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Ned Lud

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Status Replies posted by Ned Lud


  2. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the emissary between the two halves of Oren following the Phoenix Revolution?

  3. *has no idea how much longer he'll stay on LOTC* .-.

  4. *has no idea how much longer he'll stay on LOTC* .-.

  5. Thinking of fabricating healing lore that doesn't require you to pray to a deity or believe in aspects! Opinions, anyone?

  6. Thinking of fabricating healing lore that doesn't require you to pray to a deity or believe in aspects! Opinions, anyone?

  7. Hey guys, sorry for, you know, being rather abrasive and rude sometimes. I realize now that it benefits nobody and it's really not a great thing to do.

  8. I think that everyones RP should be enjoyable to others. I realize that that is impossible, because you're going to need some form of villianry (which most of the time will involve the people losing some form of items). But you should be using villian RP to RP with people. Even stealing stuff. Do it when the person is online, and make an elaborate trap. What you shouldn't do is steal because you need items. I realize that /could/ be a RP reason, but will it kill you to spend 100 gold...

  9. Sometimes I wish I wasn't ginger and fairskinned just so I can just go outside ;_;

  10. I think that everyones RP should be enjoyable to others. I realize that that is impossible, because you're going to need some form of villianry (which most of the time will involve the people losing some form of items). But you should be using villian RP to RP with people. Even stealing stuff. Do it when the person is online, and make an elaborate trap. What you shouldn't do is steal because you need items. I realize that /could/ be a RP reason, but will it kill you to spend 100 gold...

  11. Empty Lenfarthing does not Amuse me

  12. We need a GOOD trailer really bad. Let's get some of those character animations, some solid filming, and get some interest back in the server... Media Team, you're losing a lot of respect.

  13. If a certain someone, not me or anything nooooooooooooo, was to bring back Oren Guards from Aegis, what would you say? >_> <_>

  14. Would you like the server to move more towards a Aegis-esque style of restrictions, map control, roleplay, etc or move back towards an Asulon-esque style? Would like to gauge opinion, although I think I have a good idea already!

  15. Would you like the server to move more towards a Aegis-esque style of restrictions, map control, roleplay, etc or move back towards an Asulon-esque style? Would like to gauge opinion, although I think I have a good idea already!

  16. Just a hint, any halflings named; Pippin, Bilbo, Frodo, Baggins, etc. is obviously not going to be let into Lenfarthing, be considerate making a Halfling guys!

  17. How many years since we arrived in Anthos? And how many were spent in Asulon?

  18. To those who witnessed me slightly angry. If you didn't know I'm stressed IRL and RP that is trolly in my mind is just angering me further.

  19. The originality of the groups defending against the Antagonist is overwhelming.

  20. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91776-brent42817s-ban-appeal/ C'mon guise. This guy has been waiting over a week for his appeal to even get looked over.
  21. Automatic ageing on our character cards would be cool, is it possible? .-.

  22. Sitting in my office.. Browsing LotC.. Getting.. 20£ an hour. Yup. Life is good.

  23. The Great Eagle seems to be a hit!

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