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Ibn Khaldun

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Everything posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. Runestones, Carnyxes, and Ringforts oh my!



    1. Ainulindalen


      You're tempting me with an alt

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      @AinulindalenYou are welcome to make an alt or you can adopt the culture on a current character!

  2. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 CINGEDOZ HAL'TREWANDUNON [This is updated to reflect all of the in-game, roleplayed evolution and to represent the Cingedoz culture on Aevos] Discord: https://discord.gg/bGDGmywkHk WHAT IS IN THE NAME CINGEDOZ HAL'TREWANDUNON? Cingedoz hal’Trewandunon translates roughly to ‘The footmen of the wooded redoubt’ in an antiquated language known as Sprækjom [also referred to as the tongue of the Cingedos]. The Cingedos [pronounced seen-GEH-dose] is a Highlander tribe who trace their origins from splintering groups who first coalesced out of the chaos when Mankind poured through the Portal of the Verge from Aegis to Asulon. The full endonym for the Cingedos describes a people preferring temperate forests and hills from which they use earth and wood to raise modest defenses and structures where they live, labor, and look across the landscape. THE CINGEDOZ: A BRIEF STUDY The Cingedos are of Highlander stock and possess average to tall heights and stocky builds. Though the histories of Man since the ascension of the Empire has benefited from great studies of houses and bloodlines, the study of ethnic groups lacks the same thorough detail. A supposed connection may be made that this small tribe is an offshoot of the Grenzi of Almaris who are ancestors to ancient peoples found in the Realm of Hanseti in Aegis & Asulon, but such a claim would be difficult to confirm. Another theory suggests that they are proto-Daelish. Male & females are known to have mostly dirty blonde or red hair with eyes ranging from olive to brown irises. Both men and women of the Cingedos would inculcate literacy and embrace virtues of sacrifice, love for labor, and a thirst for adventure. Members of the Cingedos are primarily primitive monotheists, not possessing the complex and almost romantic features of various monotheistic traditions such as Canonism. For many, this may make the Cingedos appear oafish and lacking in intellect, but in their tradition the simplicity of their monotheism is intentional and meant to ward off from innovation in creed. The Creator is revered solely without association to Aenguls or Daemons. The Cingedos are notoriously terse with regards to any litanies, prayers, and do not manufacture icons although they are more liberal with regards to dedicating grounds for prayer. The Cingedos are renowned woodworkers & artisans. Though male virtues typically emphasize hard labor and sacrifice, it is common to find men either taking up the bardic tradition, penmanship, and artisanal handicrafts alongside women. Architecture is another prized functional and artistic endeavor that both men and women engage with. It is common to find Cingedos architecture mainly consisting of various woods and a preference for earthen material. The walls of the Cingedos are most peculiar; they rely on a wooden skeleton packed with earth and stone in an eclectic and haphazard fashion and common fix shields along the parapets to demarcate that a wall was raised by them. Runestones are often erected across continents and engraved with the square and geometric graphemes of their Sprækjom that they read and speak as fluently as they do Common. THE SPRÆKJOM LANGUAGE The language of the Cingedos is named Sprækjom and is a language that has evolved with influences with other languages such as Elvish, Vistulian, and have incorporated several cognates such as as ahernanju for "goodbye". Some vocabulary, with its Common equivalent, are: brig- or “hill, elevated land”, dun or “wall” (dunon or dunom is used to refer to a defensive position), dur or “village” (duron or durom is used to refer to a larger town or city), trew or “tree”, cinged or “footman”, haval or “similar” (havalon is used to refer to a tribe or ethnic group), vindos or “servant, slave, prisoner”, gaiso or “spear”, karants or “friend”, tegos or “home”, anuan or “name”, saga or “story”, epos or “horse”, teketo or “axe”, klad or “sword”, bugho or “(archery) bow”. One may expect to find runestones inscribed with Sprækjom or written sagas within settlements, but other written correspondence sent out of settlements belonging