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Aedan The Bard

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Everything posted by Aedan The Bard

  1. Good as in enjoyable. If it rustles your jimmies, well... Yeah.
  2. If I want to write a post asking for people's participation in the writing of folklore based on the experiences of their characters regarding two characters of mine, what section should I choose?

    1. Parading


      Off topic is best

  3. I think a guideline that should be added and enforced is: If the role-play is good, it goes. This means that, even if the role-play makes no sense (imagine a potato monster), if you are having fun, it goes. That's the whole point, isn't it? Having fun? If someone is role-playing something that is sketchy, yet they're doing it well and you're having fun, you shouldn't be the ****** who uses l-ooc to ask if it's approved lore and questions everything in that role-play session.
  4. We need a lore purge, if anything.
  5. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MPM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    1. CTap


      shut up peasant

    2. Sir Verigan

      Sir Verigan

      Ha!I was running around as a half man half horse with a squirril tail, bunny ears and i was 15 ft high....you just couldnt see me like that bc no mpm


  6. If the Snelven players are tired of their culture and the drama and nonsense, just perma-kill whenever you get a chance. Do it in RP.
  7. I really feel Perma-Kill/Genocide should be enforced when it's a huge server-wide event, even if it's an Orc Raid.
  8. They're the equivalent of Adunians for Elves. Adunia is pretty much a mess at this point. There's the lordship, there's a manor somewhere with a bunch of peaceful Adunians, and then there's Adunians who flipped the lordship off and decided to go wild like their ancestors.
  9. I've leveled up :D

  10. So me and 3 other players spent 5 hours of continuous role-play, forging and smithing a blade first of its kind.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ivran


      I wish I had a sword. D: All I have is this pointy blade with this grip thingy on the end.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      We got greenlit by Jistuma and developed a new type of steel that is considerably stronger. It was very auspicious, I must say. I reckon MajesticOwyn is going to make a forum post for the Orvar, describing the events :3

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      So... keep an eye on their part of the forums to find out more XD

  11. If you can think of a non-pvp or passive buff for races and subraces, comment here! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/113540-feedbackidea-different-tweaked-or-re-balanced-racial-abilities-and-buffs/

    1. Agnub


      Explore the seven skies!

  12. What's the current buff for dwarves? (disabled or not, I want to know)

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Sturdy and healthy.

  13. What racial buff would you give dwarves? (has to be unique and balanced, not so much of a pvp advantage)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Their buff is fine, why would you want to change it? It's pretty freaking balanced imo.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      What's their current buff?

    4. Merkaken


      @tnoy Except for Forest dwarves.

  14. Aaah... Installed Mozilla Firefox on the computer I handle at work. Bunch of wankers had Chrome - Pfffft... They need some lessons.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Firefox does have a few issues here and there regarding specific performance aspects, but it's overall better.

    3. Crayfishchris


      Internet Explorer :))))))))))))

    4. susitsu



  15. So, the list for the skills plugin's tweaks and stuff I'm working on to help the Tech Team know what the community has been agreeing on in the feedback threads should be ready tomorrow afternoon!

    1. Sir Verigan

      Sir Verigan

      Tell them that we should be able to reset a skill! (Or maybe its just me but i can only progress in 3 skills)

  16. What do you people reckon would be the skills the Kharajyr would be most proficient at? (other than hunting/leatheworking)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CaptainSheepy
    3. Sebasgann


      fishing, cats like fishies

    4. MetaSolaray


      Sleeping; cats sleep all day.

  17. I'm working on a list of new, re-balanced, lore-friendly, tweaked Racial abilities and buffs for the Tech Team to check out, based on the comments and feedback people have given regarding the matter. Will include 2 types: Passive and Non-Passive. Write me your ideas through pm's or here. Elves Orcs and Halflings are finished.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Snow elves have already been taken into account.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Actually, susitsu, half elves get 50% - 50% from both bloodlines.

    4. susitsu


      better give us a race option

  18. I'm working on a list of new, re-balanced, lore-friendly, tweaked Racial abilities and buffs for the Tech Team to check out, based on the comments and feedback people have given regarding the matter. Will include 2 types: Passive and Non-Passive. Write me your ideas through pm's or here.

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      All elves are finished already.

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