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Everything posted by Sporadic

  1. Good guide once you get past the comic sans. I would recommend doing a section dedicated to center of mass, because it is vital in understanding how to handle the different kinds of weapons (spear, sword, axe, warhammer), their strengths and their weaknesses. It also addresses the balance issue best.
  2. A beautiful take on a classical treasure of the Mali'aheral. It is only because I make it a stringent habit not to post +1 replies that I am going to break the pattern.
  3. I like it; all the requirements for composing a word in Elven from the right stems have been observed. Oh and I would go with -sair over -saean as well, yes. _'suliian'sair if you want to be very rigorous about it being multiple eyes.
  4. Hmm yes I did use to give update logs, though I didn't know people actually got use out of them. However, if they are deemed useful I'll do them again from now on. Case and point, in the spoiler you can find the words added in this batch.
  5. They would be 'karin'ayla llir'ilame van'ayla llir'ilame' etc.
  6. Adjusted calendar dates are coming at the next iteration, along with words for 'long' and 'empty'.
  7. I like thinking ahead. This must most certainly happen.
  8. ((Glad you found it helpful. Indeed the resources are as scattered as I am, but every now and then I feel the need to pick up the yarn and realign the stepping stones towards Elven adeptry. ame nae evareh. Your reply will be a penny in my personal pro-threadnecro jar))
  9. An elusive traveler has pinned a similar plaque on a well-traveled Leumaelin alleyway. ((thinking of adding a weekly sentence to it for everyone's education))
  10. Well this is gonna be cute of me but the lack of these words, and by extension an overall lack of gender-denominating Elven words is not a coincidence. The correct word for sibling is in fact 'llir', 'friend', owing to a suggested 'communal family' sense of the Elven race. You will see lore-intensive Elven characters often denote their fellow Elves as brothers or cousins (cousins usually reserved for a subrace different from the speaker). The justification for this one big happy family is rooted in the earliest iterations of LotC lore, where it was stated that Elven children, being so precious, are as much a communal responsibility as they are a responsibility of their birth parents. You will see very little Elven orphans around. Child? 'Malii'. Again, the words are there, just not always where you expect them. EDIT: Adding to that, 'cousin' and 'brother' are distinct mostly to the High Elves, who attach greater value to (sub)race. The values of the High Elves are however 'artificial', different from Malin's first descendants, thus the language does not stretch to accommodate them. cousin and brother are hence one in the same in Elven.
  11. vallumne! niut taliaman oemonn fiyemeyae. "Cry not. Two trees are reborn from one." Grammatically this is what I can readily come up with and I find it quite accurate. Botanically, I do not know the merit of this claim.
  12. Updated on January 13th. Added were, among other things: Two words for ruler, one negative (uthir) for one who rules by own decree, and the sohaer, who rules by teachings (supposedly of those who went before him) words for near and high (low and far can be made with -ne for now) 'this' and 'that', for cleaner sentences and useful prefixes words for 'upon' and 'like' (not the verb). find them in the 'extra words' section colors brown, pink and purple (purple being the elven color of art. Brown may be associated with growth. Green is coming soon.) Various useful other words and verbs
  13. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/19254-recovering-the-ancient-tongue-of-the-elves/&forcePrint=1&_k=367fd56e786da58f0254283710f46c41 go from there?
  14. Did you mean 'I hope the TREES do not become wandering souls', as your topic suggests, or did you truly mean that you bless the trees and, completely unrelated, also hope the person you are speaking with does not become a wandering soul?' For the first, it is: kae taliamean ahere avhiylun'ehya ito'neh haean'leh kento For the second: kae taliamean ahere avhiylun'ehya ito'neh nae'leh kento The literal translation is a bit dodgy due to the highly differing grammar between languages (i cheated a little), but it should confer the general message.
  15. The following plaque was pinned along a well-traveled Tahn'siol road karin'ayla - good day ker'ayla - good night van'ayla - farewell aylan nae osulier - Good to see you llir u'kathir? - Friend or Foe? sirame ito kae'leh, nae oroment, llir'Malinor - I am honored to meet you, friend of Malinor ayla nae osulier - Good to see you. thilln ito nae'leh - Are you pure? ((often asked of new High Elves. the adequate response would be 'thilln ito kae'leh')) heya kae ern'omediere? - How can I help? heya nae uhiera? - What do you seek? kaean ito lin'Mali narnae kento? - Shall we travel to the home of the Elves? k' nae chul'ofihe? - Are you hungry? ((lit: must I feed you?)) fihn ern'oradonte? - Can I request food? kae adil'ociwe - Do you want to sleep? heya tilrue kento, kae'leh Laurir - How will I serve, my Prince? ahern ito nae'leh - Thank you ahernan - thanks ((lit: blessings!)) kae'leh sil ito nae - My blade is yours ame nae evareh - may the forest preserve you maehr'sae hiylun'ehya - progress and health Velulaei y nae ilumeh - May the moon shine upon you leyuan! - Splendid! sulian! - Brilliant! lluman! - Woe! ullran! - Damn it! ay'elame! - For the Forest! ay'Larihei! - For Larihei! Malin'leh iheiuhii - Malin's Breath! averir ito nae'leh - I am lost ullral iyl'fin narneyae - It is dangerous here. ((lit: Monsters roam this region)) nae il'kae narna kento - Shall you travel with me? kae taliaman'Malinor medier'orehiera - Will you help me find the trees of Malinor? adil'okinare - Bring me to the Orcs. ((lit: I want to die)) larehan ito kae'leh - My mind is made up kae nae'leh lle salume - I sense your good intention ((expr: i trust you / I appreciate you)) nae uvul'thrur ito Bortu illera - You give gunpowder to a dwarf ((expr: you are asking for trouble)) iheiuhii narne narneyem'ehya - the wind travels and travels again ((expr: life goes on)) iheiuhii ito taliaman - The trees have breath ((expr: We are not alone)) Asul lente karinto - The sun will grow ((expr: Have Hope! / Cheer Up!)) hae'leh kalem'Valah yallre - She lives her human years ((expr: describe an elf <100 years of age, or one acting immature and rashly)) liewyn'Larihei eltaeleh walehe ohn vallein eltaliyna walehe - The smile of Larihei heals the mind like milk heals the body ((expr to reiterate hte importance of the High Elven philosophy)) kae cihi'thilln ayle - I like the Silver City averir iylmahnihto ernne'onarne - A wanderer may not travel within this wall ((Elven form of 'Keep Out!'.)) kaean'leh thilln chul'okarae - We must safeguard our purity
  16. Why indeed? Why not use Tolkien's language for elven and safe effort. By extent, why not use the entire lore for Elves Tolkien created? To be fair, anybody here will be hard-pressed to match the effort and sheer creative brilliance Tolkien put into his massive fantasy world and its richly varied inhabitants. Honestly, the best reason I can give you lies in the naming game. By creating our own language, we can retroactively give meaning to terms already present in LotC. for example, Malinor was the name of the elven kingdom at server birth, but Elven later gave this nation its meaning: "Elfland". This kind of freedom is most welcome in a fluent server where people are going to do as they wish and creative freedom is tantamount.
  17. Very glad you used it and I hope you found it useful! Lonely Forest would be ame'siol, by the way. The extra n after the word would make it 'loneliness'
  18. Old post, but averir'ker would be wanderer in darkness. Exactly.
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