to the Cingedos will most likely contain all Common vocabulary and grammar. It is common that the Cingedos compose their first names with an amalgamation of Sprækjom terms that confer personal meaning and the last name will be that of the settlement they reside in or take on the last name hal'Cingedoz to indicate tribal belonging. Some names include Ambiorix (Respected as Protector), Karantsonrix (Respected by Friends), Saganuaned (Storied Name), Havalklad (Sword-kin), Havalgasos (Spear-kin), Epokaran (Horse-friend). There are certain names that are uniquely gendered and don’t carry any combined meaning, such as: Bodica (Female), Caratacus (Male), Veleda (F), Branwyn (F), Elyn (F), Morrigan (F), Ariovistus (M), Odoacer (M), Arminius (M). A basic name would be something like Havalklad hal’Vindomagus - the hal’ prefix confers association, so hal’Vindomagus would mean ‘of the White Plain (possible name of settlement)’. CINGED PROCLIVITIES The Cingedos are most comfortable raising a settlement in a temperate climate, preferring both elevation and access to trees. They are averse to deserts and arid climes, but willing to adjust to colder alpine areas. They are known for being adventurous, entertaining the thrill and challenge of navigating precarious situations and the unknown, but always carrying with them a yearning for the tribe which leads them to recollect time and time again. The Cingedos, being both bold and adventurous, has an endearing affection for whatever weapon and shield they can find and are known for being creative in both combat and in precarious situations. It is a common tradition that a man or woman of the Cingedoz frequently write sagas of their adventures and lives to keep for memory’s sake and as a source of learning for others. Cingedos architecture consists of a reliance on wood and brickwork for handling weights and loads and the use of packed earth within walls. Structures are typically roofed with thatch (represented by haybales). There will be a great deal of importance placed on detail and creative use of Minecraft blocks to represent real-life objects and structures, expect to see a lot of signs placed that describe what a player may find in a Cingedos settlement. In recent years, since the mass migration from Almaris, there has been a growing interest in keeping track of the various families making up the tribe. It is not uncommon now to hear Cingedos speak of the hiwræd, which is the Sprækjom word for 'family' and using it in the sense that they are hiwræd-i-[family name] or 'line of [family name]'. An example would be Brennus hiwræd-i-Aedoz 'Brennus, line of the Aedoz family' or Cunimund hiwræd-i-Cunobellunoz 'Cunimund, line of the Cunobellunoz'. These families may fashion karnyxes, warhorns, with unique bells to indicate their family line - karnyxes with a boar's head bell is the standard for all Cingedos. The following diagram shows some of the current hiwrædoz as of year 138 Second Age: CINGEDOZ AND THE SPRÆKJOM THE SPRÆKJOM - SOME NOTES What follows is a growing list of vocabulary in the language of the Cingedoz. Sprækjom words will be on the left with their Common equivalents on the right. Larger words & compound words constructed by the basic Sprækjom may be included in parentheses. With regards to grammar: For adjectives describing nouns, the adjective comes before the noun. As of year 65 Second Age, there is no clear definite article in the language. It is assumed by reader & listener alike. Pertaining to names, it is common to find that the Cingedoz compose their first names with an amalgamation of Sprækjom terms that confer personal meaning and the last name will be that of the settlement they reside. An exiled Cingedoz would be given the name hal'Sprejkagh (of the Exiled) while a nomadic member or sedentary member would have the last name of hal'Cingedoz or the sedentary member would take the name of his town or city as his last name like hal'Dunrathduron (of the town/city of Dunrath), hal'Daelduron (of the town of Dael). The current dictionary for the Cingedoz language is here: LINK. The following is a list of vocabular, grammatical particles, ethnonyms, & names: WERRU HAL'CINGEDOZ CONFLICT & WAR TO THE CINGED The Cingedoz are no strangers to conflict and take pride in protecting both hearth and home defensively and engaging in offensive conflict based on the decisions of their leader. They prefer to fight in cohesive shield walls in battle, but will accept duels and one-on-one combat both in battle and in encountering criminals or challengers. In terms of martial values, the Cingedoz