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Everything posted by chaotikal

  1. The Fire Flower Origin The fire flower’s origin is unknown, however, it is known that the first adventurers, arriving from Elysium, saw them. It was first catched aglance in several valleys of Anthos, as a common flower. However, as the travellers began exploring caverns, they saw the true beauty of the Fire Flower; it’s death. Information The Fire Flower or Phoenix Flower, is a stout flower, and is quite rare to see natural-bushes of this flower in particular. As the several explorers furtherly seeked out to entrail secrets of Anthos, they catched sight of the Fire Flower’s death, which is what gives it it’s name. The flower, upon death combusts it’s entire organic mesh, engulfing the entire flower in a prancing death dance of flames. The flower’s ashes usually are taken by the wind, and these are actually seen to form new fire-flowers sprouts upon days of falling onto the ground. This flower only lasts a few hours burning, however, it, on it’s normal state, can live for about three years. The flower itself shares little to no particularities, except it’s flame-shaped small leaves, other than that, it seems like an oddly-shaped thorn-less rose. It’s flame is usually meek and not enough to start a large mass fire, however, some builders or architects may know wiser to build slightly further away from fields of Fire Flowers. The flower can grow in warm or damp environments, however, cooler valleys with Fire Flowers are not unheard of. Desert, Taiga and other forms of frozen or extremely hot landscape seems to lack, or over-exceed, the requirements for Fire Flowers to groom on them. If an ash-seed of the flower was to fall on one of these biomes, the seed would not sprout. If the flower was picked up when in common state, it would begin to combust in later days after it’s retrieval. OOC Conclusion No, this isn't Mario. Stop telling me about it. D: On the other hand. This is by far some minimal lore, that can only affect RP if you choose to. It won't affect, nor collide with other lore, as far as I'm concerned, and I believe it is interesting, however, if you disagree, just comment below.
  2. I demand an explanation as to why my main 3 characters are all Dark-Skinned Dwarves. I DEMAND IT!

  3. To master Runesmithing? Depends on the character. I'd say 3-4 years RL at an average pace. bear in mind you're asking about ALL runesmithing, and not specific subtypes. And I'm not even taking in count these factors; -Feuds between your clan and other Runic Clans. -Character's will to learn. -Character's behaviour. -Rune Lord Restrictrion. Rune Lords, even if you do master it, will most likely terminate you, since you'd become a potential threat to all Dwarves, however, this is yet to be shown, either way, you'd be better off asking about a specific subtype.
  4. I enjoyed reading it, though I read it a while back, oh well. My support!
  5. OOC -MC name*: darkjames -Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*: I have a VA for 1ab, 2abc, 3, 4ab. -Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*: Yes. -Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*: bloodygames IC- -You see the writing of Octazylalsuun on the application- -RP name: Dormin Doomforge -What do you wish to join as, why?: I desire to join your guild as a Thorn, for I think I am good at beating the crap out of fit for the position. -What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?: I can bring more power and shinies than what the guild could have imaginated, to bring a key of strength, and I can pull some Dwarven strings. -Race and Sex: Doomforged and Male. -Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.: Of course. -Do you have any previous or current loyalties?: I'm loyal to my family and myself. Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.)) You are given as mission to find and beat up the minister of a small village, for he has refused to pay taxes to you. Dormin nods to the Mistress, heading out. He takes a carriage until he arrives in the outskirts of the village. He nods, taking out his sword Scrowag. Approaching the village, he finds it unguarded, like any other small village. Lurching into it, he finds a grand church, where he bashes in with his sword. "Ye!" Dormin snarls, pointing his left index finger at the minister. The minister begins running up the ladder, making his escape. Dormin afollows, slightly uneased by his armor. Hopefully, the minister is a meek creature, very numb and slow. After chasing the minister down the roof of the church, he tells the minister to be on his knees, or he would have none to kneel. The minister, scared to death, kneeled down. Dormin jabbed his sword in his shoulder slowly, then began punching him in the face with his fists, in the midst of it, you could hear the gouges of blood in the mouth of the minister and his futile attempts of gasping for help. After retreating his sword, Dormin steals everything the minister had in his pockets, including his religious literature, soon he was off to see the mistress again.
  6. Just heard Availer left... Why would you come on, give hope to the server, then leave? It's not odd, nor suspicios, I just feel wrong about it, seems like he's actually hiding a secret... Or maybe he's just back in college.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aron.


      The moment availer leaves, the DDos attacks start occuring again. Didn't we raise the money a few days ago? when are we getting the anti ddos software?

    3. Cyndikate


      Didn't the DDoS attacks stop when Avalier was doing that fundraiser?

    4. danic


      Nikias, all the money to Shift's paypal, so it would he couldn't even have access to it.

  7. But that's Silvanthil's skin D:

  8. Anyone intrested on Role Playing a Golem owned by The Doomforge [Dark Dwarfs] ? PM Me.

  9. Hey... You should click on this. http://tinyurl.com/9lyby8m

    1. Volutional
    2. danic


      D: My soul

    3. chaotikal


      "Stop it now"

      Is that a threat? Oh wait, it is.

      *cowers in a corner, grasping his souls tightly*

    1. Wizard


      Why would you post that! You have doomed us all.

    2. chaotikal
    3. Idioticozzy


      I was scared, now I am souless..

  10. [[i'm too toughed up with Lore and stuff to write and skins to do that I can't keep up with my Gobbo character <.<]]
  11. Doomforged's thread posted today. People like it! :D

  12. Rawr! VA Accepted!

    1. Thrym


      Look out everyone, dis one is scary

  13. chaotikal


    This is in the wrong board <.<
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