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Everything posted by Sporadic

  1. Mass-dc server crashes should be fixed now. LMK. Also calm down people code monkeys have feelings :|

    1. Sporadic


      scratch that it'll be fixed within 5 minutes.

    2. Dreek


      u dnt hav feelins dun pretend

  2. Harbingers have a new spell to play with.. apologies to those who were WitherSkellied as I messed up trying to validate this fact #SetheriensLittleHelper

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      May one get told what this spell is? :3333?

    2. Sporadic


      I'm afraid you'll just have to go out and antagonize one

    3. Fredfort (jens6851)
  3. Everybody's auctions should be safe and collectible at your original Auctioneer.

  4. Craftbook should be fixed. Report any bugs you find in the 'Bugs and Feedback' section as always

  5. Don't think I don't see you lurking. :O what's up?

    1. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Haha, nothing much. Just trying to find a reason to get back to roleplaying during my free time. How's you?

    2. Sporadic


      Just Techin'. Stick around for all the custom-made plugins you won't find anywhere else :D

  6. Warps should be restored. If a Warp appears missing, please make a modreq. If all warps appear missing, pm me. Thanks :)

  7. Immortal? Check. Beard? Check. Forever looks like old man? Check. Judges those who are naughty? Check. From the evidence I am forced to conclude that Blundermore is, in fact, Santa Claus

  8. Immortal? Check. Beard? Check. Forever looks like old man? Check. Judges those who are naughty? Check.

  9. Auctioneers finally re-fixed. Remember to keep posting all bug reports to make this server the best it can be.

  10. Tiamat Poppy still OP. Shun the nonbelievers.

    1. Lym


      Poppy on one for all.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri


      sporads pls

    3. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Whats going on im throwing my money at the screen and nothing is happenng :(

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Stop making the rest of us look bad

  11. A second Auctioneer has settled into Abresi. Happy bidding, LotC!

    1. Sporadic


      Happy bidding after the server comes up, LotC

  12. The portal breakage of '13 caused the Donor's Den world to be accessible to all vips

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mish_



      It says Coal+ has it

    3. Sporadic


      It is the Donor's den 'world'. The area itself is accessible to all VIPs, but we are still thinking about features for it. Suggest away!

    4. domainoft


      You should make a Diamond+ Island too, that's really small...with a palm tree and a few monkeys. With a sign that says. "Go upgrade if you want the full banana"

