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Ibn Khaldun

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. You'll be wise to play by the 30 minute rule and not even remember us. We are the Teutonic Order, you witnessed the act of deception on another character and you went all dramatic. We slay all those who witness us, perhaps read our Lore. We are VERY secretive, we have to be to ward off the meta-gamers, rulebreakers, and the imbeciles who want to whine.

  2. You'll have to look up the word sardonic to understand my humor harhar.

  3. Youlovesocks, Bossnation, and Chumpchump, that was a great fight comrades.

  4. Your a troll, the Zil'Maktum has the most presence in the build server ;)

  5. Your avatar disturbs me.

  6. Your Ideas & Lore actually as I was not finished with the idea in it's entirety :D

  7. Your signature for MTG misspelled Thieves :3

  8. Your so noob you forgot that it was a Europa Barbarorum Map. Get Owned.

  9. Your thread requesting a skin change is in the proper 'Graphics -> Skin' Forum

  10. Zebanamana is enlightened, what about you?

    1. Aislin



    2. Shorsand


      People get edgy over a PvP war when it's an RP server..

    3. Zebanamana


      I spend 15 hours a day on this game every day. This **** is my job. I am enlightened

  11. Zer0master just confirmed he is a thirsty trick

  12. ZeroMaster, you do realize half the server has or currently plays World of Warcraft - I don't know how you thought you'd slyly plaguarize what looks like an official Wiki lol.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      I don't know man, at least I wasn't offering for money or to get people to by things..

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      *cough* darklord *cough*

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      ZeroMaster, you won your dignity back with that roast. Hats off and stay real mate.

  13. तत् त्वम् असि

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