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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Trouvo

  1. Sorry about the forum lag guys, I think I just moved around 5000 topics... 3000 of which I deleted permanently :/

  2. Funny how every step we take, how every choice we make effects us forever.

  3. Ruined night because of metaing and powergaming guards who can't comprehend losing. Pisses me off.

  4. Someone who hates me is commenting on my GM app? Oh goodiee!

  5. Someone who hates me is commenting on my GM app? Oh goodiee!

  6. I applied for GM, please leave some feedback, constructive critiscism as to why I should or should not be a GM! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/50533-hyperions-game-moderator-application/page__p__385223__fromsearch__1#entry385223

  7. App team members can you move an app for me? ty...at work and chat has not come up yet XP

  8. Who is the new King of Salvus?

  9. Since I got my first VA accepted when my chances are supposedly really low, I kind of realized something. Villain Applications isn't as bad as it seems. All the VATs really wanted was realistic original characters with motivations, goals and quirks. Not Cardboard cut-out cliche'd villains/bandits/bad RPers. They don't want assassins running around in Ezio skins. All this time, I thought I just got lucky. All this time, I've been overobsessing with perfecting my VA and getting...

  10. The Druids Grove next to Salvus now has an army of ents guarding it. I shall acquire two halflings to befriend the ents and show them Salvus' corruption thus resulting in the ents breaking a dam that floods Salvus and begins the siege.

  11. A life without Dawn means eternal night.

  12. .-. Really feel like I'm losing my ability to roleplay. Sigh.

  13. Grr.. I don't have my Gold Donator benefits.

  14. Just joined in, but have no idea what to do, any advice?

  15. This is going on long enough. I have a question for everyone. What happened? What happened to that family we once were, all happy, all looking forward to RP with one another. What is with all this division amongst everyone in LOTC? People living, and splitting up as well? I just want everything to be back the way it was, everyone having fun together, and not having some sort of animosity or division anymore. It's been hard to come online, and to see that your closest friends aren't th...

  16. 'Nations are too spread out, we need to get rid of some to promote better RP!' 'This war is unfair and badly handled!' 'Where were the people saying this when Renatus was in the same situation?' 'omg i'm leavin dis is stoopid' People... can we PLEASE try and reach some agreements?

  17. Figures - first true war in Asulon is snuffed 'cause people don't wanna lose.

  18. Why not have some Powergaming Drink with your Meta Pizza?

  19. Hey, is it 24 hours from denial or from the post of the application?'Do not post more than one application in a time span of 24 hours' is a line from the etiquette but I've heard differently.

  20. Thinking of making a halfling...Thoughts? Who else plays?

  21. /blinkblink How do I get Minas lol? I know I can kill mobs, but I'm not seeing any. Where should I go from the starting off at the temple? x3


  23. I'm desperately in need of diversity in my roleplay. Debating between becoming a halfling or becoming a kitty. What do you think?

  24. Eh, just had a huge scare. I've always had bad teeth due to my Mum taking certain medicines when she was pregnant. When I was 7 I was told not to have lots of sugar lest before I'm 30 most of my teeth will be gone. I'm now 17, I have lots of sugary sweets, one of my adult teeth just fell out... Sucks man, gotta stop having all these lollies, chocolate etc and just eat the goodness [bad tasting food ;) ]

  25. This server seem too good for me, I am so nervous! SO NERVOUS *jumps off a bridge*

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