derived from the rule of the King or Queen and their lineage. The Kingdom is in practice of the law and the codex of all documented decrees of the Monarch. No exception or alteration to this Codex is to be made by any other than the reigning Monarch and their representatives to this Codex of law. This Codex overrules all current and previous laws held in effect over The Kingdom of Vikela. Ignorance of the law does not exempt one from the enforcement of the law. Rights of Vikela, All rights shall fall to any person within the sovereign grounds of the Kingdom of Vikela and are inalienable in nature, never to be infringed upon, so long as they are exercised in good faith to the Sovereign and its people. The Sovereign shall forever make every effort to uphold these rights as is their obligation to the people they serve. Acting in opposition to these rights shall not be tolerated by the people, shall not be Allowed by their leaders or contradicted by future authors of the law. Right to Trial All people shall be guaranteed the right to fair trial for all crimes not deemed Heinous or despicable in nature as defined by the Sovereign. Right to Privacy All people shall be guaranteed reasonable privacy of their own affairs which shall not be infringed upon without reasonable certainty of dangerous, seditious, or illegal practice. Right to Peace People residing peacefully within our sovereign land shall pass unmolested and unharmed by any other person without due cause. Right to Voice Citizens reserve the right to voice their complaints, ideas and suggestions to the King or Queen, as well as their agents or representatives, without fear of retribution so long as the words remain honest, honorable and bring no harm to Vikela. Right to Defend The right to defend oneself shall be retained indefinitely as well as all means to do so in order to protect home, family, the weak or Vikela should the call ever arise to do so. Table of Contents Legally Important Terms Defining Reasonable Punishments General Laws of Vikela Pertaining Acts of Theft Burglary Robbery Other Pertaining Acts of Violence Assault Murder Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent Fraud Espionage Vandalism Kidnapping Aiding an Outlaw Undermining Authority & Defenses Poaching and Hunting Poaching Animals Dark Arts Darkspawn practices and Necromancy General Policy Littering Drug Use Taxes Pertaining Vassals of Vikela Pertaining to The Military Definitions of Legally Important Terms Citizen A citizen is defined as someone who legally physically inhabits some part of The Kingdom of Vikela. Citizenship is lost once someone permanently leaves Vikela land or The Kingdom of Vikela. For citizenship to be proven a record must be present in the Vikelan Registry, a document held by the Sovereign Government. Stewards Stewards are tasked with watching over the citizens of Vikela, they manage the basic day to day tasks of the city. This includes making sure citizens have housing, the city registry is updated and that empty houses don't have unapproved people living in them. Stewards can solve most citizens' problems or direct them to the proper people. Military Military Personnel are the citizens of Vikela that have taken the extra step in protecting the Kingdom and City. Led by the Warfare Ministry, the Military Branch of Vikela stands and defends the city's streets, walls, and gates. Tradesmen A tradesmen is any citizen of Vikela that sells goods from a named shop or enterprise, be it in a storefront, caravan, or from within their own home. Inalienable In the context of Vikela law means that if you are a citizen you retain whatever rights are granted for as long as you are in fact a citizen. Criminal A criminal is defined as anyone who breaks any law found within this Codex. Foreign Crimes do not automatically constitute someone's criminality in Vikela, but may be considered in context of one's citizenship in Vikela or a trial. Property An area of land in which one is allocated ownership under the crown's jurisdiction, paid for via mina or other means of labour. Defining Reasonable Punishments The Following Definition serves as a rubric on punishments which may be sentenced to those people who have been deemed to have committed a crime. No entity [Magistrate] shall issue a Punishment or Penalty greater than Listed below aside from The Lord Magistrate or ruling Sovereign. Those sentencing shall use a prudent hand in doling out all punishments, never meeting the maximum punishment without overwhelming evidence of heinous intent, disrespect, or lack of remorse. Those who fail to provide reasonable punishment may face charges equal to that which qualify. Class D Crimes Class D (Petty Crime): Fine of no more than 150 Mina, delivery of no less than 50 iron ingots or bread loaves, written and signed statement of apology. Class C Crimes Class C (Minor Crime): Fine of no more than 500 Mina, banishment of no longer than 2 years, delivery of no less than 100 iron ingots/bread loaves or 25 leather, up to 20 lashes by whip upon the back. Class B Crimes Class B (General Crime): Fine of no more than 1,000 Mina, banishment of no longer than 10 years, delivery of no less than 150 iron ingots/bread loaves or 50 leather. Up to 30 lashes by whip upon the back, branding of a limb or other part of the body. Class A Crimes Class A (Major Crime): Fine of no more than 2,000 Mina, banishment for no less than 10 years, delivery of no less than 200 iron ingots/bread loaves or 100 leather. Pillory for no less than 24 hours, no less than 50 lashes by whip upon the back, branding of the body, loss of one’s limb or extremity, execution by firing squad or being hung by the neck until dead. Evading Punishment In the instance of a convicted criminal fleeing before their punishment is enacted, a manhunt will ensue in which a bounty is placed upon the head of said criminal for the people of Aevos to seek. Said bounty will be in correspondence to the mina fine owed, and the mina fine will double to compensate the Kingdom. Laws of Vikela Lands 01. Pertaining Acts of Theft 01.01 Burglary; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s property. 01.01.01 Minor Burglary (Class D) The theft of 200 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Burglary (Class C) The theft of 500 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Major Burglary (Class B) The theft of 700 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Grand Burglary (Class A) The theft of greater than 700 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02 Robbery; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s person. 01.02.01 Minor Robbery (Class D) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 200 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02.02 Robbery (Class C) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 350 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02.03 Grand Robbery (Class B) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of greater than 500 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.03 Other Theft; defined as the theft of other goods, services, time ect. 01.03.01 Breaking Contracts (Class C) Violating a previously agreed upon contract (that has been registered and sealed by the King and/or Queen) between two parties, in order to boost profits or deprive the other of their labors. 01.03.02 Animal Theft (Class B) The theft or slaughter of any animal(s) belonging to anyone other than yourself. 01.03.03 Donation Theft (Class B) The misuse of any donated supplies meant for the city or the practise of conning into supporting false or misleading charitable causes. This includes and is not limited to anyone found accepting donations on behalf of House de Astrea and The Kingdom of Vikela without the approval of the King and/or Queen or their representatives. 