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Aedan The Bard

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Status Updates posted by Aedan The Bard

  1. Skippy.. You should rule over the dwarves.. again..

  2. You might want to fix your app. The format is messed up, a little ;)


    1. Bethykinss


      Maybe, that's enough drinks for you

    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      I'm just getting started~

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      I can not stand alcohol though. I already drank a six pack of beer...

      ... Without alcohol, though..

  4. I'm going to order pizza!

  5. My thought: Violence has always been in LoTC. The difference is, people used to be less expicit, making the graphic content something you imagined (blood splattered, organs flying around, etc). I really think we should go back to that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Less detailed emotes for violent actions. It must have the full detail, but must not be too explicit. I did not make myself clear with that.

    3. Shadeleaf


      Ladies, ladies... Make a debate topic, status updates are not the place to argue.

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Nah.. Debate topics end worse.

  6. Almost there~ I hope you guise like the new wood textures for the LoTC texture pack

  7. Updating the LoTC texturepack, fear not. By the way, would you like me to change the cobblestone textures back to the LB photorealism ones? or do you like the current ones?

    1. Shadeleaf


      I'll probably edit it if I don like :}

    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      I'll just make two versions for 1.4.6

  8. Who enjoyed Pumpkiness' Pig Carriage?

  9. Who enjoyed Pumpkiness' Pig Carriage?

  10. What's on my mind? Equilibrium, of course:

  11. I got LEGO's, lots of them... All of the Lord of The Rings collection... I guess I should not have told my fiance about my childhood hobbies and my love for middle earth..

  12. I have, for the first and last time, influenced my character's life. I am proud of it, because I am careless like that.

  13. Let us all sing the Pizza Song!

  14. I tried playing "Tom Clancy's HAWX" and got a pilot rank of "C" due to my... tendency to fly through enemies.

  15. (ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)(ಠ_ಠ)

  16. That moment when both, your main character and your side character, are unconscious, therefore leaving you with two boring options.

  17. Aedan has no surname, unfortunately. The very thought of him having any parents sounds like more of a myth by now. Good luck, by the way!

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