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Ned Lud

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Status Replies posted by Ned Lud

  1. The Great Eagle seems to be a hit!

  2. Super GM Freya.

  3. If everybody is king, is anybody king? Think about it. Think about it.

  4. That sudden feeling when you realize that, eventually, Oren will just be one big castle made up of interconnected and overlapping castles.

  5. I wonder, now that Oren is split. Which kingdom is going to stop people from making their own houses with bannermen and castles?

  6. I wonder, now that Oren is split. Which kingdom is going to stop people from making their own houses with bannermen and castles?

  7. So uhh, we switching it back to PVP default err what?

  8. Dear new Oren Inquisition: I made the skins for the old Inquisitors. Me. I made them for my FRIENDS. If you do not have my permission, you are not allowed to use my skins. So kindly stop asking former Inquisitors to give you their skins. kthx.

  9. Dear new Oren Inquisition: I made the skins for the old Inquisitors. Me. I made them for my FRIENDS. If you do not have my permission, you are not allowed to use my skins. So kindly stop asking former Inquisitors to give you their skins. kthx.

  10. moving to canada is like eating ice cream...cold (worst analogy ever)

  11. Just occurred to me, did anyone ever try to make a Red Rose guild? You know... War of the Roses.

  12. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: The Ancient Elven word for demon, monster or ogre resulted in what commonly used word?

  13. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: The Ancient Elven word for demon, monster or ogre resulted in what commonly used word?

  14. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: The Ancient Elven word for demon, monster or ogre resulted in what commonly used word?

  15. Blacksmiths of Anthos (by which I mean Kralta). Gold be the metal of monster slaying in these lands! It be not silver, and certainly not magegold!

  16. Kralta is restoring my faith in humanity.

  17. Who'sin charge of Halflings?

  18. Who'sin charge of Halflings?

  19. Not Guilty verdict. Gonna go hide in my basement now till the riots end.

  20. Ever feel like you're being taken for a ride? Even though you probably aren't?

  21. -Volunteers to cut the grass- ... -Can't even switch the lawnmower on- .... GG Gemmy.

  22. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: When MCMMO was active, what was the only sub-race that did not have buffs and nerfs in certain stats?

  23. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: When MCMMO was active, what was the only sub-race that did not have buffs and nerfs in certain stats?

  24. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: When MCMMO was active, what was the only sub-race that did not have buffs and nerfs in certain stats?

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