make it a particular issue to separate combatants in a conflict and pay mind to neutral parties with a sense of honor derived from fighting proper foes rather than taking liberties to harm others outside a given conflict. They refrain from harming the children and the elderly, though making exceptions for those who choose to take up arms against them. One can expect to find any Cingedoz wearing either boiled leather or chainmail and bearing a shield (typically scutum or wicker shields). They have no preference between the type of arms they take up, be it sword, spear, axe, or polearm, but once a Cingedoz warrior decides his or her weapon - they are wed to that particular one. Unique weapons attributed to the Cingedoz include francisca axes, spathas (a type of longsword), seaxes (long dagger), & falxs (longsword curved slightly forward like a scythe). A warrior is also expected to carry with him a bundle of javelins to provide a way to soften enemies before closing in for hand-to-hand combat (can be represented in Minecraft as either bow/arrow or tridents). The Cingedoz, lacking strict hierarchy, permit for a warband to be raised both during war and in peace-time to engage in irregular combat. Anyone can try to raise a warband, relying on their ability to persuade other members to follow them in raiding and pillaging. Though this allows for spontaneous activity, this activity still respects the martial values upheld in tradition including respecting neutral areas and sanctuaries and not antagonizing those who have any sort of treaty, contract, or trade agreement with the Cingedoz. The word of any Waxtolangoi (Elder) can override any attempt to raise a warband and a member can be exiled if they dare speak against a Waxtolangoi. The Thegnoz or 'huscarls' are more a temporarily affiliation with anyone raising a warband. Becoming a huscarl under someone essentially denotes your agreement to serve the raised warband's intention and goal and to follow the one who raised the warband. The leader of a raised warband during peace-time will be temporarily referred to as werrix or 'war leader' for the timespan of their attempted raid or pillage. During wartime, the current tribal leader is the werrix by default. VALOUR & EPITHETS There is a noticeable lack of hierarchy in a warband. They follow either a Waxtolangoi (Elder) or the chief of the settlement they have migrated to during battle and will accept personal assignments and tasks during war, but have no “commander” nor a hierarchy of ranks to motivate them. Their love for valor, for a storied participation in battle, lends itself instead to boasted epithets earned based on one’s performance in battle as well as epithets earned for demonstrable skills. These epithets are used to refer to the person who has earned them (ex: Gaisorix Saganemetoi) and can be adorned over the person’s home, etched in runestones, and written in sagas. Some of these epithets, bold being the Sprækjom epithet and italic being the Common equivalent, include: ARMOR & DRESS The Cingedoz commonly dress in flaxen and woolen clothing in times of peace and when at home. When at war, men and women are known to dress mostly in chain-mail or boiled leather; the chain-mail provides ample protection from arrows (save for bodkins) and from swords and the boiled leather provides weaker protection from swords yet can reduce the punctures of a fired arrow (except for that shot from very close range). Shields used by them often are decorated with earthy hues; a common pattern is a black boss with the scutum's borders painted green in a zig-zag pattern. Helmets worn by the Cingedoz are a peculiar shape and have an insertion fastener at the top. These insertion fasteners allow for crafted crests to be fixed to the helmet which is to embellish the helmet during times of festivities and triumph. Some crests are simply plumed while others are gaudy pieces of metalwork in the shape of various animals. Although they have traditional dress, there is no enforcement per say. Some are known to wear only enough to cover their nude; the idea behind this ranges from being one with nature to exposing the body to the elements in the belief that it improves one's endurance. Here are some potential skins: What follows is some imagery to help those imagining what a Cinged would look like in their many forms of armor and war dress: WAXTO HAL'CINGEDOZ DAILY LIFE OF THE CINGED The Cingedoz are neither too libertine in their morals and permissiveness with others nor too restrictive that they are anxious and guarded around strangers. They live and do many