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Song Druid

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Status Replies posted by Song Druid

  1. I'd like to put forward a motion to have Telanir promoted to Bacon.

  2. I've got onions, lettuce, cheese, bacon, chicken, hamburges, rice, a bunch of spices. What should I cook?

  3. for anyone who also plays league i made this ^.^ http://askmordeanything.com/index.php

  4. for anyone who also plays league i made this ^.^ http://askmordeanything.com/index.php

  5. Gems, gems are truly outrageous.

  6. Gems, gems are truly outrageous.

  7. when you guys idolize behavior and players like pugsy you set a bad example for other players and really paint a bad picture on the maturity of the player base; or more specifically your individual player group, race, guild, ect. Please don't spam status updates, if this continues we will remove status updates or ban those who ignore this warning.

  8. Unfortunately, my Photobucket account has reached the 10 gb limit for the month. This means that any images (including the rank signatures) that are connected to my PB account will not be visible until July.

  9. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Dell+-+Inspiron+15.6%22+Laptop+-+4GB+Memory+-+320GB+Hard+Drive/8786054.p?id=1218893506517&skuId=8786054 Does this computer have a good graphics card, because I don't know which is which and what and is what. Overall, is this computer good enough so that I could run Ethers Shaders mod?
  10. -Randomly starts clicking on adds, closing following pages, and repeating- Enjoy the money....

  11. Writes an application or lore. 2000+ words. Write an essay for school, can barley get 1000.

  12. How about the admins pull another metaphoric VA purge and screw what the players want and choose for the betterment of the server instead of listening to those who want whats best for themselves.

  13. How about the admins pull another metaphoric VA purge and screw what the players want and choose for the betterment of the server instead of listening to those who want whats best for themselves.

  14. How about the admins pull another metaphoric VA purge and screw what the players want and choose for the betterment of the server instead of listening to those who want whats best for themselves.

  15. Okay, seriously? People think humans are "boring?" RP is what YOU make of it. If you think humans are boring, it's probably because you didn't put enough effort into finding the good human RP.

  16. Where'd Saviordude go?

  17. Strawberries or Blackberries? What's better?

  18. Dear lord I hope being good at League is an acquired skill

  19. Tired of all the trolly rp and people saying it's legitimate roleplay

  20. *waddles his little feet* It appears I have returned. Offer me -all- your soup, and I shall give you many kisses.

  21. Come my talented music seekers. Link any and all Mood music, preferably without too many lyrics. I need a harmonious song to place in a rp topic.

  22. Come my talented music seekers. Link any and all Mood music, preferably without too many lyrics. I need a harmonious song to place in a rp topic.

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