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Status Updates posted by MediocreGamer

  1. Does anyone happen to remember who did this map of Asulon? http://i.imgur.com/vLLOX.jpg

  2. Just going to go to the winchester, have a pint and wait for this all to blow over.

    1. Judas


      I'll join you with my finest brew.

  3. Note there was a statement to someone who isn't Alrasian. The Alras skype chat is a public chat for all on LoTC. Chi has done nothing to my knowledge for Alras in the past or presently.

    1. _pok_


      Damage control... distance yourself.. good.

  4. Alras Trivia Question of the Day: What restaurant in Al'Khazar did the Undead despise so much that they blew it up?

  5. No one ever expects the Industrial Inquisition.

  6. Oberyn was a powergamer, we all know this.

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      Mountain was powergamer, look at that big body of his.

  7. ☐ rekt ☐ not rekt ☑ tyrannosaurus rekt

  8. Nathan Barnett was patient zero.

    1. Space


      Or was it Adam?

  9. Set sail for fun.

    1. Cooonie


      You ruined the chain.

      You betrayed our god.


  10. Sometimes I like to wrap myself in a blanket and pretend i'm a hotdog.

    1. Mirtok


      pigs in a blanket son, get on my level.

  11. Darth Maul on Ice confirmed for GoT

  12. Awaken, my love.


    1. Ever


      Awaken my masters

  13. I am in need of a decent tailor. Its about time my skin from Aegis gets an update....

    1. Rip and Tear

      Rip and Tear

      Lmao, r u sure u ready for it?

      Send me skin bruh

  14. Syrio's Song of the Day

  15. Syrio's Song of the Day

  16. Syrio's Song of the Day

    Stay Classy LoTC
  17. MediocreGamer Syrio's Song of the Day

    Stay Classy LoTC
  18. The most beautiful Minecraft Album I have ever seen. http://imgur.com/a/jq3h8#0

  19. Syrio's Song of the Day

    Stay Classy LoTC
  20. Syrio's Song of the Day

    Stay Classy LoTC
  21. Syrio's Song of the Day

    Stay Classy LoTC
  22. Streaming some music, pop in for a bit and chill. http://www.twitch.tv/brostradamusmaximus

  23. Watching game of thrones season 2 episode 1..... :D

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