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Status Replies posted by Cooonie

  1. Ok, so...... whats on you guys mind?

  2. Should I write a guide on how to actually lie? Seeing how body language is a luxury that this server can't afford? Would be great if people give you a tiny chance to recognize if you are lying if they even have the knowledge, would be more challenging and fun than Telekinesis.

  3. Yoguuuuuuuuurrrrrt.

  4. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Availer was known to give 2000 minas for what on the forums?

  5. I've been here for over 2 and a half years.

  6. Dat moment when you recognize 90% of the actors in every movie you watch... Am I movie addicted? :o

  7. It turns out going to a complete stranger isn't a good idea. Could get your face chopped off.

  8. Any female players want to try their luck at reading a script for a future LoTC video? PM ME. (Ask your friends, even if they don't play LoTC!)

  9. I'm sorry murica I can't hear you over the sound of our women's hockey gold ;)

  10. -Opens her display case of booze- "What to have tonight..."

  11. Go up to your name, beside your avatar and click on it. Then you'll have to go to "My Settings" and from there, just click on "change display name" at the side.

  12. #Deckolo4KingOfOOC

  13. The dwarven and kha cities are looking quite incredible so far. #4.0

  14. Feelin' generous tonight. Crazy generous! #appsaccepted

  15. Watched prometheus with Tnoy, it was fairly intresting.

  16. Watched Prometheus with Teerz. It was fairly interesting. And disturbing and a bit creepy. But it was actually a decent movie.

  17. To all those wondering why you're not whitelisted it's because you're generally stupid. Thank you for your time.

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