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Ibn Khaldun

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. Just a note, but if you have any proof regarding this degree of harassment - I would advise posting a report for us as moderators to handle.
  2. I can't lie, Nor'asath looks dope.

    1. ColonelKuehl1


      It do im unbiased obviously. 

    2. ThatFunkyBunch


      Very umbiased yeah it looks nice


  3. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 Thick parchments, decorated along the margins with floral and geometric patterns and written with a flourish in both Cingedoz and Common, are found passing hands and pinned to noticeboards across cities and towns as far apart as Lurin and Talar'nor. The hands responsible for drafting them and in passing them belong to one Cunimund hal'Cingedoz, dressed in flaxen simplicity with a threadbare cloak hugging his broad shoulders. With hair the color of wheat and often fluttering like heads of wheat with each passing breeze, the cheery and ruddy-faced man would call attention to his offered skill - the skill of transcribing and beautifying books and tomes. Each parchment contained the same text, plainly conveying the following: "Lo and be informed, The tribesman of the Cingedoz named Cunimund offers his hand and his skill to transcribe any piece of literature that you'd wish transcribed. Price is negotiable and he is willing to transcribe any text regardless of genre - be it poem or history - or to hand-copy any document be it official or intimate. He has taken up residency as the cathedral librarian of Aaun-Whitespire if you'd like to find him there or write to him - have your house's history memorialized in a beautiful tome or have your documents hand-copied for purposes of record-keeping. The Cingedoz are wondrous mythmakers, so do ask after a fine work of inspiring fiction if you so wish!"
  4. I just wanted to learn your side, because admittingly Wulfery tried to make out most of the conflicts that occurred between Daeland/Vistulia & others as people having personal vendettas or players OOCly upset about his openness about his real life pagan beliefs. Since he is banned for being a nonce, I really don't care how I pull my punches against him but he got on my nerves fairly often because he didn't like that I played a monotheist character (I do so for personal conviction reasons as I am Muslim in real life and any display of kufr (disbelief) is a big no-no). You always struck me as an even-keeled player and really nice to communicate with so I didn't believe any of the negative framing of why Vistulia and the Lvinsk/Grodno group went separate ways
  5. I always wanted to ask whether you had actual beef with Wulfery. He drove me a bit nuts back in the Vistulia playergroup days, but probably for different reasons than you if you two didn't get along.
  6. Eid Mubarak wa Taqqabbalah Mina wa Minkum!
  7. Eid Mubarak wa Taqqabbalahu mina wa minkum!

    1. Zolla_


      Mubarak alayna wa alaikum!

  8. For those males choosing to play female characters/those females choosing to play male characters, don't mistake a player's unwillingness to engage in "romance" RP as some allergy to the postmodern worldview about the permissiveness to be gender fluid/play pretend to be the other gender. Some of us just don't want to be hit on whether the player doing the hitting on is real-life Team XX or Team XY.
  9. Are you interested in fiction writing and especially spreading fiction in Minecraft book form in-game? Hit me up on Discord, got a really solid idea without necessitating alt characters being made.

  10. Is it Geoboy66 or Tehlulu by chance? Speaking of Sci-Fi RP, you might like this olden-golden browser based Space MMO Pardus. A few of us play on Artemis universe and its been fun breaking up the monotony of remote work for me personally.
  11. Well I'll be damned, another boomer emerges! How are you Cataris? This is gaiusmarius8.
  12. She He is for the streets
  13. Don't cut your roleplay video gameplay with cocaine, that thread I just read is trailer trash quality.

    1. Harold


      jerry springer came to mind

  14. All your rep farm status updates are belong to us.


    Jimmy Butler Fashion GIF by Miami HEAT

    1. TreeSmoothie


      hold on, let me just borrow some of your rep...

  15. American Airlines, Singapore, and Quickbooks, you don't want this smoke.


    Lock And Loaded Machine Gun GIF - Lock And Loaded Machine Gun Lets Do This GIFs

  16. Odoacer lifted up the canvas drawn across the wain drawn by his horse. He looked longingly across the mounds and mounds of beetroots hidden away. "Shall I share in my treasure?" he mused to himself.
  17. Sounds good. If you or the managers see value in adding me back in to help, feel free to ping me. Even if it is moreso wanting to contract out a specific item to develop and write on, I'm down.
  18. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 The young skirmisher led his horse, dressed in barding inlaid with ocean coral, around the feet of mesas and the faces of plateaus. Odoacer kept his karnyx warhorn bound to his person and a javelin drawn as he ambled across the empty quarter of the wastelands. He peaked beneath his tunic to one of the missives folded up against his chest that he had found after he emerged from the grungy depths of the Mori'quessir cave network. He bade all fair men and women good fortune, his questioning assaying hearts of gold from those more impure in intention such as highwaymen and marauders. He could often be heard whistling a tune in a guttural language, the refrain being "Deiwo afdauþnaniz banozek, aingidju sin teutoz" (trans. God blind my enemies, protect these people).
  19. I know I've reached out to you via Discord @squakhawk, but would Lore Sect members be able the ones to contribute to map lore and the sort of evolving storylines you are expecting on this new map? Before I left ST, I got the general impression that most lore work revolved around deities & Aengudaemon lore which for personal reasons I did not want to partake in. (Hats off to Zarsies because he seemed to be the one saddled with that particular project).
  20. Hello mate! I love the cultural influences you are drawing from. If you'd like to incorporate any elements from another, longer-established Gallo-Celtic group on LotC called the Cingedoz - just let me know or ping me on Discord. This isn't an attempt to co-opt your idea, but to give you some historical roots to either give your group an "origin story" or to simply incorporate tried-and-true cultural elements into yours.
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