02. Pertaining Acts of Violence 02.01 Assault; defined as physical attacks upon another. 02.01.01 Third-degree (Class D) An unplanned attack upon another causing minor injury, such as drunken brawls or bouts of passion. 02.01.02 Second-degree (Class C) An unplanned attack upon another causing minor injury. 02.01.03 First-degree (Class B) A planned attack of any form or upon an unplanned attack causing grievous or debilitating injury. 02.01.04 Assault Against The Crown (Class A) Any form of attack or attempted attack made against the Crown or direct heir to the crown. 02.01.06 Torture The Unlawful and purposeful harming of descendants be they a captured prisoner or layman with the intention of causing suffering or extracting information. 02.02. Murder; defined as the unlawful killing of one. 02.02.01 Attempted Murder (Class B) The unplanned attempt of taking another’s life and failing in doing so. 02.02.02 Second-degree (Class B) The unplanned killing of anyone's life within Vikela territory. 02.02.03 First-degree (Class A) The planned killing of anyone's life within Vikela territory. 02.02.04 Raiding (Class A) The attacking of Vikela forces, Citizens or lands in force regardless of justification. 03. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent 03.01 Slander; defined as spreading of false and damaging information 03.01.01 Defamation of Character (Class D/C) Actively harming one’s reputation with baseless claims. Usually only brought up if drastic. 03.02 Fraud; defined as deception for unlawful gain. 03.02.01 Petty Impersonation (Class D) Impersonation of a citizen, a guard, or a noble with petty intention. Outcomes of such are not severe, and do not result in the harm of others. 03.02.02 Impersonation (Class C) The impersonation of a citizen, a guard, or a noble with harmful intention. Outcomes of such are that in which result in harm of others, either physically or emotionally. See to defamation additionally if ones character comes to be harmed. 03.02.03 Petty Impersonation (Class D) 03.02.02 General Fraud (Class C) Purposely deceiving another for unlawful gain. (Does not include signed contracts) 03.03 Espionage; defined as the unwarranted spying upon another citizen 03.03.01 Peeping (Class D) Purposefully pressing oneself against or looking through the window of a property to peep inside their residence and spy on the inhabitants with no harmful intent 03.03.02 Minor Espionage (Class C) Spying upon a citizen to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 03.03.03 State Espionage (Class A) Spying upon a state appointed official to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 03.03.04 Trade Espionage (Class B) The unlawful gain of Vikela trade secrets. 03.04 Vandalism; the unlawful destruction of property 03.04.01 Minor Vandalism (Class C) Destruction of property totalling equal to or less than 200 Mina in damages. 03.04.02 Major Vandalism (Class B) Destruction of property equal to or less than 350 Mina in damages. 03.04.03 Grand Vandalism (Class A) Destruction of property totaling more than 500 Mina in damage 03.05 Kidnapping; the unlawful seizure or holding of another in one’s custody. 03.05.01 Kidnapping (Class B) Capturing/ holding one against their will unlawfully. 03.05.02 Grand Napping (Class A) Capturing/ Holding of any member of the House de Astrea Bloodline or Members of the High Council against their will unlawfully. 03.05.03 Slavery (Class A) The Keeping of slaves within The Kingdom of Vikela. Registration of visiting slaves. At discretion of the King and/or Queen for purposes of diplomatic negotiation an exception to article c is for foreign visitors from a land in which slavery is legal to register their slaves. Any and all slaves must be properly registered with city authority, a Steward or High Council member. Registered slaves will be compensated for services rendered while in the bounds of Vikela at current rates for any services rendered. Registered slaves will be granted legal protections of citizens even from their masters while in Vikela. Time limit on protections for owners of registered slaves. Registered slaves remaining in Vikela for over one week’s time will be considered freed, the protections of registration no longer applying. The same visitors may re-register slaves after an absence from the city of at least one week from Vikela lands 03.05.03 Slave Hunting/Capturing (Class A) The hunting or capturing of members of sentient races for the purpose of slave trading.. 03.06 Aiding an Outlaw; defined as granting aid or shelter to a fugitive of House de Astrea. 03.06.01 Petty Aid (Class C) Providing a fugitive sustenance or any means to escape capture. 03.06.02 Aiding (Class B) Providing a fugitive shelter or knowingly aiding them in escaping capture. 03.06.03 Accomplice (Class B) Knowingly helping a fugitive further commit crimes within Vikela or against House de Astrea before their escape. 03.07 Undermining Authority & Defenses; defined as knowingly acting against Vikela Interests interests 03.07.01 Circumventing defenses (Class A) Any act intended to or seen to diminish, divert or damage resources of the Military and the static defences of the city. 03.07.02 Undermining Authority (Class B) Undermining the authority of any member of House de Astrea hierarchy or the Vikela government through malicious acts or words in the aim of harming citizens. 03.07.03 Undermining the de Astrea Bloodline (Class X) Undermining the authority or any attacks or hostile action taken against members of the House de Astrea bloodline are an immediate life in prison sentence, or the death penalty as decided by the King and/or Queen. 03.07.04 Disobedience of Authority (Class C) Purposely disobeying instructions from the King and/or Queen or their agents and representatives within the Vikela Government or ranking a member of the Vikela Military. 03.07.05 Violating Restricted Area (Class B) Entering or being in or on any military Installation of Vikela without the authority to be in the area without an Authorized Escort. 03.07.06 Violation of Treaties (Class A) The Act of any Resident, Citizen or Visitor of Vikela that purposefully acts in a way that can jeopardize or conflicts with any Treaty signed and agreed upon by the Vikela Governance. 03.08 Acts of Discrimination; defined as purposefully Treating another unfavourable or poorly based upon an aspect of themself being different 03.08.01 Religion (Class C) Any act of Discrimination aimed at demeening or hurting someone based upon their chosen set of beliefs. Note: This does not entitle the use of religion as an defence against charges of Malicious Intent. Religion is not a justifiable excuse to harm other innocent civilians, residents or visitors to Vikela. Acts of sacrifice, harm, or chaos in the name of a religious figure is strictly prohibited. 03.08.02 Race (Class C) Any act of Discrimination aimed at demeening or hurting someone based upon their Race 03.08.03 Gender (Class C) Any act of Discrimination based and aimed upon and at their Gender 03.08.04 Sexual Preference (Class C) Any act of Discrimination based upon an Individuals sexual preference 03.08.05 Hate Crime (Class X) Any act that breaks a law within this Codex that is motivated by a Discriminative purpose such as Assault due to someone's beliefs or Race will be treated as having been committed at a Higher than Normal Class of Punishment. 