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Ned Lud

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Status Replies posted by Ned Lud

  1. ned lud i used that linked i doesent let me type any thing can you add a anouther link

  2. were do i find a black app form plz help

  3. were do i find a black app form plz help

  4. I Is being told his IC girlfriend is being molested by a mori, but can't come on to the sevrer right now o3o Fuuuuu-

  5. What evil's will an ent need?

  6. What evil's will an ent need?

  7. Wanna destroy Alras? Kill Syrio over and over. Their economy dips every time he gets stabbed.

  8. So its been almost a week with magic and I have seen no meta

  9. So its been almost a week with magic and I have seen no meta

  10. Making regular stops at the Human nations. So much drama, it's delicious.

  11. The temple has nether warts in it it is an omen....

  12. What is with the server's constant hatred towards the Mori'Quessir? It seems overly bloated... We need more proper roleplayers and some leniency. A small, developing race should be left alone for a while...

  13. What is with the server's constant hatred towards the Mori'Quessir? It seems overly bloated... We need more proper roleplayers and some leniency. A small, developing race should be left alone for a while...

  14. Just denied 7 apps. I feel so evil xD

  15. Hoping my parents won't check my laptop for the forums... <.>

  16. Then we start to think and realise that the world is just another weird platform.. Just.. Way more realistic, have to get out and enjoy life.. Tomorrow..

  17. News flash for all you gms who don't know: Feed back from community on ban reports isn't against the rules.

  18. Just read te worst ban report ever.

  19. The humans are at war, god help us.

  20. Where do I acquire a saddle for pigs? :D

  21. Are there any sections that help with Mori names? Can't think of one.

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