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Everything posted by susitsu

  1. Re-installing a bunch of programs on my computer is annoying....

  2. On another computer right now that I'm only using for schoolwork, just wanted to say my computer is having an insane meltdown or something...someone who's good with computers is currently playing with mine. Siiigh.

    1. Aryon


      Dat computer.

    2. susitsu


      I suppose things are going to be fine, I got the files I really needed off of there, but the computer itself is getting a complete factory reset. Going to have to re-install a lot of things. Eh, better than just not having the use of my computer at all.

  3. ((Now you forget that Relok'oth exists...Q_Q Sadly he can't even get on, so that wouldn't work out.)) ((Edit: To say in response to wanting to talk of me, I should say oocly I also go under the name Shen, you'll find that out in rp soon enough due to a certain someone always calling me it, this someone living in New Sorovitz, though they're off places irl currently.))
  4. So I was almost done with the new 'The Shades' post...and someone shut down my computer when I wasn't looking...

  5. Tired. Meh.

    1. Swgrclan


      I believe this strange thing called "Sleep" assists this problem.

  6. Not really actually, it had valuable information to look over for others, I hope that it reached the eyes it needed to before you did that.

  7. -Brofists- Like usually, we be rollin', they be hatin', we be tellin' the community off.

  8. Ah, that feel when you gave the IPs of the servers that the ones who hacked your go on to a certain person that hands it over to 4chan...aah ha ha.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NekoDanie


      I highly approve of this...

    3. argonian


      I have a feeling this all started because someone on minebook was part of that community...

    4. argonian


      Anyway, share it, please?

  9. That was fun.(Speaking of MMYYYY last status.)

  10. ((To respond to Lym's post, I'm going to suggest we make in the off-topic/general discussion area the 'ooc chat' of the BH, IO, and friends. You do it, Simon, it's your guild after all :P I'm going to suggest we get a VIP list of who can post ;D))
  11. A bit of awesome Role Play to affect a couple characters storylines planned for when I wake up tomorrow, tee hee ^_^

  12. That ban report...just...my god...that guy...just...lol...

  13. Well, it seems the long extended depressing role play that has been going across the past few irl weeks has finally come to a happy ending! For Lucas anyway~

  14. I'm...in the mood...to watch Disney movies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Repiteo



    3. ayresalex


      Or... get your ass on Synthesia...

    4. susitsu


      I filled my craving.

  15. That feel when you SoulStone...and you appear deep underground at Y46, suffocating, and you barely pick out a space to survive... http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/3372/20120223000558.png

    1. Ever


      I think it was the universe trying to kill you .w.

    2. Sinstrite


      Haha too many times can I relate xD

  16. "Group:

    Old Hat"

    ...Ho...huh, what?


  18. Sigh, when people you thought were your friends blatantly lie on a strike report on you...

  19. ((I assume you'll all have VAs? Outside of that, this seems like it could go somewhere, I'll definitely be watching this post.))
  20. Ah, I remember back when I first made my character...he was chilidish in that he questioned everything, he was after knowledge which actually led him to the Undead, and in the end basically lost his mind and became a mass murderer. The mass murderer part is caused by the Undead ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Boo! Philosophy Wannabe :P

    3. susitsu



      @Gaius, BOOOIIIIII, you don' even KNOW what I GOT.

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Smoke my Bum boi, yo ain't gat sh-t awn me!

  21. I miss the AV's.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Religious_Pie


      ^ That. The chances are, if you can write well, you can RP well, but of course, there are exceptions to every rule.

    3. Trouvo


      i just miss the advanced RP'ers

    4. susitsu


      Barely anyone got accepted for AVs when Charlie or the VAT handled VAs, the times in-between when others GMs handled them were the only times mediocre RPers got in, I have no idea what the hell any of you are talking about, it was rare someone who did not bring AMAZING rp to the table was accepted.

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