of the same things that all humans do and fall into roles such as farmer, merchant, artisan, smith, & others. Some belong to tight knit families while others have only a fair association with one another having found common ground in a shared culture. This reviving culture grows in the number of peculiar practices, activities, & cultural paraphernalia. The Cingedoz are also given to being flexible regarding adoption & adaptation from other cultures and have a curiosity for innovations from other cultures. RAISING RUNESTONES Runestones (klukarunjoz), inscribed in the Sprækjom language, are erected from stone and are raised in locations that have some significance to the life of a Cingedoz. The one who raises runestones over superfluous events repeatedly will be the subject of much mockery; the intention behind runestones are to serve as rare monuments that bring memories to the Cingedoz while serving as mysterious commemorations to others. Runestones are expected to have a single pit drilled into the top of the stonework and oriented so that either the sun or the moon’s light will shine through the pit. A circle of runestones form a gathering place to hold things or assemblies. THINGOZ - ASSEMBLIES Thingoz, known as ‘Thing’ or assemblies in Common, are general assemblies of the Cingedoz to talk about the affairs of tribe, town, and the world. Though the Cingedoz are not notoriously concerned with world affairs, having an opinion and making decisions on how to react to local and foreign affairs are important. Assemblies can be called to discuss hopeful trade missions, desired raids, and proposals for the tribe. These are held in a circle of runestones, also called Klukarunjoz hal’Thingoz, and can be called either night or day and do not require a majority presence. KARNYXES, METALWORKING, & WOODWORKING The Cingedoz tradition of metalworking is particularly focused on the casting of bronze and iron implements, stylistic designs of jewelry (such as brooches & torcs), and illustrious fixtures for shields and helmets including intricate patterns and bronze shaped in the form of various animals. The tradition of woodworking has a particular focus in architecture as well as crafting unique war-horns called karnyx which towers over the average human being and lets out a bellowing noise when blown. The karnyx is used in both times of war and peace to alert others of the blower’s presence or to draw attention in the case of trouble. GENERAL TAKEAWAYS The Cingedoz as a culture is one given to adventure, to comradery, and to a brave face shown to the unknown. They have no particular feelings for or against magic nor any feelings towards other creatures provided said creatures don’t intend to set out to do harm. They may be portrayed as backwards by certain individuals, but in truth they try to be reasonable in action and their word. They are not inclined to discriminate against any race nor argue with regards to religion, preferring their primitive and absolute monotheism free of association of partners or a hierarchy of divinity. Conduct trade, lead raids, gather people for assemblies, and most of all - have a good time! Klukarunjoz Cinged Torc Karnyx [OOC] This group is meant to be a relaxing experience OOCly for those involved without entanglement in administration or OOCly antagonistic behavior. We don’t schedule events, instead we allow you the player to spontaneously put together something fun for yourself and for others. I’m not concerned with “supervising” behavior, but only ask to not engage in trolling, ERP, or forum posts that are passive-aggressive. If we win a particular fight, hooray! If we lose a particular fight, we take it with grace. CINGED ARCHITECTURE & BUILDING The Cingedoz rely on timber and brickwork for much of their architecture. One can expect thatch as a mainstay for roofing along with wooden rafters, rarely would you see stone or tile roofing on a structure whether a domestic building or larger structures. There is a cultural nuance setting the Cingedoz apart from many other human cultures and that is the use of earthenworks or rammed earth in their architecture. It is said about Cinged roundhouses that if the homes weren't as tall as they were, a roundhouse would seem like knobs and hills to an approaching traveller. Save for roundhouse hovels for residence, they prefer not to build unless building to fulfill a need. This principle instills them with a sense of pride in building and a desire for detail. There will be a great deal of importance placed on detail and creative use of Minecraft blocks to represent