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Aedan The Bard

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Status Updates posted by Aedan The Bard

  1. We're in like this deep, intriguing rp, and it's all ruined when a bloody "Hey! Wanker13 has voted on Minestatus!" pops up. Really guys, we don't give a damn about whether someone voted or not.

  2. After playing through Descent into Darkness with my rogue character, which is based off of me, all I have to say is: Drow suck, hardcore XD It wasn't hard to slice through half of their guards whle my party gave the cavern walls a new paintjob o__o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Our GM is quite the evil mastermind. However, they still sucked.

    3. Baconthief


      Pffffft please, you be jelly is all. Drow are and have always been my favorite. Their society is like one giant murderous soap opera, and that's why I love it

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      See? Soap opera: Immature and unstable ;)

  3. Letting people know, according to Aegis folklore: Pumpkineer is the pumpkin king. Pumpkiness is the pumpkin queen. They are the son and daughter of Aedan and Indelwehn. The pumpkin lord is Aedan, and the pumpkin god is a dwarf known as Rigrud. Know your folklore, people.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more


      She was cooking food for her husband, children, and me in her house while wearing an apron. She's a housewife.

    3. Aedan The Bard


      Okai she /was/ a housewife then.

  4. I just got some bad news... and all I can say is: Bullshit.

  5. Is anyone else having issues with curse and minecraft forums? I can't log in because of some cookie bs. I already checked, I am allowing cookies >:(

    1. Devin~


      Clear your recent history and try again, if that doesn't work clear all your cookies. If those don't work its the site.

  6. The name of this song is just hilarious: "F**** Nexus."

    1. The Vodka

      The Vodka

      Probably an LotC member.

  7. "Nexus will solve this." is NOT a valid argument for things that need fixing right now. Just a personal thought that I wanted to share, not meant to flame.

    1. Sentlit


      Yeah, I've noticed that too... And Nexus isn't due to come out for awhile.

    2. Shadeleaf


      Refer to previous status updates ._.

    3. Lita


      What I HOPED was that they were putting off PVP default until Nexus was in.

  8. Is it just me or 1.6.2 brought a nice fps boost?

    1. mmat


      500 FPS... -droooools-

    2. Octavion


      Mine is still the same, crappy 25 FPS average.

  9. You know? Ever since PvP became default, I see more and more OOC than I did before, people complaining about how they were pvped and stuff. I am not happy at all.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Roxforbraynz


      As a Magic User, I'm hating it when people try to force PvP on me and ignore my magic...

    3. V0idsoldier


      There will be immature people no matter what system we use. It happens :/

    4. Aedan The Bard
  10. With all due respect, this kind of events are rated B, for Bullshit.

  11. I've decided: War Thunder is full of bs.

  12. C'mon lads, you can do far better than this!

    1. gingernut97


      I'm guessing that you're referring to our position on Minestatus?

  13. Adunia is looking for capable farmers. Players who can and will rp dedicated farmers :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Everman111


      Everman111 I am rolling a halfling female although she hasn't ever left the land of the hobbits since she's arrived.

    3. Cirdanoth


      Let's see how fast the Antagonist descends on Adunia..

    4. SortedJarhead


      Let's see how fast. . wait what?

  14. I'm probably done for the morning. See you next time the server goes stable ;)

  15. It seems many agree with removing the Va's and Ma's, if not changing them to make them less stressful or more precise.

    1. Xerxes_XIII 2

      Xerxes_XIII 2

      Personally I would like the MA system to be less taxing OOCly (literal months of work). But I'm perfectly fine with the VA system.

    2. Shorsand


      I'm the opposite of Benji. The MA is fine, as it restricts people from learning magic, as it would be in actuality. The VA, though, restricts people's free-will, which isn't as realistic.

    3. Aedan The Bard
  16. "Here's a touchin' story. Once upon a time you died, and I lived happily ever after. The end."

    1. V0idsoldier


      I prefer Will Smith's version.

    2. Arial Meadowbloom

      Arial Meadowbloom

      "Cymrych, come on now, let us take a deep breath and get you away from that sword."

  17. Bloody lag.

    1. Shorsand


      You're not even on the server.

  18. I'm sexy, deal with it.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Faker. You're a fake you faker.

    2. Shorsand


      ...Nah, he's.. Well.. He's pretty.. Mm, yummy.

  19. Does anyone have the old, 9GB Aegis map for download? T_T

    1. JCQuiinn


      Go to the menubar on this webpage. Under navigation look at downloads.

  20. I feel we need to bring back that deep LoTR feeling to all of Anthos ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elfen_


      idk what game of thrones is.

    3. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Game of Thrones is a interesting series, but it's his own world and the server too...i like cakes.

    4. Αμφίονας
  21. minecraft.net being a jerk?

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