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Status Updates posted by 0000

  1. That was weird.. My internet decided to troll me.

  2. In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

    1. Jingeh


      Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy <3

    2. 0000


      The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.

  3. I'm excited for this porteceliopohaelphonfoehfudj plugin.

    1. Raptorious


      THe plugin's name doesnt have doesnt have an f in it.

  4. Dear Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other web crawler bots. You've lurked the forums for nearly a year. Make an application and roleplay.

    1. Swgrclan


      "No search results have

      come up for 'Application'

      or 'roleplay'. Please try

      again later."

    2. Ursolon


      Facebook... He's such a troll.

    3. Everman111


      I know. He is always posting pictures and updating statuses.

  5. Someone has a "Because you're adopted" picture. I am adopted. And I laughed so hard.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda thinks some times she is adopted, she realizes she is... But only by me.

  6. Your background...

  7. That feel when the server is up.

  8. @Vaq: Friend of mine is programminga custom launcher. How are they able to authenticate premium minecraft users?

    1. Taiga


      They can't, which means people with cracked clients can get in if they use the right username.

    2. 0000


      So our LotC Launcher... that would be a problem?

      How would that be dealt with? I know that when Minecraft auth servers went down once LotC implemented it's own authenticating plugin. Would that be used?

    3. Taiga


      Not really. By logging in with our MC usernames and passwords correspondingly, it runs perfectly fine.

      The authentication process only takes the Minecraft Username and Password. They don't need an official launcher. No problems with LotC launcher.

      On the other question, the "thing" you mentioned will need to be reimplemented if it's a long downtime for authentication servers.

  9. I lost my phone, and it's on silent.... uuuguggh

    1. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      >.< Careful, Skippy is most likely going to post here nao :D

    2. Skippy


      Look at my darn status.

  10. I have been a victim of severe bullying in my past and it is quite likely many here are/were too. One thug that got me through it is realizing they are similar to trolls. They jut want attention. So I don't give it to them. They call me "gay" I say "cool.". You don't need to provoke them. You'll only fuel them. Thy want to see you map, see you snap back with a witty comment because then they're getting noticed either confront them directly with a straightforw...

    1. 0000


      ward conversation about their behavior or ignore them. *thing *just *they *mad *

    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Don't try talking, only makes them want to anger you...sometimes violence may be the only way though it is not good...

    3. 0000


      Depends on the situation or the bully. Some are better to talk to than others. But violence is never the answer. There's always other ways.

  11. Nearing word 3000 on my VA, haven't even gotten to the ORQ... Fun writing though.

    1. Cappy


      I'm only at 2745 before the ORQs...


      Mind you, I did cut a 250 word paragraph from the bio.


    1. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic


    2. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic


    3. 0000


      es the best, #1, best, shield es always win, never loose

  13. Aislin :D

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda doesn't know him

  14. Just played a game of LoL My nexus was about to be destroyedd so I surrendered. Then, the enemy team surrender. My nexus was destroyed then it panned to the enemy nexus which was destroyed also. Our team won.

    1. d3athfall


      Nice! This must be rare never happened to me before. I do enjoy a good game of league.

    2. Ursolon
    3. Ursolon


      On second thought, why are you not on my friends list?

  15. School out soon, can finally get to my requests in my music thread!

  16. Nuuuuuuuuuu

  17. Friend minecraft coder working on a modded client, doesn't know how to access minecraft list of registered accounts to allow for login. Anyone got anything to help him?

    1. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      I don't think that's public info

    2. Raphaelv2


      I'm not sure that's legal

  18. Hot Vekaros, dey got no problems.

  19. Exactry 8000 profile views man. I was da one.

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