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Status Updates posted by xmrsmoothx

  1. Your roleplay is welcoming and rather fun, and you're always there to keep me company in OOC.

  2. Your effort in keeping the Mori a tight-knit and intriguing group is admirable, even though I do not quite agree with the roleplay itself.

  3. Your effort towards upholding this server is second-to-none, and there is no more fair or intelligent GM I would have leading.

  4. You are indefinitely one of the top roleplayers on this server, and the way in which you play your characters is fascinating to me. LoC would not be the same without you.

  5. You're a very good roleplayer, one of the top twenty on this server, if not more. Your lore is always unique and interests me.

  6. You're a strict GM, but you seem extremely intelligent, and I admrie that; No-OOC Friday & Saturday was a good experiment.

  7. Your magical lore is arguably the strongest and thickest in the server, and I admire all that you've put into it, especially with the advent of the plugin.

  8. Your lore is very strong, and you always do what you can to make sure that everybody enjoys the events that you plan.

  9. You seem to be a very good roleplayer, and have some of the server's best interests at heart.

  10. You are incredibly articulate, and by far one of the top ten roleplayers on this server; your ideas are always unique and intriguing.

  11. While I may not agree with some of the actions your character takes, you're a very skilled roleplayer and one of the server's leading villains.

  12. You're an incredible roleplayer, and Lorethos is one of the most likable characters I've met so far.

  13. The way in which you roleplay magic is exceptional, and your characters all seem to be very well thought out.

  14. While your methods are not always as sophisticated as I would prefer, you seem to be a fair and merciful villain, which I admire.

  15. You're an incredible roleplayer, and your lore is always top-notch. Your characters are always unique and (somewhat) likable.

  16. You seem to have the server's best interests in mind, even if I don't agree with the way in which you think it should play out.

  17. Your posts are always filled to the brim with well-thought-out and reasonable input, and your roleplay, while I have not yet experienced it, seems to be exceptional.

  18. I plus one most of my posts. Your turn for confession.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. danic


      ^ This. When it's obvious you've +1ed your own post, I -1 it

    3. xmrsmoothx


      That means all my reputation is fair-gotten!


    4. Yamnothere


      My confession; I sleep with a tedd-.. I kid, No but, Throughout all my illgotten gains, I have never once, Illigitametly, done something against teh'rules... ._. Which is sad, because Im always accused of it,

  19. Need moar titles

    1. Ever


      fish related titles*

    2. Zeddicus Fyren
  20. I don't need to powergame to win every fight. Because I don't get INTO fights.

  21. No buddies online :

    1. Ever
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      I'm not your buddy? ;-;

    3. Shuness




  22. Official Briannabelle complaints thread: Feel free to insult me however much you please, go go go

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Varstivus


      Youm complain a lot on the forums.

    3. Respiren


      Can I have a link to the thread, my complaint is essay length

    4. Shuness


      Eh. I got nothing.

  23. >Write sign about undying love for everyone

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. everblue2er101
    3. xmrsmoothx


      In a world where stabbing somebody who's wearing a certain article of clothing is normal? Not really, no

    4. Shuness
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