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Everything posted by Haelphon

  1. Something to occupy your time while you wait-

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. dude


      Looks like I know what I'm doing for the next 10 hours.

    3. dude


      Look at top comment on that video... now I sing along to what that says...

  2. If you don't you watch this idk what you're doin wit yer life. aye?

    1. everblue2er101



    2. Jarkarll


      > if you don't you watch

  3. Best forum picture ever

    1. PtahWithin


      haelphon you messed up the rasmot item. its supposed to have an [R] in the name and the description does not tell you what it does...

  4. Mmm a deliscious sandwich. Tortilla, Great Meat, and more Tortilla. http://gyazo.com/2fe5d13e0132d13858cb2c415584b8b4

  5. Who will be the 1000th like on the LOTC Facebook page? ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nworb Mas
    3. Jarkarll


      A breeze should be blowing through malinor

    4. gabriel101x1


      *makes another FB account to like the page*

  6. Ritz + Tea = Rittsy

  7. 99% sure I'm the only one who still has school ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. mmat


      ^ Apply cold water to the burn.

    3. MonkeyCoffee
    4. Haelphon


      For the record, I only have a week left, but I've had to go on Saturdays due to weather. ;)

      JOIN ME FRIENDS AND WE SHALL GET THROUGH THIS. And then we'll help Gemmy get through August :D

  8. 99% sure I'm the only one who still has school ;-;


  10. *Anatoli Brinviniet sits in front of his vast shelves of ale and liquors, as he prepares for the nightly bonfire!*
  11. Looking over some Media Team apps :3

    1. Telanir


      omg accep myn plz

      iz invizibl

    2. SparehoeCakes
    1. SparehoeCakes


      No download link? #Sadness #HashtagsAreAnnoying

    2. Haelphon


      Sorru, it counts as trafficking illegal moosic if you could DL it

    3. SparehoeCakes
  12. Danny Quote of the Day: "GEE. WHIZ.. HOLY GUACAMOLE" :)

  13. Are YOU a fan of Lord of the Craft on Facebook?

  14. Are YOU a fan of Lord of the Craft on Facebook?

  15. Bruins swerve clutch swag :3

    1. iseemoosego


      It was pretty crazy

  16. Toronto y u do dis to the Bruins q.q

  17. Nice! I'll certainly be watching more for my body language while RPing.
  18. Caution: Falling Anvil

  19. Yard work. More like yard workout

  20. I have concluded that Tythus sounds like Jarvis from Iron Man.

  21. [5:12:55 PM] Haelphon: Yes. [5:12:58 PM] Haelphon: Yes yes yes yes. [5:12:59 PM] Haelphon: Yes. [5:13:00 PM] Haelphon: YES. I LOVE THIS. Support! (EDIT): We'd need applications for this, under a subtype of magic, so that will have to be watched, but otherwise sounds good to me!
  22. The Media Team is understaffed. If you're interested, please apply here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/forum/253-media-team-applications/

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