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Ned Lud

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Status Replies posted by Ned Lud

  1. So... I was apparantly smothered in my sleep last night :(

  2. Is there anyone who has been keeping an approximate record of time since the /date plugin went down and knows about what year it is ingame?

  3. So... I was apparantly smothered in my sleep last night :(

  4. Is there anyone who has been keeping an approximate record of time since the /date plugin went down and knows about what year it is ingame?

  5. The amount of Lesbians in Salvus is TOO DAMN HIGH.

  6. Seriously, why can't politicians find something they agree on, rather than focus on the stuff they DON'T agree on? What the heck happened to compromise?

  7. The most epic RP moment just happened. Everyone in Salvus got high with some drug, and when I got high....I...kissed a girl. LESBIAN GOODNESS!

  8. I am thinking of killing off my charictor and using my one free donation char reset, I wana Role-play a female, sugestions? or on a lighter note I just nigotiated peace between the quarians and the geth!

  9. Best..ramen ever....

  10. What's the official rule on strike report commentary? I got a warning the other day, yet I see a constant flow of non-involved comments.

  11. What's the official rule on strike report commentary? I got a warning the other day, yet I see a constant flow of non-involved comments.

  12. Has anyone defeated an Enderman on his own in Lotc?

  13. Anyone having trouble/unable to refill showcases?

  14. Bah, forget this villain stuff. Peaceful orc it is.

  15. Is anyone else having trouble picking up items that have formed into one pile on the ground?

  16. I hate how people think that crouch clicking as "meta clicking" and as a bad thing. The description is there to describe your character's attributes, such as personality, how they speak, their height/weight, and their mannerisms. It is only meta if you put stuff in like "high general of blah".

  17. Will be posting screenshots later just to show how insane the Spawnrate of hostile mobs in our camp is.

  18. Everything is 10x funny when you've slept like crap

  19. Would anyone be interested in a group of templars of sorts? Or is tehre already a group like this?

  20. I actually Rp'd with a wolf. Me gusta. ^^

  21. Love hte way people troll another for a religion. On the other side, he shouldn't flaunt it that much. Saying no more on the topic. :3

  22. Is it wrong that I'm 16 and smoke a pack of cigarette's a day?


  24. Is it wrong that I'm 16 and smoke a pack of cigarette's a day?

  25. Love hte way people troll another for a religion. On the other side, he shouldn't flaunt it that much. Saying no more on the topic. :3

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