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Status Updates posted by 0000

  1. I've got to finish that requested music... at a huge writer's block here... perhaps LotR will give me some more inspiration.

  2. I would celebrate mother's day but those orcs killed her.

    1. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer


      -Orcs wake up- I feel like

      killing some parents today

  3. Three were given to the elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.

    1. Thrym


      (this won't be exact as I'm trying to remember at 1 in the morning but....)

      Seven to the Dwarf lords in their halls of stone

  4. One ring to rule them all...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΚΨΙΞ
    3. Auvreaeath


      and in the lightness hide them

    4. Volutional


      And in the darkness bind them*

  5. New respect for Volutional. Apparently he's as into LotR as I. Even just referenced Isengard. Hats off, sir.

    1. Volutional



      A Alkenaar istannen le ammen.


  7. I've gotta step up my game, guys. I've been a little too leisurely around here. It'll by one year at LotC in a little over a month, I need to spend more of my time for the community than for my own roleplay and fun. Gotta get my "Most Active Forum" from Off Topic to Support. XD

  8. Love you all

    1. Taiga


      I'd like a slice of Alkenaar, medium-rare please.

      If you're all mine, you'd oblige.

    2. Skippy


      Silly Simon. Alkenaar is fo kids.

    3. 0000


      ^ ... N.... noo....


      .... Y.. Yes...

  9. If I were a rich man...~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 0000



    3. Swgrclan


      You would have too much


    4. Miquill


      T.T Don't go there, brings bad memories about Aegis >.>

  10. Wow. I succumbed to the trend. At least it was combo-broken.

  11. The antagonist in the last movie you watched has been transformed into the gender opposite of yours if they already are not, and you are forced to marry them. How horrid is your life going to be from this point on?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arkelos


      ...Bad. Might have to kill them.

    3. Nononymous


      Hulk as a girl... *shivers*

    4. CowsGoMoo


      Last movie I saw was "Horrible Bosses", there were three antagonists. One was a pretty hot woman, that was a bit slutty.

      . . .

      I don't think I'll mind.

  12. Robin, I love your Administrative Beardism, Freya I internetly love you and your epic GMingness, Native I love your voice and beard, Serenity I love your accent, and Old Hats, I fight for you!

  13. I feel like making a "Lord of the Craft In Real Life" video.... It'd feature powergaming, metagaming, overly dramatic RPers.... I can go on forever!~

  14. Just happened: (Two people are fighting about Elven races) Me: "I'm going to say this once, racial arguing gets no where" Man 1:"I'm not arguing" Man 2: "I'm not trying to" Me: "You are a liar, and you are bad at trying *walks away*"

  15. That feel when you are scared to death by a PM from a forum moderator that ended up in the nicest thing I ever heard.

  16. Is it possible to apply for a LotC Voice Actor, sorta like being someone the Media Team can use if they need a voice for a video or such?

    1. shiftnative


      there's no application but i'm sure when they're doing a big project they'll make a forum post seeking help! :]

  17. A few lucky ones have managed to hear me sing. Creative Cafe holds that honor. And Skippy has a recording. Skippy, you should post that recording.

  18. Dear Neko, keep up your great work as well! -Alkenaar

  19. Post your worst RP ever. I'll start. I once was being arrested with a famous villain, and I cut down a tree, made a sword, gave one to him, and we ran to the cloud temple into no-pvp zones, abusing it. This was a LONG time ago. I now feel horrible about it XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Demolished the side of a building with my mind. Partook in the OOC villain party which eventually led to a serverwide broadcast telling us to stop.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Demolished the side of a building with my mind. Partook in the OOC villain party which eventually led to a serverwide broadcast telling us to stop.

    4. Austin


      Ran around with about 30 orcs pissing on EVERYTHING.

  20. Sometimes I am dissapointed in you guys. xD Playing Survival Games 2, won 10 diamonds, and we're all in spawn and everyone starts PVPing for the diamonds... *sigh*

    1. EmeraldStag


      I gave up on Any survival games server posted on here, I got banned for no reason on one, i never died, and then when i asked why they deleted my question.

    2. 0000


      You coulda broke something you weren't supposed to

    3. EmeraldStag


      What happend: I log in, die and get specter mode., fly around a bit, make an observation on how i wouldn't be able to get my pirate sword because of the different map, then i was banned. All before any games were started.

  21. I need to do something with my old character, Alkenaar. He's still a spirit that's attached to Cedric...

    1. Lexperiments


      Why the hell are so many spirits attached to Cedric.

    2. 0000


      This happened way back in Aegis, when Alke permadied....

      So I might be the first? XD

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