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Status Replies posted by Cooonie

  1. Walk into Conclave, get 1 shot (In RP) instantly. ._.

  2. Walk into Conclave, get 1 shot (In RP) instantly. ._.

  3. Is one allowed to steal a horse in an unprotected area?

  4. Apparently due to Lathros - I'm Sauron... *looks around suspiciously.* Yeah...completly silly and fictional, isnt it...?

  5. Can we ever expect to receive voting rewards again?

  6. Everyone is playing games.. And I'm just sitting here punching babies.

  7. I don't know what you were fishing for, but I'm not hooked.

  8. I don't know what you were fishing for, but I'm not hooked.

  9. you allow trolls who literally wreck this community in rp and ooc and deny trolls like me who uphold rp and wreck ooc

  10. Abresi flank team vs Elite Pvp Squad = Why are they still guards

  11. Is this hogwarts?

  12. I should learn to handle stress.

  13. w8w8w8 where is the cheese

  14. What if characters feared death?

  15. Well at work today I made a new intro to GenXesis and made lyrics to it still debating which lyric version :3 coming soon

  16. where all my fat elves at yo

  17. Wait, so what is an ESO beta key?

  18. That moment you're playing tag with Heial and you break a gate...

  19. How appropriate.

  20. Wasn't here for quite a few months, but it's finally time.. FOR ME TO REVEAL MY BEAUTIFUL CHARACTER IN ANTHOS. (sorry for caps got a little excited) I know you are all looking forward to this. I will meet you all at the red carpet.

  21. Wasn't here for quite a few months, but it's finally time.. FOR ME TO REVEAL MY BEAUTIFUL CHARACTER IN ANTHOS. (sorry for caps got a little excited) I know you are all looking forward to this. I will meet you all at the red carpet.

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