03.08.05 Harassment (Class C) Any harmful actions taken with the intent to annoy, alarm, or alert another person in a negative manner. This includes, but is not limited to - Physical contact, tailing a person in a public place, communicating by message anonymously or through a third party, repeated communications at inconvenient hours that interferes with a person's private life or property, AND/OR repeated taunts, insults, challenges, obscene comments, and words spoken in any manner to provoke a violent or otherwise disorderly response. 03.08.06 Stalking (Class C) The repetitive actions of following, targeting, garnering information regarding, and otherwise tracking and spying on an individual without legal cause or justification, in a manner that is meant to be harmful or sway control of said individual. This includes sending malicious content to an individual by anonymous or third party means, with the intent to intimidate after discovery, as well as loitering and otherwise entering their property in regards to levying manipulation and fear. This covers targeted attacks against a citizen of both 03.09 Poaching; defined as the hunting of animals in House de Astrea territory without permission granted by the King or Queen 03.09.01 Petty Poaching (Class C) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering any animal in amounts no more than 200 Mina. 03.09.02 Grand Poaching (Class B) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering of any animal totalling more than 200 Mina. 04. General Crime 04.01 Littering; defined as making any public place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about. 04.01.01 General Littering (class D) The throwing of any non hazardous goods on the ground or into the waters around Vikela. 04.01.02 Hazardous Littering (class B) The throwing of any hazardous goods that can affect the lives of citizens on to the ground or into the waters around Vikela. 04.02 Drug Use 04.02.01 Public Drug Use (Class D) The usage of any non medicinal drugs within public grounds or non designated areas is prohibited. 04.02.02 Public Drug Dealing (Class D) The Public selling or advertising of drug sales. 04.03 Trespassing; Defined as entering a location unlawfully without permission given explicitly or implicitly 04.03.01 House Squatting (Class D) The moving into any open or used house without the permission of a steward, the King and/or Queen or the rightful owner(s) of the house. 04.03.02 Trespassing (Class D) Entering or being on or in someone's property without their express permission or after being asked to leave. 04.03.03 Trespassing on Clan property (Class B) Entering or being on private property owned by the major clans and families in Vikela without express permission. 04.03.04 Breaking and Entering (Class C) Purposefully trespassing and breaking or causing damage to property in an effort to enter a property within Vikela. 04.03.06 Reckless Magical use (Class C) The Use of Deific, Voidal or Neutral magics in public in a way that could bring harm to other citizens and visitors of Vikela. 04.03.07 Threats and Intimidation (Class C) The use of actions or words in a manner that is meant to scare, intimidate or threaten an individual. This includes verbal threats of harm as well as acts of intimidation such as the unlawful brandishing of weapons. 04.04 On recruitment; Defined by the recruitment of Vikela’s Citizens 04.04.01 Foreign Recruitment (Class C) In which a foreign entity, not approved by the crown enters, without permission, in order to recruit members to a group or organization without any ill intent or national affiliation 04.04.02 Malicious Foreign Recruitment (Class A) In which a foreign entity, not approved by the crown enters, without permission, in order to recruit members to a harmful group, an outside military force or when any group targets children or other vulnerable groups 05. Dark Acts and Creatures 05.01 Dark Worship; defined as the unlawful worship of the Dark Gods, Undead or dark magic creatures 05.01.01 Worship (Class A) Conducting any cult activities related to or to empower Dark Gods, Undead, Voidal entities, or powers that belong to them, Or the aiding of those that do. 05.02 Dark Arts Practice; defined as the unlawful use or Practice of dark arts related to the Dark Gods, Necromancy or other forms of Dark Magic. 05.02.01 Practice (Class A) The practice of any Dark Magic’s within Vikela such as Mysticism, and the summoning or creating of dark powers that may pose a threat to the city or its citizens. 05.02.02 Public Summoning (Class A) The Public summoning and use of any form of dark or demonic creatures within the Kingdom of Vikela is forbidden. 05.02.03 Mental Assault pertaining to Dark Arts (Class A) Any mental injury or assault caused by the committing of Dark arts in any way shape or form will be treated the same as if the assault had been physically performed upon the victim whether intentional or not. As such the class of Crime is determined as per the classes of each tier of assault. Furthermore any fines that were to be levied are to be paid directly to the victim to help finance their recovery. 05.03 Dark and Dangerous Creatures; defined as creatures of Undead, Dark, Demonic or Voidal Nature. 05.03.01 Dark Creature (Class A) Any creatures that are considered dark in nature or Darkspawn. This can include Dark mages that have transformed beyond their mortal form or any other being corrupted by dark forces. This includes things such as Draconic/Drakkar and Mystics. 05.03.02 Voidal Creature(Class A) Any creature that is deemed a threat to Vikela or its people that has been summoned from or simply originates from the void. Also includes creatures that are voidal in nature. 05.03.03 Undead Creature (Class A) Any Person if they can still be considered that, found to be one of the many kinds of undead found throughout the world. Including but not limited to Vampires, Zombies, Liches and Ghosts. 05.03.04 Assisting dark creatures (Class A) Knowingly keeping or assisting any dark magic creatures, undead or Voidal creatures that pose a threat to the city or it’s citizens by any means. Includes housing, feeding, sympathizing, 06. On the Application of Punishments 06.01 Imprisonment; As defined by the constant imprisonment of a person with minimal interaction with the outside world. 06.01.01 Jail Time may consist of interrogations by any agent of the Military or Crown Government in order to gain any additional information 06.01.02 The use of Torture in Interrogations shall only be Approved by the Sovreign, Heir, Lord Commander or Minister of Defence failure to receive proper permissions by leave agent open to prosecution under 02.01.06 On Torture 06.02 On the Criminal Registry; as defined by the list of persons tried and sentenced of crimes in varying degrees 06.02.01 Those who are charged for any crime of class C or Higher will be registered within the Criminal Registry 06.02.02 Those Charged with Class B or higher and remain registered within the Criminal Registry may be searched at any time by a member of the Military 06.02.03 Those Convicted of a Class A crime shall have the right to bear arms or armor revoked, shall submit to regular searches of person and property and shall face increased scrutiny when dealing within Vikela at the discretion of any particular government official 06.02.04 Any person Registered within the Criminal Registry shall have any future crimes increased by 1 class and shall face charges of that particular class regardless of crime committed 06.02.05 A name may be removed from the offenders list at the discretion of the Sovereign of Vikela. 