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Everything posted by Volutional

  1. Finally, I have found out how to make cool backgrounds...

    "After years of trials, attempts, and failures, the young tiger finally is ready for his birth, his reunion with his pride.

    The tiger shall become one with the Forums, and one with the tide, as the lion has learnt..."

  2. Bloody Pirates!

    1. AlphaCentaurus



    2. CosmicWhaleShark
  3. I so want a Rohan-style Town.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bircalin


      I would SO join that town.

      " Where was Renatus at the burning of the westfold?! "


    3. CosmicWhaleShark


      Great... More stuff that's bigger than dwarves... :P

    4. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      We'll get our time to shine my Frostbeard friend, don't worry...

  4. Ben, just a little message from me.

    I would first like to say, look up. Your reputation is almost intact. People clearly still like you. You can recover from this. If anything you can buy an alt account and start a new. Nobody needs to know. Though obviously, its up to you. I enjoy seeing your nice posts, like "PM me for a paragraph about you", just being nice. I still don...

  5. Being accused of Metagaming just because I knew somebody's name...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danic


      Oops, guess I didn't expect a women to have a beard

    3. CraftPrime


      Of course they can!, have you seen Moira Magmaburn?

    4. danic


      Ehm, it was an elf

  6. I had similar ideas to this, surprisingly similar. Good luck.
  7. If anything I over reacted when I seen Blackbeard in the lore. I apologise, good luck.
  8. Of course you can, don't get me wrong. But what I mean is you have names like Blackbeard. Skullport is a fantasy book and the rank system is typical. You asked me to explain, and I did. However, I have already told you how I approve of other pirates being on the server. Plus, I did not mean to put it so bluntly, yet I don't see how I am here all high and mighty, I gave some constructive criticism, unfortunately you didn't see it that way. I have nothing against any of you, I didn't mean to say it as it seemed.
  9. Next character will definitely be an Elf.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny


      But Rogash will never die.

    3. Volutional


      Perhaps he may not, but this Elf character is gunna be hawt.

    4. Brevias


      A supermodel elf, well this is oriinal.

  10. Unfortunately I have seen a lot of unoriginality in this post, however I am willing to let you use the "Pirate" tag.
  11. *sighs* The days when bread was only 2 Minas on the Kings Road :'0

  12. Somehow nobody has succeeded in mentioning; Old Hat = Old Hag, typo?

    1. Nero


      lol never noticed that xD

  13. OOoooh Maybe I won't kill off my character - just yet...

    1. Grabthar


      join us..... joooooooiiiiiinnn uuuuuusssss.

  14. Will be making a new character some time soon, Rogash will round off with a bang though :)

  15. Amnesia... Nuf said.

  16. SimonBane. Scared.

  17. Right tonight, I'm not having coke >.>

  18. Fantastic event, thank you :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shuness


      Blood wat now?

    3. ShadowoKing


      They sound like another undead but not powerful <_<

    4. Coconuta


      Events, y u no in english times :/

  19. Bad day is bad.

    1. Grabthar


      i'm sorry. Pillage and plunder.. always makes me happy :)

    2. Danny
  20. Guise, cereally. Why u no click my eggs.... :P

  21. A nice, and hopefully successful contrast to war and violence.
  22. I didn't know cheese could talk?

  23. Lets hope Admins like long GM apps...

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