real-life objects and structures, expect to see a lot of signs placed that describe what a player may find in a Cinged settlement. LEGENDS FROM THE CINGEDOZ TRADITION The Cingedoz have a number of myths & legends in their tradition. These legends concern both their ancestry and wonders associated with their tribes. Beyond early settlement in the Grenz in the earliest days on the continent of Almaris, all history going back further is kept in oral traditions, written traditions, and recorded on runestones - many Cingedoz believe they can trace lineages as far back as Asulon. These legends will be found across Aevos in Minecraft books and some will be listed below in a separate forum thread reply. [OOC] INSPIRATION FOR THE CINGEDOS The Cingedoz are loosely based on proto-Celtic & proto-Germanic cultures such as the Belgae, Gaul, Suebi, and the language has been derived from a mixture of Brythonic, Proto-Germanic, and Gaulish with two dialects representing grammatical systems based on Arabic and on English. This is intended to be a laid-back group whose members are more concerned with creating beautiful landscapes, scenery, and generally being conducive to fun roleplay for others. If you are a player who likes the intention behind this group, please feel free to contact @Jihnyny or myself for more details and how to get involved. Please don’t feel it necessary to dedicate a bunch of time to this project; this group is intended to be laid-back and plans for the long-term. If you are a player who wants to enjoy the game unadulterated from OOC drama and open to collaboration, give us a ping in our Discord: https://discord.gg/bGDGmywkHk
  3. THE CINGEDOZ TRADITION 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 ( Pronounced seen - GEHD - oz ) The Cingedoz [also spelled Cingedos] tribe consists of a core of Highlander humans with additional members who have sworn to adopt the tradition, keep the language, and practice the values & virtues that set the Cingedoz apart from other Highlander cultures such as Lechian, Norlandic, Radaghastian, Raevir, & Rathonian. The full endonym for these Highlanders is Cingedoz hal'Trewandunon, translated from Sprækjom to Common as The footmen of the wooded redoubt. This archaic endonym indicates the Cingedoz first making home in woodland regions. They are known for being adventurous, entertaining the thrill and challenge of navigating precarious situations and the unknown, but always carrying with them a yearning for hearth and kin which habitually leads adventuring Cingedoz to recollect time and time again whether in a shared settlement or mere tribal halls. They, being both bold and adventurous, have an endearing affection for whatever weapon and shield they can find and are known for being creative in both combat and in precarious situations. It is a common tradition that a man or woman of the Cingedoz frequently write sagas of their adventures and lives to keep for memory’s sake and as a source of learning for others. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CINGEDOZ IN ALMARIS A NEW REGATHERING ON AEVOS Artorius hal'Cingedoz, in the year 137 of the Second Age, set out across the burgeoning cities and towns on the newly colonized continent of Aevos to regather tribesmen and to bring the disunited familial lines, known as hiwræd, together to meet at a united thing (assembly) and under one banner. Cunimund hal'Cingedoz, the Temple Librarian for the Archdiocese of Albarosa, recently pledged his spear and shield to Artorius; naming the youth rix (leader) of the tribe. The son of Brennus, Odoacer of the hiwræd of Aedoz, is rumored to be missing after finding a potential means of reviving a mythical treant in Cingedoz lore known as the Brigbonon. The young rix continues to venture across Aevos, the small tribe slowly growing and raising many klukarunjoz (runestones) across the continent as a beacon conferring reminders of their tradition and ways with runestones currently erected in Aaun (on the royal road leading into Whitespire) and outside the Halfling lands of Dunfarthing. LINEAGE AND ADOPTERS OF THE TRADITION Surviving Cingedoz (Living on the continent of Aevos): Holly hal'Cingedoz ( @MapleSunflower ), Artorius Ambiorix hal'Cingedoz ( @Jihnyny ), Ogmios Catuvolcus hal'Cingedoz ( @siglms_ ), Cunimund hal'Cingedoz ( @Ibn Khaldun ), Morgause hal'Hrunzdur ( @far1ca ), Harjamodaz hal'Cingedoz ( @Norgeth ) Dead or Missing Cingedoz: Isolde ( @koanda), Uortigornos ( @Norgeth), Arminius ( @Cloakedsphere), Gaisorix ( @Langobardi ), Senex ( @HistoryChap ), Ambiorix ( @Jihnyny ), Dumnoric hal'Cingedoz ( @FallingGuy ), Guinevere hal'Cingedoz ( @Rattussmackus ), Cathubodua hal'Tulach ( @lemonke ), Rinya hal'Tulach ( @KrisppyKreme ), Aeline hal'Tulach ( @LillyPapaya ), Cormack hal'Cingedoz ( @RyuTheCoolest ), Odoacer hal'Cingedoz ( @Ibn Khaldun ), Bodbmakos hal'Cingedoz ( @Privet ), Azigate ( @Witchweaving ), Brennus hal'Cingedoz ( @Ibn Khaldun ), Britius hal'Cingedoz ( @Endovelicus), Ceolwulf hal'Trewehled ( @TN_TURKEY ), Lurana hal'Cingedoz ( @Hopeful ) OUT-OF-CHARACTER BASIS
