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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Logged off with 5 hearts, logged in dead. This dream is getting worse by the second.

  2. Just almost got non-rp massacred again, combat-logged for the sake of not dying.

    1. Billyjimbo


      Why is this happening?!

  3. Having horrible lag spikes on the temp server :/ Oh well, good to have it anyway!

  4. Urara, respond to my message please :#

    1. Urahra


      Hm, you sent me a PM? I didn't get it.

    2. MrSyth


      ...you left the conversation. I'll send a new PM.

    3. Urahra


      Ah, sorry. I was cleaning out my inbox and I may have deleted it by accident.

  5. You're aware of the fact you misspelt Altaïr in your name, right?

  6. So... the temporary server is back offline? Hmm. How's progress on the host-switching?

  7. Just had RP again. Oh how good that feels... (even though it had to be Joe's alt, which is a rottin' little pest)

  8. Guys. Guys! It's MA time. Soon.

  9. Just read another app, saw this to the orc OERQ: i wait for the orc to take his turn, assuming he does not charge me i say) Drop the dwarf and walk away or your head will be a shishkabob. Wow... I'd be scaaared.

    1. Goldrim



  10. Newly spawned? That'll change quicly.

  11. How great. You take a week off of work, the server goes offline for a week. *twitch*

    1. Dilara(lotteje13)


      D: worst luck ever you have

    2. Dilara(lotteje13)


      D: worst luck ever you have

  12. So wait... is there an application team application team? (As in the team that gives verdict over application team applications?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      application team application team application, there has to be a team for that. repeat for infinite troll

    3. Wavejammers


      Appteam ception

    4. nppeck


      Only Danny decides

  13. I kill the trend.

  14. I feel bad for Helga...

    1. MrSyth


      If you got that, you're amazing.

  15. Doing a bit of tekkit. Does anyone know how an energy collector works?

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)


      These, when given a light level, e.g glowstone. These generate emc based on levels. There are 3 tiers, you can make them into "power flowers" as well. These generate quite a bit more emc.

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Would help but I'm on my phone so I cba to do it.

  16. If you're having server issues anywhere, use http://help.mojang.com/ to check if services are down. They are at the moment!

  17. We're about to move to the new host, we'll all have plenty of LOTC very soon! It's all going to be ok!

  18. About your new Forum RP, how does one apply for it, and what factions are among it? I for one am Very interested.

  19. Hmm... Interesting. Your application has been accepted, yet this displeases me. You have applied for the role of High Elf, and let me tell you, we do not get drunk. We are not rubbish drunkards, we do not live amongst the impure happily. You non-lore correct High Elves disgust me. There are too many of you! Now, let us meet ingame, as we have much to discuss. You'll see, if you're a...

  20. Just read a High Elf app. I can't believe this: "Loves to drink, being a loud and boisterous drunk. Right from the get-go, he was an odd one." And his ambition is to cure his race's curse? BLASPHEMY.

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