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Song Druid

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Status Replies posted by Song Druid

  1. Declare war on the GM Village, and the Tree Lord brings ents. Don't mess with the king of trees.

  2. Claims reason the server isn't updated is the devs aim for stability. Yes, the largest Minecraft networks are updated & bug free and you are on about stability.

  3. Why am I seeing 10 year old girls run around a snowy Abresi with sleeveless shirts on, wetf

  4. Even Chad from accounting?

  5. Well holy crap. It's 2 years today. Should I make an AMA? lool

  6. Some self reflections and realization-A while ago I found myself hating the High Elves and avoiding them for "bad RP." After interacting with Kalenz and other High Elves I realise that my own OOC feelings or doubts prevented such a good friendship with fine RPers. Perhaps the same can be said for other races.

  7. Some self reflections and realization-A while ago I found myself hating the High Elves and avoiding them for "bad RP." After interacting with Kalenz and other High Elves I realise that my own OOC feelings or doubts prevented such a good friendship with fine RPers. Perhaps the same can be said for other races.

  8. Just posted my Mentor app :3

  9. Banned for ptuting making Urugaun 'Kingdom of Duping'? Lol, that's the greatest thing I've ever heard.

  10. Banned for ptuting making Urugaun 'Kingdom of Duping'? Lol, that's the greatest thing I've ever heard.

  11. My AT app disappeared. Halp?

  12. It really really stinks in here

  13. Filling out my first application for a job today. Not sure if excited. Also making inside out burgers. Yum.

  14. How many bloody times do I have to explain it isn't bloody Oren leading this? I'm getting sick and tired of it are people just blaming Oren to antagonize me OOC'ly?

  15. Guys wtf. I'm not back. Sage brought this rumorto my attention. This is my first time returning to the forums in months. I do not know of the black magic that is currently showing my former forum account as being online, but I have no idea as to how it is happening. xD So yea. Rhia didn't ban this account apparently when I appealed last time so I thought it'd be good if I just cleared it all up ^.^ Btw, to whoever cares, my lifes been good lately.

  16. I feel like the council of the north should have had a set time...

  17. Well, as it turns out, my graphics card may be fried. So, I may have to get a new card, or I may as well replace the whole computer (it's out of date and runs on windows vista *grimace*). I may try to see how well minecraft works on my laptop for now.

  18. another step in my journey of creating bad lol websites http://www.lolindex.net/

  19. I wanna make a druid character. Starting from kiddy to adulthood. DRUID! GET PREGNANT! RAISE ME NOW.

  20. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  21. My two favorite FMs got demoted... Why?

  22. My two favorite FMs got demoted... Why?

  23. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/92340-new-lore-regulations/ lets add MORE regulations to lore because that's exactly what we need dur dur dur!
  24. Oh god! My WIP lore needs to be moved to the WIP lore Sub-forum! How do it?!?!

  25. Can monks heal wounds?(Ex. If somebody cut my ear off could a monk restore the ear, or am I stuck earless forever?)

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