  4. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 "This letter is authored to the Royal Diet & to the Whitespire Government of Wards, My name is Cunimund hal'Cingedoz, transcriber and Church Librarian for the Temple in the Archdiocese of Albarosa, just outside the gates of Whitespire. I have been fortunate enough to hand-copy the Ordinance of Charters and Guilds recently and had in my mind an inspiration to request of whomever is in the more appropriate station for a small parcel of land for a workshop of my own. My intention is to start a guild whereby tools and supplies of the intellectual arts including writing, transcribing, cartography, and painting might be produced, perfected, and disseminated. To this end, I would offer said tools & supplies to the government and to the Canonist Church. The reason for my both addressing Royal Diet and Government of Wards is that, according to the Ordinance aforementioned & conversations I've had with respected members of society, guilds may only be potentially granted space within the city itself. For the following reasons, I am hoping either for an exception as Common Guild or perhaps Royal Order status that I may gain a small parcel of land outside the city for the following reasons: Part of my industry would be in dealing with apiculture for procuring candle-wax and aviculture for procuring and perfecting writing quills. Both of these species would be bothersome to the public and perhaps less fruitful within city walls, benefiting more from a more open environment. I am in need of a vaster space than the very cramped spaces afforded by my current scribal office in one of the towers of the Temple. I would like to continue transcribing both Church and government documents and will need more space to provide for better organization and continued work. In addition, as I would like to showcase paintings and cartography, more space would be required and the aesthetic would be affected if my facilities are too small. Please treat this letter as a written plea on my behalf lest I am unable to attend the soonest Royal Court in person. In accordance to Section III of the Ordinance, I make my contributions quietly and humbly. I know I am known more for my contributions to the Church, but I pray you find my transcribed Charter of the United Kingdom of Aaun, Lex Aaunica, & Assembly Procedure Law in the Royal Capital's Assembly Hall an evidence of my contribution to the government. Langosidos, Long peace to each of you, may GOD watch over us all, Cunimund hal'Cingedoz" The letter is also tucked away in a copy of the Lex Aaunica recently passing hands from Cunimund to Prince Heinrich Lothar. Cunimund, through his frequent passages through Whitespire, can be seen discussing his hopes in the letter and his investment in the idea in his mind.
  5. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 The rabble and the elite alike of Whitespire knew Cunimund by his distinct karnyx warhorn that would often be seen towering over men and horses alike, bobbing up and down to indicate where he went throughout the city. It was no ordinary warhorn shaped from ram horn or other similar material, but rather it was a bronze bell forged and shaped in the form of a boar whose mouth was agape with a wooden tongue fixed between the imitated jaws that clattered when blown or when bobbing. Young Artorius' travels through Aaun passed between mouths to ears, through many people, finally reaching Cunimund hal'Cingedoz. Cunimund encouraged those who brought word of the young Artorius to pass a message of his own to the young man. Tell good Artorius that I am of the line of Cunobellenus, Ogbek hiwræd-i-Cunobellenoz. Let him know that mine services is his as lore-keeper, I shall labor that I may earn his trust to be one of his hústhegn in his pursuit to recollect the tribe and may know some more of what happened to Odoacer hiwræd-i-Aedoz, son of Brennus son of Gaisorix. Know that I am aware of one other Cingedoz personally by way of receiving an invitation for a wedding, a Holly hal'Cingedoz was listed in the invitation that originated in Haense.