06.03 On Forced Labour; As defined by the requirements of those persons sentenced to Forced Labour and the quality of life provided to them 06.03.01 The Sovereign and the Council of Vikela have decided upon a list of minimum requirements those sentenced to forced labour must be entitled to during their imprisonment.which shall be the following -Beds or Stretchers to Sleep in. -Shelter from the elements. -6 hrs Rest a day. -18 hrs of forced labour per day max. -Food and Water -2 substantial meals per day (Breakfast and Dinner), 15 minute breaks per meal. -Tools to do the Labour -Access to Medical services -Bathing Facilities 06.04 On Prisoners of War; As defined by the requirements of those persons Captured as prisoners of war and the quality of life provided to them. 06.05.01 The Sovereign and the Council of Vikela have decided upon a list of minimum requirements those sentenced captured and judged Prisoners of war must be entitled to during their imprisonment: -Barracks and Bunks to sleep in. -Decent Bathroom facilities. -Decent Food and Water. -Meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), 20 minutes break to eat each. -8 hrs rest a day. -Right to Not be Physically abused. -Right to be Ransomed back. -14hrs of labour a day MAX. -Tools for any labour required of them. -Access to Spiritual services. -Access to Medical Aid. -Release back to their Faction of Origin Upon the Conclusion of Hostilities 07. On Taxation and matters of the Interior 07.01 On Taxation; As defined by the collection of Currency from the common populus in order to maintain lands and salaries of the nation and its populus 07.01.01 Minor Tax Fraud (Class C) The act of unlawfully evading the payment of taxes of no more than 200 mina 07.01.02 Tax Fraud (Class B) The act of unlawfully evading the payment of taxes Totaling 201 mina or more Taxes must be paid as specified and failure to pay taxes on a property may result in eviction or seizure of the property and/or goods or services equating to the amount owed 07.01.03 Theft of funds (Class A) The Act of purposefully and maliciously taking of Money from any account, receptacle or payment of the Vikela people 07.01.04 All surplus taxes will be immediately deposited into the national treasury for future use by the Kingdom of Vikela. Else be prosecuted under Theft of Funds 07.01.05 Taxes will be levied at discretion of the Sovereign and its appointed government Officials 07.01.06 Taxes will be collected on a per property basis. 07.01.07 Raw Materials and goods may be used in place of Mina at discretion of the Sovereign or its Appointed Government Officials 07.01.08 Taxes will be collected by the Vikela Treasury whom shall provide clear and effective methods of payment failure to do so shall result in immunity to Minor Tax Fraud 07.02 Building Modification; defined as the unapproved construction or modifications to any building Owned by House de Astrea and modifications made to any building within Vikela. 07.02.01 Government Owned Building Modification (Class B) The unapproved changes to buildings owned by the government and run by citizens. (Ex. Library, Farms, Tavern, Infirmary, Temple, Guard posts) 07.02.02 House Modification (Class B) The unapproved changes or modifications to a citizens house. (Ex. Basements, Extra floors, Exits, Entrances, passages, layout changes) 08. On Vassals of Vikela 08.01 On Vassals; Those whom are deemed fit by the Sovereign to lead and govern a group of people 08.01.01 Vassals, Retainers and the Codex must follow all laws of this Codex within their own territories and shall not establish within their domains any laws that act in contrary to this Codex. 08.01.02 Vassals are entrusted by the King and/or Queen and the High Council of Vikela to govern their people and report any acts of sedition 08.01.03 Vassals are expected to levy taxes or manpower in times of dire need, at the discretion of the King and/or Queen and the High Council. 08.01.04 Vassals reserve the right for their designated leader to sit upon the High Council of Vikela. 08.01.05 Vassals reserve the right to pick their own leader in the manner they see fit without outside interference 08.01.06 Vassals status of Nobility may be revoked by their sovereign 09. On The Military of Vikela 09.01 The Military; The Guard force of Vikela constituted by a body established by this section known as The Order of the Boreal Forest or The Military of Vikela or The Military. 09.01.01 The Military of Vikela shall Consist of the following persons: The King/Queen of Vikela The Prince/Princess Consort The Heir Apparent The Minister of Warfare The Council of Warfare The Crystal Court Generals Sargents Ensigns Captains Masters at Arms Men at Arms Mercenaries on Contract with Vikela on an as needed basis. 09.01.02 Role of the Military of Vikela. The role of the Military is to serve House de Astrea and the peoples of Vikela and uphold the law so as to promote a safe, secure and orderly society. 09.01.03 The functions of The Military of Vikela include the following; -Preserving the peace -Protecting life and property -Preventing the commission of offenses; -Detecting and apprehending offenders; -Helping those in need of assistance -Defending House de Astrea and the de Astrean bloodline -Defending the Kingdom of Vikela 09.02 Rights afforded the to Military of Vikela; additional rights that are afforded to the Military of Vikela in order to pursue peace and order within the Sovereigns lands 09.02.01 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to bear and use any arms within the city and Kingdom of Vikela. 09.02.02 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to wear any armour within the city and Kingdom of Vikela 09.02.03 The Military of Vikela exclusively reserve the right to wear The Military of Vikela Uniform 09.02.04 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to search any citizen with consent or if they suspect the citizen has broken a law covered within the codex. 09.02.05 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to use lethal force in defense of House de Astrea, The Kingdom of Vikela, Kingdom of Vikela, themselves or others, and in upholding the laws of this codex without the fear of repercussions under the laws of this codex. 09.02.06 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to deny entrance into the city or Kingdom of Vikela to anyone bar the King and/or Kingdom and their agents and representatives. 09.02.07 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to remove from the city any individuals they deem mal-contents or see as a danger to House de Astrea or The Kingdom of Vikela. 09.02.08 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to levy fines for crimes committed in The Kingdom of Vikela, Kingdom of Vikela in accordance with the punishment class of the crime committed. 09.02.09 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to arrest any criminal or those suspected of committing a crime. 09.02.10 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to search any home suspected of affiliation with a criminal with a stewards or Ranger Officers permission. 09.02.11 The Military of Vikela are bestowed the right to enforce Vikela Law on behalf of the King and/or Queen and the High Council of Vikela acting as their agents and representatives throughout all of The Kingdom of Vikela, The Kingdom of Vikela and it's Vassals. 09.02.12 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to deny entry to any individual within reason. 09.02.13 The Military of Vikela found in breach of any of the laws they are tasked with enforcing as per this codex will find themselves charged at a level higher than what would be considered usual for the crime. (Ex, Class D becomes a Class B) 09.02.14 The Military of Vikela are granted all the rights normally granted to Citizens in addition to the rights outlined in this section of the codex.