  13. Hello, LotC. Arche here with a basic how-to guide. Perhaps you are on the dev server, or perhaps you are simply a building enthoushiast. With inHiB, it is now possible for you to build dungeons anywhere you like, and have players enjoy them over and over. Tricky puzzles, devious mazes, epic loot, it is all possible. Let's dive in. What is needed: Building skills A server to build on WorldEdit to export your dungeons to a .schematic file Building a Basic Dungeon: For this tutorial, I will be messing around with this very ingenious, very well-designed Cube dungeon. If van Gogh played minecraft, this would be what his masterpiece would look like. You have my permission to marvel at the design for a few hours, but then I would like to get into how we can make this work. It is no secret that every dungeon needs an entrance and exit. Sure, we COULD just make an inescapable pit of death and let players suffer there for all eternity, but the more gentlemanly thing to do is to create a quick entrance spot. I have added this to my digital Mona Lisa in the following way. As the more insightful of you can perhaps make out, this exit does not lead anywhere but a sharp turn and a dead end. Of course, the dungeons are created in a new world and spawn with nothing but vast, eternal void on every site for at least a mile. I traveled around in it, it is quite freaky. What we want to do is make the dungeon teleport the player back to the specified anchor point of the dungeon, which is located in any other world. To create an exit, place a sign that says @exit on the first line. This sign will teleport nearby players out. Oh that's beautiful. You can have as many of these signs as you want. Remember that the exit sign may have delays due to lag or runnable timers, which means it is never a good idea to place it on the edge of a hole to the void. We have the exit, now we need the entrance. The ENTRY point is mandatory. Each dungeon must have one and only one. It is created by using 'Block 95'. If you do not know what this is, do not worry too much about it and just tell me when you am needing an adult. However: the entry block must not be too close to an exit sign (or they are teleported straight back out for added NOPE effect) The entry block must also have a 3x3 area around it to be free. The entry block has a tendency to fade randomly, so always make sure its there the moment the dungeon is exported, or there will be consuquences. The entry block looks as follows: The last mandatory component is the End Chest. the End Chest will be filled with extra valuable loot and is a required component of a dungeon. Once the end chest is opened, the dungeon will go into its 'reset' state. It will be closed for a set period of time, only to be reopened with all the traps, mobs, and new loot. The End chest is an Ender chest (although it will be a regular chest when the dungeon is generated). It will be automatically filled ingame. Just make sure it exists! If you hide it somewhere, the dungeon will be open forever, which can be useful in some scenarios. And those are all the steps that are required to make dungeons. Hopefully, few enough steps that you could make it through. I am looking forward to see what devious dungeon masters will unleash themselves on us soon. Extra information: All redstone should be correctly transferred to the dungeon world. This should include signs that trigger Craftbook commands. ​Your dungeons will be randomly filled with loot from the loot table. All chests will get a bit of loot, and the end chest will have extra special loot. The GMs will be able to set these drop tables ingame, so do not worry about it while building. Bookshelves in dungeons dissappear when clicked, possibly dropping a book. Cauldrons filled with water act as replenishing sources of energy, giving players regeneration You can NOT use command blocks in dungeons at this time, as they are disabled on the server. Yell loud enough, however, and we will look into this. Players entering dungeons will be set to adventure mode, which means they cannot damage blocks. There is also additional checks to make sure no player ever breaks a block. Dungeons are normally created in HARD mode (unless we explicitly change this in the configuration). This means Mobs are pretty tough. Beware. You can spawn mobs by using mob spawners (which will be ported over), or dispensers with mob eggs. Players will not be able to open dispensers and take these mob eggs, so do not worry about this. Mobs can also be spawned by a sign that has @mob on the FIRST line, and the official tag of the mob (http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html) on the SECOND line. This mob will spawn once at dungeon generation. Mob spawners can spawn custom mobs, such as ones with armor, potion effects, and other such shennanigans. If you really need this for the dungeon, ask me, and I will try to set it up for you. And that is all I can think of for now. If any questions remain, do not hesitate to shoot me a PM, ask in Beta Tester chat, or find some other way to contact me. There are a few extra features for dungeon builders I have put in I did not yet tell you about.
  14. I seem to be unable to reach the server at all. Very odd. Not sure what caused it

    1. hex37



  15. The Hall of Heroes sure is lovely this time of day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sporadic


      The shifting sands of the Orc desert take many lives, but sometimes they give, hmm

    3. Sporadic


      Who was that weird hooded man I saw in Lenfarthing?

    4. Sporadic


      I could've sworn he was in Leumaelin to, I wonder if he went through the Witch Woods

  16. Sorry the server isn't up yet. I apparently do have permission to make it crash :| but starting it up again runs into a Permission Denied message

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sporadic


      All this because I wanted to have chairs back :(

    3. Dohvi


      But.. chairs were abused.. not worth it.

    4. Sporadic


      I shouldve added something to lessen that problem

  17. Antag Idea: bugs. Every bug in our plugins is actually an evil entity you must overcome, not a mistake on my part.

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Shhhh. Don't give away all our secrets.

    2. Demotheus


      It's all patriotic_fool's doing, I bet!

  18. Rank 26 on minestatus people. 1 more and we're front page! #vote.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bakerismaxamis
    3. Sporadic


      thank you for pointing out my grammatical ambiguities, Imperator.

    4. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Do not count days! Do not count miles! Count only the number of votes you have cast!

  19. [[i would so join but it isn't Asian themed enough :(]]
  20. I wonder if people figured out the power of moss yet.

    1. domainoft


      Perhaps...but I still can't get nut trees to grow, Even tried different zones, elevations....very large amount of open plains for them to have space, and a 2x2 square thinking maybe they are like acorns and very large.....none seem to grow. Also I don't know if it was lag related but we couldn't get bonemeal to work on any saplings.....Moss is awesome though, no problem there.

  21. I think I explained our reasoning on this a few pages (2-5) back.
  22. It makes very little sense to me to make a guide to Physics and then put a limit on the amount of Physics in the guide. Don't like it don't use it and all that. But the one thing you DONT want is people starting an OOC fuss on incorrect assumptions, thus in this case having a guide be as complete as possible helps a ton.
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