  6. The following works have recently been transcribed: The Tax Concessions Law The Assembly Procedure Law
  7. Cunimund the Transcriber has a young Cingedos page assist him in setting up an accessible table where the tomes of both the Great Charter and the Lex Aaunica are placed and opened within Whitespire's assembly-hall.
  8. The following works have recently been transcribed: The Charter of the United Kingdom of Aaun
  9. The following works have recently been transcribed: Lex Aaunica - The Laws of the Kingdom Teutonic Marian Relic
  10. Cunimund hal'Cingedoz sends word that the Lex Aaunica has been transcribed.
  11. Cunimund hand-copied multiple letters, posting them across much of the Canonist lands in Aevos such as Balian, Numendil, & Petra.
  12. Are you an oldhead with not that much time to play anymore, but still want to contribute to the overall server? Ping me on Discord as I may have a project worth assisting in.

  13. The following works have recently been transcribed: Proverbs, Poems, & Songs of Yong Ping Poetry of Lessons & Moments Balian's Coastal Cuisine
  14. The following works have recently been transcribed: The Monastikon [Vol I,II]
  15. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 Stained glass tinted the light that lanced through into the Temple of the Canon. The light colored whitewashed stucco with tessellated patterns. Some of the colors carried over and mixed against the variety of book bindings fitted into rows and columns of library shelves. A lone man, pacing with the aid of a karnyx warhorn, dusted off some of the shelves and cast motes into the light; faded shadows trailed to make the dust motes appear like comets rising from the floor. Both in the private confines of Prince Heinrich's office and in the public forum afforded by an open and sprawling city square in Whitespire, news of the completed organization and detailing of the Temple's Library travels. All are invited to marvel at the vast repositories of knowledge and invited to contribute their transcribed works to be one of hundreds of tomes and volumes to be read from and studied.
  16. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 Stained glass tinted the light that lanced through into the Temple of the Canon. The light colored whitewashed stucco with tessellated patterns. Some of the colors carried over and mixed against the variety of book bindings fitted into rows and columns of library shelves. A lone man, pacing with the aid of a karnyx warhorn, dusted off some of the shelves and cast motes into the light; faded shadows trailed to make the dust motes appear like comets rising from the floor. Both in the private confines of Prince Heinrich's office and in the public forum afforded by an open and sprawling city square in Whitespire, news of the completed organization and detailing of the Temple's Library travels. All are invited to marvel at the vast repositories of knowledge and invited to contribute their transcribed works to be one of hundreds of tomes and volumes to be read from and studied.
  17. Multiple copies of the Writ of Appointment replaced where once the Pontifical Commission was posted in the courtyards and squares of Aaun, Balian, Haense, Numendil, & Petra.
  18. The following works have recently been transcribed: Whisperwood [Poem]
  19. The following works have recently been transcribed: Scourge of the Barren Lands [Vol I]
  20. The following works have recently been transcribed: Legenda Sanctorum [The Lives of the Saints Vol I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX]
  21. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 Cunimund hal'Cingedoz received a copy of the invitation by way of his residency in Whitespire and by his acting as Cathedral Librarian of Albarosa. He cheerily read through the list of invitees, doing a double-take upon reading the name Holly hal'Cingedoz. He swiftly penned a letter to the to-be-wedded pair from House Amador & Varoche inquiring after the lady named Holly and expressing his want to be connected to one who shares the tribal name Cingedoz.
  22. Sniping status updates made by mentally unstable alts is all part of a nutritious breakfast.

    1. Borin


      mentally unstable
      literally me

  23. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 Karnyx, falx, and a clutch of javelins laid atop a bearskin draped on a second bed in his apartment. Cunimund glanced over them more and more in recent days. Within his chest, the bugle and dirge of the karnyx seemed to drum in rhythm with the beats of his own heart. His recent excursions between Norland and Urguan, between lengthy days transcribing works, gave him some sense of growing conflict. "Ogbek bagauda, Deiwo lǣwiz æscozek," [1] Cunimund muttered as his eyes found the same arms laid out day after day.
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