  16. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikelian Military Recruitment As The Queendom of Vikela continues to strive for peace and prosperity, we continue to encounter a variety of dangers ranging from evil-doers and forces of the dark. Thus, Queendom of Vikela invites all that strive for the same goal of living in prosperity and slaying evil-doers to her military force: Chimaera Military. Join a tradition steeped in bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering loyalty, where you'll embrace the legacy of those who've paved the way before you. Uphold Vikela's honor with every breath and step on the battlefield. As you ascend the ranks of Vikela's military, your dedication, prowess, and leadership will be duly acknowledged, propelling you toward greatness. Forge bonds of camaraderie that transcend mere duty; within the company of your fellow soldiers, discover strength, support, and an unwavering solidarity that defines us as a unified force against adversity. Safeguard Vikela and its people with unwavering vigilance and dedication, and in return, reap the rewards of competitive compensation, healthcare provisions, and abundant opportunities for personal and professional growth. Recruitments In this pivotal hour, we summon forth those who possess the indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve that wish to learn the art of defending The Queendom of Vikela against any threat that dare to cast a shadow upon our land. Learn the Call, and soar high. If you wish to be enlisted, send a bird to 'Father Raven' @PhilosopherBear , Walter Blanc @6Dark , or Dame Mayan Avern @TheGayGuardian2 or step forth to the gates of The Queendom of Vikela and enlist in our ranks. Guilds of Adventurers are encouraged to enlist. Benefits If one joins, there will be guaranteed benefits. These benefits are: - A place to reside in. - Special Military Training that ranges from Combative to Magical. - Alchemical Tools and Potions at disposal (Custom Requests are allowed). - Specialized Equipment and Weapons for each soldier. - Free Healthcare from the Clinic - Free Food for all empty stomachs - Discount on Tavern Drinks (3 mina) For Vikela We Soar Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela Tèt Chevalye nun Réyal Chevalye "The Order of The Crimson Raven" l'honnête Hemasteron ,Aserath Hemasteron Tèt Chevalye nun Chimaera Military Dame Mayan Avern
  17. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikela Boxing Championship 004 Results: Fierce Warriors of Aevos, This missive is written to announce the results of the Vikela Boxing Champioship 004 (VBC). After these long, friendly, and competitive bouts, there was a new winner crowned: Cerrick of Kamees @Pancho After his bouts, he has made an interview addressing the fighters of Aevos and the citizens of Vikela: “Another Xan W” We would like to thank all who has made the event possible, especially our guests from Celia’nor, which was made possible by Fali’dra Glanaeri @Piper Until we fight in the ring again! For Vikela We Soar Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela
  18. The Union Flame & Frost We are delighted to invite you to celebrate the union of Andria Aldin and Nepir Rosalis in matrimony. The joyous occasion will be held at Vikela’s Palace halls, where we will exchange vows and begin our journey together as partners in life. Your presence on this special day will mean the world to us. Please join us for the ceremony and stay for the reception filled with laughter, love, and cherished memories. List of Invitations: The remainder of the Aldin Family, With the exception of 11. @JuliusAakerlund @Seuss The remainder of The Rosalis Family. Any Student of The Wolfguard tree, are welcome to attend & a plus one. Sovrèn Majesté, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea & and The De Viola Family @JTMedea Son Altesse Éminente, Consort Walter Blanc de Vikela & The Blanc family @6Dark ARISTOCRACY OF VIKELA Ses Gras, Arch Dyòk Cyprien De Astrea & His pedigree @HogoBojo Ses Gras, Dyòk Walter Blanc & His pedigree @6Dark Ses Gras, Dyòk Xavier adlier & His pedigree @MockingbirdArt Ses Mecyril , Viskont Gregious Roa and his Pedigree @Me_llamo... Ses Mecyril , Cyril Ahmanu Chaephyra and their House. The Vel’yul Clan and their Pedigree @Kumoko600 Tèt Magistrate Ofisyèl Anastatsya Þér Heskynne & Their pedigree @Periphonics Tet Chevalye premye Mayan Avern & her pedigree @Therainbowroyal Tèt Steward Ofisyèl Illyana @Kayleigh_P Vikela citizens and The Chimera Military are all welcome to come! Special invitations Mika Uialben @mika1278 Emperor King Cyris Collingwood I II & His Pedigree @Hearth Theveus Sythaerin Sohaer of Haelun’or & His Pedigree @MailC3p The free City of Hohkmat and all who wish to come @Minuvas Lumia The Silver Lubba & Lurin @Snow1770
  19. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikela Caden Beswen Pra Batals! (Vikela needs fighters for Fighting!) Fierce Warriors of Aevos, I am Walter Blanc, Tèt Medic Ofisyè nun Vikela. This time, I am writing in the same manner, but with a different approach. Instead of inviting descendants to obtain information, I will be inviting the fierce warriors, adrenaline junkies, hungry for power and dominance over the opposition, and the bravest fighters of Aevos for a clash of pugilism. The tournament, Vikela Boxing Championship (VBC), shall crown the newest champion of the City of Crystals, and the new champion will be rewarded with their custom championship belt forged by our own smiths with a special twist to it, and receive free service in the tavern for an Amethysta week. will have to defend their title every Amethysta week against new challengers. Join us, in an event of pugilism sponsored by Heisethbergen Tea Company™️ accompanied by homemade food, and drinks from the Viola Household. If interested, send a bird to yours truly or come to Queendom of Vikela and get ready to rumble! Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Blanc nun Ahmanu, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela
  20. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikela Traiteur Beswen! (Vikela needs Doctors!) Esteemed Practitioners of Aevos, I am Walter Blanc, Tèt Medic Ofisyè nun Vikela. I write this missive to all in hopes of finding fellow practitioners who fancy a new location, or another location on their list where they can work as a doctor. The categories of the experts of medicine that are needed are as follows: - Medic nun Caden: This subcategory of medic solely focuses on the combat, high-risk scenarios. Critical thinking, sharp reactions and steady hands are necessary for this field. As one can speculate, this branch will be in close contact with the Military of Vikela. - Medic nun Mundane: This subcategory focuses on mundane medicine. Anything that does not require more than falling under the intermediate competence scale of medicine. As a bonus, they may work with herbs, salves, and etc. Essentially anything that is not alchemical, or of arcane origin. - Medic nun Magi/Arcane: This category solely focuses on injuries/treatment that involve elements of arcane. Beginner/Intermediate Fire Evocationists are a great example for this category as they are able to cauterize wounds. They will be in close contact with the Minister of Magic. - La Traiteur: This category is mainly for the doctors who fall under the expert/advanced competence level. From alchemical salvation, to maximizing their equipment to the fullest of potential. If interested, do send a bird to yours truly, or come by Vikela and find me in the clinic. Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela
  21. In anticipation of Vikela’s continued prosperity, the esteemed OFFICE OF MAYOR is reinstated, marking a moment of pride and jubilation within THE KINGDOM OF VIKELA THE MAYOR holds significant responsibilities, including the facilitation of events and celebrations, overseeing guilds and craftsmen to ensure adherence to regulations, & mediating disputes. Additionally, during council meetings (excluding those pertaining to warfare), they can propose new laws. At the end of their term, they have the opportunity to pursue governmental roles. To participate in these elections, citizens must meet specific criteria: - Minimum age of eighteen - Citizenship in Vikela - Absence of no more than two charges from the Justice Office - Ministers may not run, and the Heir of Vikela may not run. Candidates are encouraged to showcase their candidacy through small events and the hanging of informative missives to the public. The candidate with the highest number of votes will assume the esteemed position of MAYOR for a ten-year term, after which a new election cycle commences. A designated box at THE BOJO BANK will serve as the platform for citizens to officially declare their candidacy. Once their name is deposited within the box, they are granted the freedom to campaign openly and engage with fellow citizens to garner support for their bid.
  22. Vikelian Culture "In the cocoon of adversity, one finds the strength to emerge, embodying the delicate resilience of a butterfly. Like a crystal reflecting the myriad facets of liberation, our journey through rebirth unveils the dazzling spectrum of freedom within our wings." Introduction to Culture A vibrant blend of Wood Elf and Farfolk influences, Vikelian culture is characterized by rich traditions of art, fashion, jewelry, dance and architecture. Acknowledging nature, Vikelian customs and celebrations reflect a harmonious fusion of Wood Elf and Farfolk cultures. Culinary flavors reflect a combination of different ingredients. Decorated with intricate patterns, traditional clothing symbolizes cultural pride and the combined heritage of the Wood Elf and Farfolk. Amidst the challenges, the rich culture of the Vikela is sustained by a seamless blend of ancient traditions and modern influences. The Butterfly Vikela chose the butterfly as a symbol because of its powerful symbolism of change, maturity and beauty. Butterflies metamorphosis coincides with Vikela’s journey of resilience and rebirth, rising from challenges to become a thriving community. This symbol represents not only physical change, but also the constant renewal of the soul, the fleeting but beautiful nature of life. The butterfly has universal significance for the Vikela people, emphasizing change, beauty and enduring spirit. Silachian (Vikelian Language) Silachian, the language of the protected people, stems from the founding couple of Vikela, one Auvergne & Farfolk woman and one Wood Elf. These phrases, fluid as a swing and sharp to the tongue, reflect a unique linguistic blend. Originally, the founders seamlessly transitioned between these influences, and a serendipitous mistake by a human observer cemented this linguistic fusion. Today, Silachian resonates through Vikela's streets, passed down through generations, embodying a lasting fusion of linguistic traditions. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/233282-the-language-of-vikela-silachian/ Vikelian Myth (Vikelian Deities) In the realm of Vikela, there’s a myth that the people believe in. Three deities weave complex webs of existence and maintain cosmic harmony. Aeloria, the butterfly goddess, dances with ethereal wings, a symbol of freedom and the cycle of life. Luminara, the Crystal Guardian, shows clarity and sustainability in crystal systems. Completing the divine trinity, Sylvanara, the Goddess of Nature, unveils the energies and interconnectedness of the natural world. Aeloria guides the Vikelians on transformative journeys, embracing freedom and rebirth. Luminara weaves clarity into the tapestry of life, providing wisdom and change. With her green touch, Sylvanara balances the Vikelian community with the natural world, ensuring that the dance of life and growth is in harmony Vikela celebrates these three deities, and devotees honor the complementary powers of Aeloria, Luminara, and Sylvanara through crystal ceremonies, butterfly symbolism, and partnerships with nature. The Vikelians are intimately connected to freedom, resilience, and the ever-present web of energy of the natural world. Vikelian people are accepting of other cultures and traditions, letting everyone freely practice their own beliefs, as long as it does not cause harm. Family Structure In Vikela, family structures are built on principles of equality, irrespective of gender or age. Sons and daughters are treated with equal respect and consideration. The family dynamic emphasizes collaboration, shared responsibilities, and mutual support, fostering an environment where individual strengths and contributions are valued regardless of traditional gender roles or birth order. This approach aims to create a harmonious and inclusive family unit where each member is encouraged to pursue their interests and aspirations freely. Marriage Engagement Ceremony: A proposal ceremony is held at the bride's home, where the groom's family presents symbolic gifts. The engagement ceremony features blessings by family and an engagement gift from the suitor made from a hunted animal of their choice. Pre-Wedding Ceremony: Bridal Hunt transforms the classic hide and seek into a lively pre-wedding game, pitting the groom and groomsmen against the bride and bridesmaids. Dressed in disguises with clever codenames, the groom's team aims to identify the real bride among decoys. Once found, they embark on a mission to bring her back to the groom's house, while the bridesmaids attempt to impede their progress. The streets become a playful battleground, turning pre-wedding jitters into a laughter-filled adventure and creating lasting memories for the entire bridal party. Wedding Ceremony: The enduring tradition of marriage in Vikela includes passing down cherished bridal gowns, often sewn with symbolic fabrics. Preceding the wedding day, there's a hair-cutting ceremony symbolizing a fresh start and a cleansing