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leave me alone

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Status Updates posted by leave me alone

  1. somebody once told me

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      this world is gonna roll me-

  2. free my big boy bobby

  3. What is good shaders to use

  4. Heh nice quick reason to ban old rael. Without that quota thing you've got what, one reason that shouldn't matter and one reason that could've been discussed? I'm sorry but that isn't doing it for me.

    1. Naj


      He's not banned but suspended...

    2. Lynx



  5. another successful transition

  6. band this is aboos

  7. is there any lore on horses

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sir lusty

      sir lusty

      If you search "Horse" on the wiki, a few shows op, but proberly not what you are looking for

    3. Gunner


      holy **** its Sir Lusty the veteran white rose jesus christ

    4. sir lusty

      sir lusty

      Back from the dead! you also forget vet of small town1, salvus 1, small town 2, salvus 2, etc.

  8. a lot of loyalty for a hired gun

    1. Netphreak


      "Dark Knight Reference Detected." ~ GlaDOS

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