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Ned Lud

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Status Replies posted by Ned Lud

  1. This urge to buy a wedding dress, just to be able to wear it.

  2. My high school in regards to tornados. Tornado watch? Don't give a crap. Tornado warning? Don't give a crap. Tornado emergency? PANIC, PANIC EVERYWHERE.

  3. Still waiting on magic and alchemy.

  4. Remember everyone that being patient with mods gets alot more done than rushing them even though it takes longer!

  5. what if we started to dictate what race new players had to be? What would happen...

  6. I was put under immense pressure drawing boobs in class today, I even had to google search some guides to the art of boob drawing... ._.

  7. I get a warning level for persisting in appeals? I just want to be able to play on this server! cant you see I am sorry?! I will never lie to a GM again!!

  8. I get a warning level for persisting in appeals? I just want to be able to play on this server! cant you see I am sorry?! I will never lie to a GM again!!

  9. Just found out my wife is pregnant with our first kid! AWESOME! :o)

  10. Is there any way to access/view the old Wiki as this new one is constructed?

  11. do i have to make a new character when i die? and do i have to rp with undead to?

  12. So many mobs all of a sudden. got pwnd by a blaze. *shakes fist* Damn Blaze D:

  13. I keep getting called a patriot for my Avatr and sig....i'm not even Americain. It's just that the marines have badass quotes. :3

  14. realy want to be whitelisted cant wait hope i get picked

  15. I find 911 quite a curiosity... Such a tragedy to see so many lives lost, though Americans treat it like it was the holocaust... Ughhh... It was traumatic and devastating, but is it more tragic then 50 million lives lost in a war?

  16. They've hidden behind the Flag, the Bible, and Children....

  17. Ugh still cant log in. anyone know why?

  18. Can 3 more people sign the Karakatuan City Charter? If we get to 60 we get to apply for higher up positions in the new race. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/38615-karakatuan-city-application/

  19. theres a subway ad on here. Faith in humanity has been restored :P

  20. So I got banned for saying ***... really ahahahh

  21. Starting the book game of thrones, hopefully good as people say.

  22. I am going to get an Energy Healing Session in a Week, what should the Energy Healer Heal for Me?! Lolol

  23. You know the end is near when the light in the back of your fridge begins to fade.

  24. I just found out... Bigalow40 hasn't read the Hobbit. One doesn't simply " not read the Hobbit." .... -____-

  25. Havent got any responses for my appeals, Still waiting for a GM to respond to it, since respiren isnt a GM anymore I dont know who to ask. I cant even send messages for some reason to Gm's anymore..

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