ritual with sacred water, along with the exchanging of vows and wedding bands that can be jewelry or tattoos. The festivities culminate in a joyous reception with traditional Vikelian food, music, and dance. Funeral Ritual In Vikela, burying loved ones and planting a sapling atop their graves is a sacred ritual tied to the deities, Butterfly, Crystal, and Nature. Symbolizing transformation, the Butterfly Goddess inspires new life with the sapling, reflecting the enduring spirit. The Crystal Goddess's strength is represented by burying the departed in crystal-infused soil, connecting them to the earth. The Nature Goddess emphasizes the cycle of life, making the sapling a tribute to nature's harmony. This ritual intertwines the goddesses' symbols, fostering a sacred bond between the departed, the earth, and the divine forces that govern life's cycles in Vikela. Funeral Rites “Wand, chucki anba l'Talis Amebwa, no’poze en'dormi. Ou'Swènn-tali, enteli la Aveos. no'kache, en'ehya puies sézon. l'Amebwa Lapr, le'peintiyes nun Viv'danse.” Translation: “Here, beneath the tender boughs, we lay to rest a kindred spirit. Into the earth, we tuck our farewells, and with each passing season, may this arboreal ballet unveil the tapestry of a life well-danced.” “Le'nylu nu'Zehp ofrann, nu'mete. Ou'santiman, ka leh'chichot nun Bientu Pote, ehyal Simoni nan ri pataje nun chitcot sekrè nun la aveos bèl” Translation: “With these dainty offerings, we adorn the narrative. May the whispers of the wind carry our sentiments, and may the earth cradle the symphony of shared laughter and water your whispered secrets.” Festivities Vikelia has a wide variety of festivals that take many diverse forms, despite the fact that the way things are done may appear standard and unremarkable on the surface. Triunity Day A Festival to celebrate the harmonious balance and collaboration of the Crystal, Butterfly, and Nature Goddesses in Vikela. This day can be marked by various festivities, ceremonies, and acts of kindness that reflect the interconnectedness of nature, the beauty of crystals, and the transformative spirit of butterflies. Festival of the Fox: In the heart of the crystal lit kingdom of Vikela. The people come together annually to celebrate the revered Festival of the Fox. This whimsical and lively event serves as a tribute to the first queen, the beloved Queen Leika De Astrea, who was fondly known for her kinship with foxes and her wise rule. Dandelion Festival In Vikela, the annual Dandelion Festival unfolds as a dazzling tribute to the second queen, the esteemed Queen Larissa De Astrea. Known for her love of nature and commitment to unity, this festival has become a cherished tradition that captivates the hearts of Vikela's inhabitants. Festival of the Gems In Vikela, the annual "Festival of the Gems" is a dazzling spectacle that pays homage to the virtues embodied by different gemstones. As the kingdom's citizens come together to celebrate, each gem represents a distinct aspect of leadership, wisdom, and resilience. Festival of the Rabbit In Vikela, nestled amidst rolling hills and blooming meadows, the annual "Festival of the Rabbit'' emerges as a heartwarming celebration of luck, prosperity, fertility, and the cherished bonds of family. This lively event brings together Vikelians, young and old, to revel in the spirit of togetherness and the promise of abundant blessings. THE RIVER FEST A vital aspect is the nourishing water flowing through the city and its surroundings, providing fresh water, beverages, pastries, and bread to everyone in the vicinity, sustaining life. The festivities include traditional games and a prominent boat race as the main event. SOCIAL SEASON As it flows, Ahiuw le fleuve serves as more than just a river - it is a journey of self-discovery and the transition into adulthood. Leaving behind the innocence of childhood, crossing the river signifies the establishment of a strong foundation for the future. In Vikela's bustling social scene, where there is an imbalance of women and men, this season plays a crucial role. It is a time of gatherings and courtship, with grand balls featuring men in deep blues and ladies in delicate hues. The highly anticipated Madris Ras Ball, organized by the esteemed Court of River Gems, marks the end of the season, celebrating gemstones in all their splendor. Ahiuw le fleuve is not merely about romantic pursuits, but also a chance to form bonds of sisterhood and brotherhood. Traditionally, older women take on the role of hosting lavish balls, while younger women partake in dances to capture the attention of potential partners. Vikelian Cuisine Vikelian cuisine is a diverse culinary tradition characterized by balanced flavors, fresh herbs, and a reliance on rice as a staple. With a strong emphasis on fish and seafood, dishes like fish amok and lok lak showcase the nation’s proximity to water sources. Offering a variety of affordable and flavorful options. Vikelian desserts often feature sticky rice, coconut milk, and tropical fruits. The cuisine reflects a rich culinary heritage that delights with its creativity and diversity. Vikela’s Crafts Vikela excels in the art of jewelry-making, creating exquisite pieces that mirror their diverse cultural influences. Their vibrant fashion seamlessly blends colors and intricate designs, while the tradition of silk weaving produces visually captivating fabrics. In cuisine, Vikela's unique gastronomic identity fuses diverse influences, resulting in a delightful array of flavors. From expertly spiced dishes to delectable desserts, Vikela's culinary artistry showcases their commitment to preserving and evolving their distinctive heritage. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/231377-jewels-of-vikela / Social Classes In Vikela, the social class system is characterized by a nuanced hierarchy that takes into account various factors beyond wealth alone. The society is divided into distinct classes, each with its own roles and privileges. Paramount Class: At the pinnacle of the social structure is the Paramount class, consisting of leaders and influential figures responsible for governing Vikela. Paramounts are chosen through a tanistry, considering noble families and their contributions to the community. Noble Class: Below the Paramounts, the Noble class comprises aristocratic families with significant influence and wealth. They may hold positions of leadership in various sectors, contributing to the prosperity of Vikela. Artisan Class: The Artisan class includes skilled craftsmen, artists, and professionals who contribute to the cultural and economic development of Vikela. Their expertise is highly valued, and they enjoy a comfortable standard of living. Merchant Class: The Merchant class consists of traders and entrepreneurs engaged in commerce and trade. They play a crucial role in connecting Vikela with other regions and contribute to economic growth. Commoner Class: The Commoner class encompasses