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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Trouvo

  1. i cant reply to any apps....how do i review apps now? yes on application team lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trouvo


      yeah shift told me he is going to fix it

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      He clearly has these if he is on the app team. It's prolly a bug.

    4. Trouvo


      he said have to change my group name since it still says diamond vip

  2. I didnt have a dream...Im still at work XP

    1. CTap


      oh my god you're sooo funnnyyyy hahahahahaaa

    2. Trouvo


      No need to be rude

    3. CTap
  3. I do so hope this jest is done, for thine eyes have strained

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Lol, people are freaking out over the LotC prank, it's fun to watch the mayhem ^.^

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Lol, people are freaking out over the LotC prank, it's fun to watch the mayhem ^.^

  4. I dont see anything wrong with your sig...some people just need to grow up...or figure out the difference between normal pics...and porn

  5. I have to agree that was an amazing application!! Welcome to the server

  6. I just voted for the server and brought us up to rank 89, will your vote bring us higher? VOTE NOW to find out http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft/vote

  7. i prefer to make the changes myself but you will be given a skin with and without a helm, make the head for your skin and i will do the rest, upon recruitment of course

  8. I ran out of VA's to review.....

    1. Austin


      Mine will be ready soon don't worry sunshine.

  9. i swear everyday i get on in the morn, its down....i either have really bad luck...or just bad timing

    1. Golden_Harvest_Richards


      or the server just has really bad uptime... lol

    2. Trouvo


      ...that too..which is why even if we had all the votes on minestatus we still could not be number 1

  10. I think our wiki page is lookin quite SMEXY http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=Emerald_Knights

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      The wiki editing things is kinda... Derpy

    3. Trouvo


      Thank you daniel, and what do you mean conor? where the main image at the top ovrlaps the editing text

    4. Trouvo


      *overlaps...so tired

  11. i wanna be the very best that no one ever was i will travel across the land searching far and wide i will find those blasted orcs that killed my family Orc Raiders! Gotta kill em all

    1. KarmaDelta


      Story of half of the majority of old apps :P

    2. Trouvo


      exactly lmao

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Trying to avoid hearing the Pokemon theme song in my head. It's hard with your first few words though. . .

      *Starts humming Pokemon theme song*

  12. IDK what a GCSE is but I did get a 1450 on my SATs in 2001 lol

    1. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      *brofists his fellow old person

  13. if you want to get accepted you really need to redo your application...try actually reading the lore for the server for starters....

  14. Insomnia sucks....

  15. It feels really good when a random tells you, you are as well known as shiftnative XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trouvo


      Ive been around since...august...loleven before you joined the server lol, was even approached to be king of oren at one point

    3. BannanaToYou


      I joined even before... NGGGGG

    4. Trouvo
  16. Its nice looking in the VA forum and seeing nothing ready to review XD

    1. Samsan99


      :O i has fixed your problem

  17. just check out the post for Lunavara in the human roleplay section or the left link on my signature to find your way to Lunavara...if you become a guard you get a skin as well

  18. just finished chapters 6 and 7 of the emerald knights lore XD

    1. Nononymous


      Only saw status update now, I MUST READ!

  19. just got a brand new tv, so now i can use my 26" lcd hdtv for my pc, time for some HD LOTC!!!

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Lol, what we do for this server...

  20. Just realized he could add comments to the status updates XD

  21. LOL RP'd my involvement in all 4 warclaims for Salvus...it progresses from the rise, the dawn, the twilight, and the dusk XD

    1. _pok_


      Well played Trouvo, well played...

    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      You know. There was actually a time, when I considered you a nice guy.

  22. Looks like I will be doing 13 VAs tonight, once I get to work so in a few hours, applicants might want to take a few minutes to double check your work just in case

  23. LoTC > Life itself :3

  24. Loving his legendary Golden Swords...now if only i could dual weild them lol

  25. minecraft.net crashed now....grrrr

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