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Status Replies posted by Trouvo

  1. Is it possible to destroy a race IC ? like completely destroy a whole nation e.g. The Humans

  2. Is it possible to destroy a race IC ? like completely destroy a whole nation e.g. The Humans

    1. Trouvo


      good luck with that, we have so many orphans coming from different lands every day of every race :3

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  3. It feels really good when a random tells you, you are as well known as shiftnative XD

  4. I have been accepted! Now it's time to read and understand the lore of the world. I'm marchin' on to the gates of the Wiki!

  5. I have been accepted! Now it's time to read and understand the lore of the world. I'm marchin' on to the gates of the Wiki!

  6. It feels really good when a random tells you, you are as well known as shiftnative XD

  7. I have been accepted! Now it's time to read and understand the lore of the world. I'm marchin' on to the gates of the Wiki!

  8. No schol today for me! *smugface*

  9. Rammstein tickets for free you say? Why yes I will gladly take those. Thank you kindly.

  10. So... What makes an Old Hat, and Old Hat? (and don't say "hat + time" 8D)

  11. I place $20 into a box. So do you. There is now $40 in the box. I sell the box to you for $30. We both walk away with a $10 profit.

  12. I place $20 into a box. So do you. There is now $40 in the box. I sell the box to you for $30. We both walk away with a $10 profit.

  13. I place $20 into a box. So do you. There is now $40 in the box. I sell the box to you for $30. We both walk away with a $10 profit.

  14. GUISE I HAD AN ORIGINAL IDEA FOR A MINECRAFT SERVER. How about HungerGamesCraft! I know right? No one will think of that!

  15. While everyone cries about having to go back to school. I silently sigh and have to go to work. Lucky for me I have a 5 day weekend this week! Unlucky for me, its cause of jury duty D:

  16. I feel a little ignorant, but are there any mods allowed on the server? Like dynamic lighting or a minimap etc?

  17. Does this remind anyone else of the first day of Asulon?

  18. Why is it such a big deal to wait exactly 24 hours.

  19. This brings a tear to my eye everytime I see it. ;_; http://imgur.com/VrQNE

  20. I've done it. 42 forum rep. Forum rep doesn't matter, unless it's the answer to life the universe and everything.

  21. I see the change, I see the message, and no message coulda been any clearer, so i'm startin with the man in the, mirror.

  22. i hate guards........they dont know the difference between being a guard and getting a free VA.....

  23. Sorry about the forum lag guys, I think I just moved around 5000 topics... 3000 of which I deleted permanently :/

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