the majority of the population, including farmers, guards and individuals engaged in various occupations. They form the backbone of Vikela's workforce, contributing to its daily functioning. It's essential to note that mobility between classes is possible based on merit, achievements, and contributions to the community. Vikela places value on individual skills, talents, and dedication, fostering a society where social mobility is encouraged. Fashion Vikelian fashion is a vibrant tapestry that weaves together elements of tradition and modernity. Rooted in rich cultural heritage, it reflects a harmonious blend of Farfolk influences and Wood Elf aesthetics. The clothing often features designs that allow exposure of shoulders, arms, and belly, showcasing a balance between modesty and expression. Traditional clothing, often adorned with intricate embroidery and beading, coexists seamlessly with contemporary styles. Beadwork, layering, and the use of vivid patterns characterize Vikela fashion, creating a unique and visually captivating aesthetic. The incorporation of gold, gems, and silk further elevates the overall appeal, symbolizing not just adornment but also resilience and triumph over life's challenges. In Vikela, adorning oneself with gold and various gems is a profound expression of self-love and appreciation for one's body. Each gem worn tells a story, symbolizing the hardships endured and the resilience displayed in rising from the ashes. The intricate patterns and vibrant colors of the gems serve as a testament to the individual's journey, showcasing the beauty that emerged from challenges. This tradition not only adds a touch of opulence to personal style but also serves as a powerful reminder of strength and triumph over adversity. Archetype Vikela's archetype blends the charm of cottagecore with vibrant colors, creating a picturesque landscape immersed in nature. Quaint cottages, adorned with ivy and flowers, are surrounded by lush greenery, and mystical crystals sprout from the earth, casting a radiant glow. The residents embrace a cottagecore lifestyle, weaving handcrafted textiles in hues inspired by the vibrant flora. It's a harmonious haven where simplicity, warmth, and a deep connection with nature define the idyllic atmosphere of Vikela.
  23. [!] A notice is posted around the Kingdom of Vikela, and other random locations. Seeking Bartender for Stir It Up Tavern within Vikela Are you celebrated for your skill in crafting drinks that delight, and your calm demeanor, even in the liveliest tavern nights? If so, an exciting opportunity awaits you at Stir It Up Tavern! Position Available: Bartender Location: Stir It Up Tavern, nestled within the heart of Vikela, Job Requirements: As the lifeblood of our tavern, your primary duty will be to serve drinks with flair and charm. If you need help learning how to make said drinks, the past barkeeper Andria will teach you how to do so. You'll take home 50% of your earnings, ensuring that your efforts are duly rewarded. How to Apply: Send a letter or come in person to meet any of these people, Queen Medea, Consort Walter Blanc, or Minister Andria. Additional Notes: While your main focus will be on tending the bar, if you possess the flair for event hosting, we welcome you to speak up!. Whether it's a night of merry music or a storytelling session to enchant our guests, your contributions will be appreciated.
  24. The Treaty of the Wildflower Issued: Year 21st of Snow's Maiden, SA 168 Article I: Non-Aggression Pact This non-aggression pact is entered into by the Kingdom of Vikela and the Kingdom of Balian, hereafter referred to as "the Parties," to promote peace, stability, and mutual respect between their respective realms. Article II: Declaration of Peace I. The Parties hereby declare their commitment to maintaining peaceful relations with each other. II. They pledge not to engage in any acts of aggression, hostility, or military conflict against one another, whether directly or indirectly. This pledge includes, but is not limited to, offering financial or trade assistance to an opposing nation and military aid against the other party in this treaty. Article III: Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity I. The Parties affirm the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each other. II. They agree to respect their respective kingdoms' borders and boundaries and refrain from any actions that may infringe upon them. Article IV: Diplomatic Relations I. The Parties agree to establish and maintain diplomatic channels for communication and dialogue. II. They will endeavor to resolve any dispute or disagreement through peaceful means, such as negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. Article V: Duration I. Both parties agree to a fifteen-year duration for this pact. In case of a breach of the non-aggression terms, the current Sovereigns will consult one another immediately before any further action is taken. Signed, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera SOVRÈN MAJESTÉ, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Queen of Vikela, La Violetta
  25. Year 166 of the Second Age 03/02/2024 ISSUED BY: THE OBSIDIAN THRONE ᛞᛖᛗᚨᚾᛞᛊ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᛒᛊᛁᛞᛁᚨᚾ ᛏᚺᚱᛟᚾᛖ ᛞᛖᛗᚨᚾᛞᛊ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᛒᛊᛁᛞᛁᚨᚾ ᛏᚺᚱᛟᚾᛖ YOTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH URGUAN ᛁᛟᚦ ᛒᚱᚨᚦᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᚦ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ Preamble The Kingdom of Vikela has settled within claimed Urguani territory without consent from the Obsidian Throne. In an act of wisdom and a desire for peace, Grand King Sigrun ‘Undeadslayer’ Stonehammer offered the Vikelan leadership the opportunity to pay a moderate sum of 848 mina’s to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, in order to rectify this distasteful action by the Vikela leadership. However, this generous offer was refused. Therefore the Obsidian throne puts forth these renewed demands to the Kingdom of Vikela Demands The Kingdom of Vikela shall remove itself entirely from the Highlands The Kingdom of Vikela shall not move within proximity to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. This Proximity shall be determined by the Grand Kingdom of Urguan upon selection of land. The Kingdom of Vikela shall pay a sum of 1,000 mina’s to rectify this dishonorable act towards the Grand Kingdom of Urguan If the Kingdom of Vikela fails to meet these demands or does not respond in one stone-day, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall unleash the full might of its war machine to expel the Kingdom of Vikela from its claimed land. The Choice is yours. Choose wisely Signed, Sigrun ‘Undeadslayer’ Stonehammer Grand King of Urguan, Clan Father of The Stonehammers, Priest of Dungrimm, Hero of Dungrimm, Three-Time Grand Champion of Urguan
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