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Ned Lud

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Status Replies posted by Ned Lud

  1. I am nervous about my application

  2. Availer oughta come back as a WS.

  3. wow so then a fm locks availers post? no one was flaming at all. people should have a right to post how they feel about the whole situation.

  4. Guys. There's no legit way to get truthful proof. And stop talking sides based on what you hear. Neutral ftw?

  5. wow so then a fm locks availers post? no one was flaming at all. people should have a right to post how they feel about the whole situation.

  6. Guys. There's no legit way to get truthful proof. And stop talking sides based on what you hear. Neutral ftw?

  7. Guys, guys, the latest magazine of AvailerVaquxine Dramafest came out!

  8. 40 min walk to uni. Get there early. Go for subway. Decide to skip class. Go home. ... I walked a total of 4 miles for a subway. I don't even

  9. Stuck in the middle.. Who do we believe? availer or vaquixine?

  10. That moment when you make a bundle of enemys without even using that much violence

  11. hand, foot, and mouth disease? O_o

  12. Feels like kidnappig a few Dryads.

  13. Fun, Rose Day:) I have a feeling something dramatic will happen. Hopefully it will go smoothly:3

  14. I'm so sad :,C I went to the orc war nation to give a rose to someone... then they threw me in an arena and PvP killed me. :,C The worst part is, I don't do PvP... Ever! I lost diamonds.... and my heart.

  15. WE MUST FIGHT THIS SICKENING GROUP! Spread the word guys, the more who know about this, the more of a chance that he gets caught:

  16. Hmm... I learned something; Don't eat Froot Loops when you're sick...

  17. Anyone wanna tell me if I'm allowed to RP Shoot/Hit a player(without the intent to kill)? I usually just shoot players with arrows as my way of saying "Back off".

  18. Boat & Horse travel / Mob-Desguise events / new Youtube & Machinima videos

  19. Anyone wanna tell me if I'm allowed to RP Shoot/Hit a player(without the intent to kill)? I usually just shoot players with arrows as my way of saying "Back off".

  20. Bah. I should just accept that this is a plugin server.

  21. I'm thinking about making an official proposal to remove Humans to the game, what do you guys think? ;P

  22. You know that feeling when your fired for being off for 2weeks, where the time you spent it was in hospital? the times. :/

  23. 1.2 brings Fire Charges... Flaming cannon balls/siege weaponry anyone?

  24. Had the Fubar butt-cheeks advertisement for the past five pages. This is disgusting.

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