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Status Updates posted by KarmaDelta

  1. Fairy Tail..... Why you make me have to wait till next Saturday morning ;~; Well... off to the Manga

    1. KarmaDelta


      Also this episode was amazing ^-^ Yay for the next story arc!

  2. I want an N7 mug......

  3. Wakin up at 8:00 pm gotta get dinner~

  4. Livin in an Amish Paradise~

  5. Cant wait..... Why cant friday be over and it be Saturday morning! I want my Fairy Tale!

  6. Disney and Discovery Channel Song....... Wow

  7. Ever..... has reached max power.

  8. Seems this guy just drank some Haterade, got Hateroids, and Hateraids. 'Nuff said

  9. I think he has 3rd degree burns from that fire.

  10. Wow... Im begining to love forum roleplay... perhaps we can have our own subforum? ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      I meant for stuff that you actually make your own things from. Not things like an actual Elven or Orc or whatever races, subforum. I mean something like Mezua's or Auv's.

    3. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
    4. KarmaDelta


      +1 to all players who make interesting Forum RP

  11. People...... They like Compliments.

    1. VonAulus


      That is a very good observation. Orc cubs also like cookies.

  12. Watching "The Thing". It taught me an important lesson...... always look if someone has fillings. If they dont..... then kill them..... chances are they are an alien that copied your body.

    1. Asbrind


      Thanks for the sound advice!

    2. KarmaDelta


      There was also a guy who LOOKS.JUST.LIKE.ROBIN! But.... he passed.... got tongued by an arm alien thing like Aliens then burned while still alive..... poor shame Robin look-alike.

    3. ThanksChris


      Riiiiiiiight...... I'll do that.

  13. Its not Aliens...... But its Ice Cream Men

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Noooo... don't trust him.

  14. Nice time with Raptor and his friends. Was really nice to relax and caps lock telling them all to move or they die..... well Raptor was shouting orders while i play around :P

    1. Raptorious


      XD was fun lol. its so much moe fun with out martin trollin >.>

  15. I feel changed.... and no, not puberty.........

    1. AlphaCentaurus


      That comes later, you're right.

  16. Anyone have any anime...... I need more to love...... but NO ROBOTS! Gundam just left a bad taste in my mouth...... Anyone got any decent ones?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. HuskyPuppy
    3. KoTo


      Pokemon xD

    4. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      Trinity Blood. Intro is ****, but the storyline, character design, and other aspects are pretty sweet.

  17. DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOL! *plays sad music

  18. If I ever get the chance, i may roll as a dwarf. But i dont want the accent.... seems wierd..... You guys need something that makes dwarves more fun with language! Like how the orcs, but less killer-y.

  19. You know what they say.... ask someone what they really want to see and watch it...... Hehehehe

    1. Lykos


      if you say "abducted", you die. :P

    2. KarmaDelta


      I just noticed.... this status looks wrong.... I meant to put "movie" somewhere in there >_> and no, no abduction.

  20. Immortals..... is a pretty good movie.

    1. Lykos


      people said that about "The Expendables" too...

    2. KarmaDelta


      I liked the Expendables.

  21. The beard has a new Beard title. I never knew there was a Bearded Admin title........ the beard must have made a coalition.

  22. *hums to the music*

  23. >:C

    1. Rissing


      Sorry.. I didn't ment to hurt you *cries and runs away*

      Anyhow I have this feeling...

      That you may actually like..

      Fairy Tail.. could that be possible? :3

    2. KarmaDelta


      Yes, I breathe Fairy Tail every Saturday morning when the sub comes out. I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW! I am just waiting for Birdy: The Mighty Decode to givve another season in April and i need my B Gata H Kei and Highschool DxD. I need my anime!

    3. KarmaDelta


      Birdy The Mighty: Decode* woops ;)

  24. The Game of Thrones = Win on So Many Levels it Makes me Cry.... Re-Runs fill my life now.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      As long as there is dragons involved.... as I knew there would be.... hopefully some hints of more magic involved.... it already is THE BEST SERIES EVARGH!

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Fun fact. My Bosses best mate is an actor in it and the movie is filmed a 1 1/2 hour drive from my home in N.I.

    4. KarmaDelta


      Sweet. Who does he play? Or what does he play? Filler? Or someone that can be seen every episode or from time to time?

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