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Status Replies posted by Cooonie

  1. Here's my new avatar for ya'll. Seriously, this photo makes me happy.

  2. Here's my new avatar for ya'll. Seriously, this photo makes me happy.

  3. I should make myself a fanfic. Who wants to be my lover? c:

  4. wanna go bro!?

  5. I should make myself a fanfic. Who wants to be my lover? c:

  6. I should make myself a fanfic. Who wants to be my lover? c:

  7. 0/300, y u do diz server!?

  8. What did I do for Valentine's day? Well, not much .-.

  9. What did I do for Valentine's day? Well, not much .-.

  10. in America: We're cool if you want to be a Nazi, be a racist or apart of the KKK, you can be religiously stubborn and hate filled, as close to a de-evolution to humans as possible, yes. But in America, you cannot get married if you're gay. Aint that some ****?

  11. There is no doubt that relationships require work. But this work means working on yourself, adjusting your attitudes, and learning to accept others. Valentines day is a great way to say not only I love you, but also I accept you and I support you.

  12. Wait...how am I a tree puncher...yet also a Old Hat?

  13. I feel like making a group of HIgh Elves twisted by magic/the void...


  15. Since when was emerald so easy to get? o.o

  16. Welp, if im correct, MPM is updated-completely?

  17. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who were at least three GMs that only held that position in Aegis?

  18. I for one am looking forward to the return of Alras.

  19. I hope to see some of you at the Wilds Saturday.

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