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Status Updates posted by Jarkarll

  1. Revenge is a dish best served cold... especially when frozen :3

    1. Austin


      or on a kiesh

  2. RIP Sean Collier. A great guy.


  4. Sandy killed me. I r died now. You're died too roight? This is heaven, right?

  5. SCREW IT! That name sucks! THE HORDE HAS ARRIVED! Their climbing up yo windows, they're snatching yo canned beans up, so better hide yer noobs, and hide yer guns, cuz they're rapin' people in Soviet Russia

  6. Seems like the Dwarves have taken up the subudai tactic of advertising for themselves via status updates :3

  7. Server down! Server down! Call an ambulance!

  8. Server goes up.... server trolls us....

  9. Sets the countdown for the Krughatten Projects Weapons of Mass Destruction to go off in exactly 15 minutes if server does not go up.

  10. siege[ seej ]noun1. the act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. UMadM8


      They clearly failed at isolating them as well.

    3. Nworb Mas
    4. big narstie
  11. SimonBane! Why! He was going to help me find a new purse :P

    1. Taiga



      -Slams the table-

  12. Skyyobee you better be on in three hours

    1. ski_king3


      Oui oui oui, she best

    2. SkyyoBee


      1am is so early :(

  13. So how about that Airline food?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BannanaToYou


      Yeah, it's pretty good when you're flying business class.

    3. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    4. BannanaToYou


      *Throws his china plate into the air* "Blasphemy!"

  14. So, who's the best RP fighter on the server?

    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      Also sorry about highjackign your statues Jarkarll ^^;, Though I still would like to know who I was fighting and when as you said two days ago... I don't even remember doing a full rp fight two days ago.

    3. Jarkarll


      It was Ford.

    4. MetaSolaray


      And here I will correct you, Meta /never/ jumped at him, he actually jumped at me. What Meta did was slideeeeee to Ford's left as he lept at Meta and dragged one sword through his ankle while the other was kept at his chest. You can ask ford himself who can verify for me on that case. Ford lunged at Meta, Meta returned by side stepping and slashing at his ankles as he sailed through the air, while holding his hand close to him to protect his body.

  15. Stop stalkin me bro :P

  16. Sure just send it to me in a PM, and next time just send it. Don'ot ask me, I've already told you that i'll gladly look at it. :)

  17. Sure. As soon as I'm out of class I'll send it. I'm still curious about ebsg you said though.

  18. Thank you, yet again you've accomplished it, you've disappointed me thrice. Congratulations, now get out of my life

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jarkarll


      ^ I'm glad at least someone can humor me

    3. bungo


      Well, it appears this is not the time for this and you seem to be in pain although, lolumadfag?

    4. ◥▶◀◤мσкѕнα / ƒιѕну◥▶◀◤
  19. That Google Document manGGGGGGG

    1. ryno2


      you comin' on realm today?

  20. That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

  21. The FM's should really petition to be granted the ability to delete statuses.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Respiren


      Tythus has been looking into it - shaping up the permissions on the forums to prevent damage and avoid the potential for misuse.

    3. Jarkarll


      Misuse is possible no matter what. With great power come great responsibility after all. I'm sure the people selected as FM are more than mature enough to handle such powers. Why not have a little more confidence? I know it's meant as a counter-measure, but statuses are where a lot of drama happens now.

    4. Dalek348


      I always said that if you distrust staff that you have chosen to do the job, then something is very wrong.

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