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Status Updates posted by Old-Rattlesnake

  1. Any other fans of Lucha Libre here on LoTC?

    1. marimbamonk
    2. Salamandra


      No hablo espanol?

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      I'm ashamed of both of you.

  2. Are there any High-Elf cities?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VonEbs


      There will be! hint hint nudge nudge

    3. Sporadic


      What Ebs said :P

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      Finally! I can be with my people at long last.

  3. So if you log in to LoTC and find two people standing right in front of you, looking in the opposite direction, and talking about the location of a secret diamond  stash somewhere far away, is it considered Metagaming to go and take the diamonds? 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Agreed. And I do see your side of it as well. This is why I don't broadcast my secrets. :P

    3. Thomas_River


      ive seen the "bandits" attacking your camp next time they're done for.

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      This was a hypothetical question, it didn't actually happen. At least not exactly as I wrote it. Thanks for the imput though, sharing opinions is the first step to progress.

  4. Woke up at 4am and started hearing voices. Then I realized that Teamspeak was still on.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lawrence Berell
    3. VonEbs


      I got up at 2:30 to study for exams /sadface

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      You poor, poor soul.

  5. Hearing quiet murmurs of discontent about the Undead's victory at Galahar.

  6. Noticed that the Ascended RP section hasn't had a single post since December twenty-sixth.

    1. Sirbubbley


      thats becuase nobody cares about them, only reaosn my second toon in ascended is cuase Okonwo gave me it to help fight, after the trials of coruse 8D

    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Who are the Ascended? :P

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      This is pathetic.

  7. From the ashes of this dying world a new one will be born, and it shall raise from the ashes with it's wings spread ten-fold as large and glorious as the one before. The great blazing wings of this Phoenix  will guide us through the dark and treacherous night into the golden dawn of a new era! Take heart, my brothers and sisters, the world may be dying; but we will live just as surely as the moon hangs in the night sky.

  8. So here's a LoTC thought experiment. A crazed Iblees worshipping dark elf has locked himself inside an orphanage cellar with a sample of the miasma large enough to poison Laurelin. The cellar door is impenetrable and the elf has taken all the orphans hostage inside with him. The only option to save Laurelin and kill the madman is to load the orphanage with TNT and destroy the orphanage, however, no one else knows about the threat and everyone outside will see YOU as the madman. Do you run...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dretus


      Kill everyone

    3. Rhisereld


      Lure him out with ale and gold. Whadda ya mean, dark elves don't like gold? Bah!

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
  9. I'm entirely unamused by all these GM cults.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Respiren


      Nativism is the one true path, give thanks and praises to the beard.

    3. Old-Rattlesnake
    4. Guest


      As Arch-Beardshop of Nativeism. I approve of Respirens message.

  10. Question. Is anyone using the Elder Futhark system of runes? I was intending to use them in 2.0 but thought it best to ask first.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Well I can get virtually drunk at least. That's good.

    3. VonEbs


      I would wait, completely using something else may not be the best idea

      at this time

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      Alright, thanks.

  11. Just wrote a d*mn good bard song about the origins of Kramoroe in geometry class.

  12. Went from my 40th save to my 240th save on Skyrim. So, yeah, that's where i've been. It's also 3am on a school night and I cant sleep, so thats great.

  13. Added a final post to my thread in the Screenshots section. Check it out if you don't have anything better to do.

  14. All I got from the Respiren vs. Bad conduct thread was a Phoenix Wright image which I now intend to use whenever the time is right.

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      On a side note I hear rumors about the GMs being ***holes all the time. Never actually experienced it myself though; besides a bit of negligence.

  15. School dismissed at 12pm. SCORE.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    3. Old-Rattlesnake



    4. Salamandra


      I'm still stuck in school for 2 more hours >.<

  16. Wondering why we have a halloween prop of a severed, bloody foot in our bathroom. MLIA.

  17. Usually people get drunk on new years, however, seeing as how i'm underage and do not have access to such things; I will try my best to get drunk using tea. Cheers.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Oh, my pardons miss.

      *adjusts monocle

    3. Lucas


      Indubitably my good fellow! Let's all sit back and munch on good English crumpets I say! what what! (It's funny cause I was born in England o_o)

    4. Kendra


      Oh, these ruddy pentacles don't fit my eyes. Someone go make a spot of tea and a batch of fish 'n chips

  18. Turned out exactly as I expected. Going to have a cup of tea now.

    1. Dante


      What was the resolution?

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      It's in the Ban Reports section, you probably know what I'm talking about.

    3. Dante


      I liked the way it turned out. I tried my best not to pick sides so I'm glad the higher ups came to an understanding.

  19. Never liked the Mages guild myself. Probably because all of their members become evil. Now the DRUIDS, on the other hand, come from all walks of life and operate a little bit more subtly. I like how they get the job done.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Salamandra


      I'm neither of those things >_> Plus Deltaro's stilll in the guild.

    3. Dante


      My characters wife gave birth today. I brought the baby to be inspected by the Druids. It started off alright then one of them dropped him into the water. I am not saying is bad RP but the Druids act VERY silly at times because it's just thway things are. (I am a former Druid so trust me I know)

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      I don't know a thing about Deltaro. But considering you brought our camp alchemist back from the dead you ARE a necromancer. Even if you don't consider yourself one.

  20. So here's a little fact about me: I have a fruit intolerance. Not a very bad case mind you, just a couple of hours of extreme stomach pain at worst. The real problem is the fact that my garbage can is full of orange juice boxes now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brokencrowe


      -pats your head- There, there.

      It will all be over soon... <3.

      -bashes you over the head with a wooden staff-

      DEFEND YOURSELF!!! <3. (Gotta Love in Jokes.)

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      /roll 20

      Delaselva The Seer rolled a 20/20

      *rips your face off

    4. Brokencrowe


      Why you no on teams speak? </3

  21. I think I'll just rejoin when the server updates to 2.0 so I don't have to deal with the FUGLY WINTER UPDATE.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      You don't live there.

    3. Brokencrowe


      You could at least get on Team speak, every now and again. ._.

    4. Brokencrowe


      Plus I need to talk to you :P.

  22. Turn your face away, from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light~

  23. After receiving the album from "The Phantom Of the Opera" I have come to the conclusion that our new town should have secret passages running to every structure. Oh, and I will wear a white mask and sing to people.

    1. KarmaDelta


      You mean serenade?

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Ahem, "Serenade" to people.

  24. In case no one has noticed I'm taking a LoTC vacation for a bit. I'm still attemping to create lore and ideas for the town in 2.0, so nobody panic. I still love you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lirinya


      I noticed you were not on much :]

      Hope you have a good time <3

      Miss you lots

    3. Salamandra


      I've noticed, from my creeping on the Nawari camp xD

    4. Toryk Embane

      Toryk Embane

      Wait what did I do?

  25. Our camp looks like a pile of vomit thanks to this "winter" update. Uploading screenshots soon.

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