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Status Replies posted by Cooonie

  1. So, is the map change supposed to happen within the next two to three months?

  2. I am in group "Old fart". What has happened to this website =.=

  3. New avatar. Look out, world.

  4. Changed my profile pic for you guys o3o You better be happy or else my fist will kiss your face.

  5. Its been awhile LotC. Im back....again...

  6. My animal bretherin! Show thyselves to meeeee!!!!!!

  7. If you guys want an event, PM THE ET! We won't bite. Promise.

  8. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the occupation of Aveli?

  9. First thing after coming back from indefinite hiatus: *comes back* *Changes avatar* Who wouldn't?

  10. 2 years since my last time on Lotc.... Time to head back.. Wait, gotta lead some of dem lorez so I can catch up. MAN, THIS IS SO BORING.

  11. 2 years since my last time on Lotc.... Time to head back.. Wait, gotta lead some of dem lorez so I can catch up. MAN, THIS IS SO BORING.

  12. That was a fun TS conversation, but everyone disappeared ;_;

  13. Well my computer's broke, now I have to use my netbook until it's fixed... uuhhhhh ;-;

  14. Why is it that when I see the letter "a", I get reminded of the name "Availer"?

  15. What's on your mind, LOTC.

  16. What is LOTC?

  17. Hey guys Arkelos told me to tell you guys Hi

  18. *Hasn't been on LOTC for months* *Checks IP* Oooh, new IP?

  19. Could a GM please assist me? I am stuck in a block, and would rather not die. I am close to dead, so it would require some coordination

  20. Could a GM please assist me? I am stuck in a block, and would rather not die. I am close to dead, so it would require some coordination

  21. Is Vaquixine still on LOTC?

  22. Trying to get active froom a 7 m onth break...

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