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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Trouvo

  1. We're ONLY number 19. Please take a few seconds to vote. I know you have some post to go to our something, but every vote counts. http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

  2. Anyone know of any good, Free, mmo's? What i'm looking for is something like WoW or Tera, only free?

  3. Anyone know of any good, Free, mmo's? What i'm looking for is something like WoW or Tera, only free?

  4. At school on lotc website :D

  5. i got banned, for bullying an npc, wow

  6. Any one know where I could find out perks for farming? Like 100 farming does....?

  7. Was the old Verge portal a gateway to a far-off land, or a new dimension completely, like the Nether?

  8. Yay! Accepted!..Now Only For me to be whitelisted O_O

  9. That moment when your download goes from 10kBP/s to 9mBP/S. Progression is delicious.

  10. My macbook got a trojan. So did my desktop. Damn Java >.>

  11. K so my mom said empty the diswasher and i said "K ill do it in a minute" And then she storms in here and just yells at me for being super rude. And then she says "You're blind to the way you speak" WTF? What does that even mean...

  12. Around the world at this moment, thousands, if not millions of joints, bongs, hookahs, blunts are being lit. Happy 4/20

  13. Did I ever mention I love you guys to pieces? *group hugs*

  14. offering free hugs

  15. offering free hugs

  16. My last day of school, and we had "nerds" as our dress-up theme. See show yourself for pics.

  17. Just had the worst RP of my life...

  18. HURR DURR IM A ORC I CAN KILL EVRYBODY CUZ IM 13 FEAT TALL... I hate orcs #orcsneedanerf

  19. Want to keep yourself? Secret hint: Many villains will let you not have to PVP die, and in fact keep many of your things, if you're a good RPer and are fair and fun about the whole scenario.

  20. RolePlaying as an Ordinator has lost all joy.... Sick of getting slaughtered the second I step outside into Salvus :/ :S MUST STAY LOCKED AWAY IN MY DUNGEON

  21. Almost 16 years old! Any advice on the driving tests?

  22. Hooray,there is finally a boat from Malinor to the Mainland :D And its free of charge :DDDD

  23. Is it possible to destroy a race IC ? like completely destroy a whole nation e.g. The Humans

    1. Trouvo


      Yes i love their architecture, but it is always a ghost town

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  24. Is it possible to destroy a race IC ? like completely destroy a whole nation e.g. The Humans

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